

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hey Ladies, how are you this morning? I went golfing yesterday, 18 holes, burned according to MFP 800 calories in 4 hours, that's with a cart, can you imagine if you walked it, OH MY....
    Today is bridge, but before I go to play bridge, gotta take a bike ride and take Zoey (the dog) over to get groomed... we do our pet therapy visits on Tuesdays and she needs a bath..
    Tomorrow we are going to a grandson's baseball game, and then playing canasta in the evening, rain is forecast...
    Wise choices to make for dinner both nights...
    Have a great day, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of the JUNE BD people.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, today is our gym day and there is a little voice inside me that is saying yahoo..where is this coming from? I am not one who has ever loved or actually even liked to exercise and usually have done it because my husband loves to and I go along with him....I hope this is the start of something BIG!
    When I told a very good girlfriend that I wanted to paint my toenails dark purple, she said she was too old to wear purple polish on her toenails...she is several years younger than I am, I think she was trying to give me a hint...LOL, but I bought a beautiful OPI purple called Purple with a Purpose, I love it and cannot wait for my next pedi....I don't care I love it, I'm wearing it, it's only nail polish and it makes me happy!..:laugh: .xoSissy:heart:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon everyone

    Just got back from a morning of lawn bowling, just having lunch and then off to do grocery shopping.

    Tomorrow I'm doing a lace demonstration all day and have to leave early in the morning to collect someone on the way.

    The recipe for the salad dressing is as follows:

    I use a mini-chopper which is about 1 cup size. I find if you make too much at once, it isn't as nice.

    Fill the mini-chopper with fresh basil leaves (keep them loose)
    Chop (the leaves will be chopped a bit, but not mushed down)
    Add 1-2 teaspoons of soft brown sugar
    Chop (now the leaves will be chopped finer)
    Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
    Chop (now leaves look nicely chopped)
    Add about half cup (under rather than over) of red wine vinegar
    Add about half cup (again under rather than over) of olive oil
    Chop again until it is really well mixed

    If you store it in the fridge, the olive oil sets so you need to take it out early when you want to use it.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Birdie - what a bit of excitement in your neighbourhood! You never know the minute!

    Sissy - Purple with a Purpose sounds fab! - I'm wearing So Laque Bleu Mysterieux - a gorgeous deep Midnight Blue - I don't believe
    we're ever too old to have fun! As a side effect, it also covers my bruised toenails when I've been walking downhill without tying my shoe-laces properly! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Mimi - Seasick Steve's new cd is more 'refined' - I think he has a professional musician (at least one) now but not sure that I didn't prefer the old brush pole with 3 strings!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I got some more veggies in today, some of your roasted asparagus (spears this time not so tender as tips) and green beans, with a small piece of roast chicken breast.

    I didn't make it round the park 2x but did knock 8 minutes of the time of my original 3.4 mile walk that I logged here!! It made me feel great, energised, determined to do more. I have decided that I will try to build up to 4 miles an hour.

    I'm off to watch TV now that I didn't find time to catch during the week! Have a great day/night all you Gals! :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Thanks for the recipe! Sounds yummy.

    I got up and took Suzie Q (my frisky poodle) for a walk before she went to the groomer today, and just got back from the swimming pool, so exercise for the day is done. Now I need to start on my chores! Later -
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A very quick check in! It's beautiful in Rhode Island!:happy: My sister is getting married tonight and we are all celebrating tomorrow with a big cookout! Lots to do!:noway:

    Congratulations to all those who lost weight and all those who have been working their program! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newcomers!:flowerforyou: Track, track, track.....drink (water:laugh: ), drink, drink and One day at a time! The choices you make the moment you are in......are the only choices that will make a difference!

    God Bless!!!!

    BirdieM:drinker: :heart:
  • healthysr
    healthysr Posts: 5
    My goals for June are to consistently log my food intake and exercise. I also want to pull my bike out of storage and start riding evening and weekends. Hope to loose 3-5 lbs this month.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :glasses: It's been a very hot day here today, we nearly melted on our afternoon dog walk (we wished we'd left it until later when it was cooler)

    I managed to mow the lawn at lunchtime, I was a bit worried it might be too hot, but there was a nice breeze which helped. I really could do to plant some flowers or something at the front, but never seem to have the time. :frown:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newcomers, glad to have you with us.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie hope everything has quietened down now in your neighbourhood, it's quite scary to think of things like that happening right next door!

    :flowerforyou: Only a short one from me, I'm going to watch the results of Britains got talent. Two people will go through from tonight into tomorrow's semi final then the final wil be on Sunday.

