Under 5'5" Shorties UNITE!



  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    DANGIT~! I am exactly 5'5"
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Hi guys. Well im 5ft 2" and i havemanaged to lose 20llbs in a little over 3 mnths, i am now only 3llbs from my goal weight and the loss has slowed considerably, but i am not unhappy about it its just pushing me a little more!i have a slightyl different view and think that losing a small amount of weight when your short makes a big difference.

    Good luck everyone and well done
  • cicadagirl
    cicadagirl Posts: 51
    I love your post - totally agree with you. I'm 5'2" down about 13 lbs. Started at 164, and my goal is 135. Although recently I've been thinking I might change my goal to 125. But, like you, the main thing is that I am feeling better about myself. All my life it seems my self-esteem has been tied to the stupid scale. Like I had no control over it. Well, I say HAH! I do have control over it, and it's time to take control. I've been on this site for 65 days and although I haven't really dropped sizes per se, I feel fitter and lighter on my feet. Still got a ways to go...

    Feeling in control means feeling confident, and feeling confident means you glow! It's a lovely feeling. Good luck!
  • olive6683
    olive6683 Posts: 6
    Id love to join. I'm 5'2 and I find it super frustrating that as a shortie if you gain 5 lbs its totally noticable but if you lose 5 lbs its not that obvious!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Id love to join. I'm 5'2 and I find it super frustrating that as a shortie if you gain 5 lbs its totally noticable but if you lose 5 lbs its not that obvious!

    :mad: Totally agree with you on that one! I can't wait for the day when someone actually notices that I've lost weight. Hahaha.
  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 55 Member
    Wow! I am with you all. 4'10" here. No one understands how 125 is too much for anyone, but for me it is too much. I think it is harder to loose the last 15 -20 than any others. Also wondering how many calories I really need? I aim for 1200, work out almost an hour most days and burn up to 500 cals and try to stay under cals. most days and still struggling to loose 1 lb. I had lost 6, but last weekend did me in!!! up 3 yuck. I am also quite thick in the middle and big boobs too, most people think this is good, but if you have them....not so much! Trying to loose about 15 lbs, but so far really slow going. Glad to join the shorty group!
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Hi! Count me into this group...I'm 5'3" and 170, would like to be 135. A lot of people don't think I'm overweight because I have a lot of muscle and huge boobs. Sometimes I get comments like "but you're so little, where would you lose it?"

    they're obviously not looking hard enough. please friend me if you'd like! and as long as you're not a health NUT in the negative connotation of the word nut...haha :)

  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    DANGIT~! I am exactly 5'5"

    BAM! Honorary Shortie--As if magic (my husband says that a lot, lol.) Welcome to the group! *wink*
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 4 '10" and have plateaued at 119! Even with all my running, it wasn't coming off (could be the carb loading/beer drinking :drinker: that sometimes goes with running!!!). I'm working on eating better (recording what I eat) and strength building.
    So glad there is a place for us shorties!!! :love:
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Hello!!! Im 5'4" started at my highest at 178lbs. I have lost 40lbs which brought me to 138lbs. I was on vacation over memorial weekend and have gained 4lbs back. Im not sweating it since TOM is around the corner and I tend to gain around this time. If you would like to see before and after pics feel free to look at my pics in my profile!!
  • Now0rNever
    Now0rNever Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5 Feet EXACTLY!!! lol

    So far, since trying to lose weight, I've lost 25 pounds and counting! :)

    Here's my blog, and happy shedding!!!

  • tatkins002
    tatkins002 Posts: 3 Member
    5'2 and aiming to lose 50 pounds :)
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    5'2" and need to lose 60 total, 15 to go!!
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member

    Ahoy thaar fellow shorties! The resident short guy here.
    Although I can't really identify with a lot of your struggles regarding WHERE your body chooses to store fat, or problems with being too chesty/not chesty enough, or how to deal with some guy named TOM who keeps bothering you on a monthly basis, I CAN identify with the fact that just a few lbs affects us much more noticeably than our taller counterparts. :laugh:

    So if you'd like another vertically challenged member in your support group, by all means add me!

    Keep up the great work! :smile:
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    i'm 5'3"ISH. i always wished i could gain about 5 inches on my legs so i could look killer in a mini skirt or shorts.
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Ooh! Can I join? I'm 5"2 and weigh 187 pounds. I am wanting to lose 68 pounds. =) Like some of you said, a lot of people say, "Surely you can't weigh as much as you say you do," but I truly truly do!
  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    Just checkin' in on all my shorties out there! How are y'all doing? Hope that your summer is going great, full of activity and healthy choices! WOOHOO!
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    yo shorties! just giving a shout out! :D
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Ugh!!! Waiting to lose a pound to make it an even 10!!! Then want to lose 10 - 15 more. But this pound is eluding me! I've stepped up my workouts and have been eating well within my calorie goals. Hopefully tomorrow is the day!!!!
  • I'm 5' exact >.<....trying to lose my last 13 lbs here on MFP! Would love to join :), I need the inspiration to keep going since these last pounds are not budging D:
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