Just need to vent



  • shehag
    shehag Posts: 4 Member
    I've never worn the long shorts to work (I'm short/overweight and just don't feel like they look well on me) but some of my friends have, and were called down on it by HR. I agree that it's silly, shorts come in many styles, the longer shorts are often even paired with blazers! These aren't shorts that you wear to the beach, these are definitely just as appropriate as a skirt for the office, more business than casual actually-and if you wear stockings with them I'd make you go home for sure girl-that's as bad as socks and sandals in my opinion! : ) Our stuffy HR people also had a beef about capris-I haven't been shopping recently but for a while it was hard for me to even find full length work pants in the summer, what's the big deal about showing your ankles?? Now I work from home and wear my very casual PJ's or very very very casual shorts-so problem solved.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    would any of you women wear these dress shorts out to a fancy restaurant in place of a skirt?

    just curious...

    a girl in our office is wearing her work shorts today and imo it just looks awkward.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm not a fan of dress shorts at all...I think they belong on the golf course. But I don't think they're inappropriate for working in an office on a friday. Seriously, it's CASUAL FRIDAY...I know that means you still have to dress up somewhat, but just above the knee shorts are more appropriate than your boobs hanging out or your way to tight white pants lookin' all nasty.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    would any of you women wear these dress shorts out to a fancy restaurant in place of a skirt?

    just curious...

    a girl in our office is wearing her work shorts today and imo it just looks awkward.

    I would. Depending on how fancy the restaurant is. I wore them because although they are casual, they still look nice. I would also wear to them mass.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    But there are some dressy-looking shorts out there. They don't have to be casual. Weird.

    i agree. you can totally dress shorts up if you have the right pair. i'm sorry you were embarrassed about it. it's not cool :(
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member



    Totally classy for a Friday esp. ^^

    Yes I would wear shorts with heels out to dinner at a nice restaurant provided they were pressed dress shorts and I had foxy legs to go with them ;-)