    Take care
    Viv xx
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hello! Gorgeous here in Oregon. Finally the sun has arrived, suppose to be over 80 deg. this weekend. It's so nice to be warm! I worked in my gardens today and still pounding, removing tile on the countertop. I have to run to town and the gym but thought I'd say a quick HI to you all and wish you a wonderful weekend. I'm going to stay on track because I want to be down this Monday weigh in!!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Dee - it is such a sad thing when one's child dies before her parents. My sympathy to everyone. What an unselfish thing to donate organs. My best friend's niece died this week from a blood clot. Just dropped dead. She was only 30. How sad.

    We have to remember to try to enjoy every day because you never know what tomorrow may bring.

    On a happier note - I did lose the 4 pounds when I got weighed at Curves today - but even better - I lost 6 inches.
    So I am over being disappointed . In April I lost nothing (not that I kept off - I keep losing 3 pounds each week to gain it back on the weekend). I am celebrating right now by wearing a pair of jeans I couldn't zip up for 2 years!!!

    Everyone have an excellent weekend.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Birthday Deborah!:flowerforyou:
    Dee,sorry for your loss.
    everyone have a great week-end.
    had a thyroid ultrasound today,please say some prayers if you would that all is ok.
  • jeqrosen
    jeqrosen Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, all. I have visited this thread a few times and have found it very informative and you all seem like such wonderful people. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    I joined MFP almost a year ago and was very successful throughout the summer at losing about a pound a week. Then the holidays came and while I tried to be careful I did put some of the pounds back on. So I started again watching what I ate and exercising but just could not lose. Then I saw the 17 Day Diet on the Doctors and thought maybe that would jump start my plateau and it did, although I did not lose as much as some people on Cycle 1 (7 lbs.). I think that's because I am down to the last 15 pounds I want to lose. I did lose another pound on C2 and have lost another so far on C3 (day 11). I tell you this because I want Natalie to know I understand everything you are going through.

    I have not gotten caught up on reading everything but do want to say HAPPY JUNE BIRTHDAYS to those celebrating!

    My goals for June are to continue trying to shed these last 6 pounds, get to the Y more to exercise and to keep in touch with you-all. I hope I have something to offer!

    Janet (Feb. 7)
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Oh my, smwert, that's so sad about your friend's niece, and really, worse yet. It's horrible when you lose someone, but incomprehendible when you're blindsided by sudden unexpected death. I hope your friend is able to handle it.

    Someone asked about Bandit.....he's doing great. :smile: We go to the vet week after next to get bloodwork done.

    No TV for me tonight. It's so beautiful out (no humidity) that I'm staying on the patio until dark. Then I'm going to bed because I'm :yawn: !

    Nightie night!

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Popping in to say hello! I am looking forward to the summer months. I love the summer fruits and veggies. Plus, the sunshine is energizing.

    I have a great Cathe rotation I'm starting on June 6th. This month I'm focusing on exercise to change my body and changing my relationship with food to reduce my weight.

    I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hi, all. I have visited this thread a few times and have found it very informative and you all seem like such wonderful people. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    I joined MFP almost a year ago and was very successful throughout the summer at losing about a pound a week. Then the holidays came and while I tried to be careful I did put some of the pounds back on. So I started again watching what I ate and exercising but just could not lose. Then I saw the 17 Day Diet on the Doctors and thought maybe that would jump start my plateau and it did, although I did not lose as much as some people on Cycle 1 (7 lbs.). I think that's because I am down to the last 15 pounds I want to lose. I did lose another pound on C2 and have lost another so far on C3 (day 11). I tell you this because I want Natalie to know I understand everything you are going through.

    I have not gotten caught up on reading everything but do want to say HAPPY JUNE BIRTHDAYS to those celebrating!

    My goals for June are to continue trying to shed these last 6 pounds, get to the Y more to exercise and to keep in touch with you-all. I hope I have something to offer!

    Janet (Feb. 7)

    Janet, good for you, at least you lost something on C2, I have lost a total of 10 pounds since March 7, 2010, and it is going to take me antoher 6 months to lose another 10, but so be it, I got nothing but time and frustration... I am on ROUND 2, c1, d4, and doing ok, haven't lost anything yet... hope maybe it will show tomorrow???
    Have a good evening everyone, We are going to watch a movie, Casino Jack, rented from Netflix.
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Deborah - happy birthday! I'm glad your hubby feeling better, I just know he had the best of care

    Rose - OUCH!!!! I closed the car door on my leg today, it really wasn't bad at all, and that hurt, so I can imagine how a crowbar feels

    Did an hour on the Stairmaster today, sometimes walking sideways (hopefully, I'm getting inner and outer thigh more), then went to CVS to pick up a prescription, came home, went to a food store only to find out that my coupons had expired :(, played mahjongg (I maj'd once!), then Vince and I bowled 5 games. Shhhh....I beat him 2 or 3 times. My scores weren't high at all, out of the 5 games I broke 100 four times. Now I'm home thinking about dinner. I know I'm going to give Vince spaghetti and I'll have some shirataki noodles. I really like them. I really wish MFP would give you a breakdown of carbs/protein/fat in a pie chart. Tomorrow - yoga

    you know, when I go to pot lucks, I try to bring something that I'll eat. Unfortunately, it's usually filled with veges and not a lot of fat, so many times it doesn't go over. Oh well, then I get to bring it home. I remember last Dec. the Newcomers had their holiday party. I took a veggie and rice casserole. Do you know that I had that not only with dinner but also for my dessert? If I should bring something that is high fat, high calorie etc and I need to take some home, what I do is donate the rest to the local soup kitchen. Better on their waists than mine!

    Joy - when you say that you are sugar free, does that mean that you use sugar replacements? I'm definitely going to check out the Tofutti better than cream cheese. Thanks

    Welcome Gale! Wow, a runner. That's great! Welcome Cindy and anyone else I may have missed. Cindy - where are you going on vacation? How long will you be gone?

    Dee - it's just so frustrating when the washer stops while there is lots of water in it. Fortunately, you can probably hang the clothes outside. At least this didn't happen in December, think of it that way. I wish all the food here at MFP was in one list and we had more control over it, we could delete things that we may have only eaten once and will never again. Also, that when you click on a food there's a dropdown menu asking you which meal you want to put that food into, breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. As it is now, what I do is click on "snacks" and then add all my food for the day, then I have to go back and change things that should be in lunch or dinner. Sometimes it just stays in "snacks", but at least the calories, etc are there.

    Vicki - happy birthday. When I go to Olive Garden, I usually get the chicken spindini. It's on the lunch menu but they'll make it at dinner time. I usually don't get the potatoes but more veggies.

    Teresa - you're right. I tried to delete foods, and the only page where you can delete them is on the "most used" page, not the "recent". However, as you add new foods, foods that you haven't had recently get automatically deleted. Sometimes I find this can be a pain because I'll have something, maybe put it away, and then have it a while later. Only by then it's been deleted from my "recent" list and I have to go back to the database to figure out which one I had (like salmon cakes)

    Sissy - I love purple. Wear the nailpolish and to heck with anyone else!

    Birdie - have fun at the wedding!

    smwert - Wow! 6"! FANTASTIC!!!! And those jeans -- you're on your way, that's for sure!

    Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful evening

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Alice – An audit – ugh! Been there, done that and do NOT want the t-shirt.:grumble: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Your farm sounds wonderful. It's not an easy life that's for sure but it certainly is a rewarding one. I thoroughly enjoyed my childhood on a small central Michigan farm. I do my best to recreate the feeling with my flowers and veggie beds. It's not the same but the best i can do.

    Kathy (Pmjsmom) – Thanks for the idea about dealing with vacation food. I will see if the chef in the group will go for a skinny meal challenge, at least some of the time.:tongue:

    Deborah – Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Mimi – Your descriptions of the fun you have with Izzy make me want a dog again.

    I have always had big dogs, except for a cocker spaniel as a child. I think I may well get a little guy next time, if I can find one that isn't too talkative. What I really really want is a 20 pound newfoundland. How's that for impossible! :noway:

    We do have shares in a dog, so to speak. Our son has to go out of town for work occasionally and his dog and guinea pig come to stay with us. I wish the DGS could come too but he is staying with his other grandma because he has a summer job that keeps him in his town about ½ hour away. How did he go from 3rd grade to a junior in high school so darn quickly? :huh:

    Dee – So sad to hear about Katy. It's wonderful that you can focus on the good memories and the lives she has improved and extended by the donation.

    Smwert – 4 pounds and 6 inches!?! Wow that's great!:bigsmile:

    I have been running all day and finally got set down to eat and log my food. I haven't slept well or long the last couple nights but I'm feeling lucky tonight. I'm going to go get in my jammies and give it a try.

    Faye :yawn:
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Evening all.....been a long day...just now completing my journal. Planning a surprise party for Sunday...so had lots to do. However, that made for a great exercise day! I have hurridly read the threads...love how you all keep up with each other. I truly look forward to getting to know you all. Happy Birthday tomorrow to Caminogirl and Shirley61....you share the same date as my daughter....good day to be born. Hope you each have a blessed and happy day! Will try to catch up tomorrow...nite all.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I am here in Cleveland visiting my best friend. Tomorrow we are going to the Josh Groban concert. He is fantastic!!!! I had to go shopping today for some dress pants....all the ones I have are all falling off. I am 4 pants sizes down....YIPEEEEE I also stopped at Victoria's Secret and I am 2 sizes away from shopping there. Progress is being made!!!