September 2015 Running Challenge



  • hayleymawr
    hayleymawr Posts: 27 Member
    1 mile today

    35 miles to go :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @7lenny7 - Running at 11PM, you are crazy!
    @patrikc333 - New shoes on Saturday - WhooHoo! You will have to post a picture! Also - love your puppy, he (she) is beautiful!
    @Jennifer8348683 - Beautiful sunrise! I love to see it too but that means I have to be up and out the door early enough :)
    @JoRocka - Nice job hanging in there for 3 miles even though it wasn't feeling great!
    @skippygirlsmom - You've got summer again this week and we have a hint of fall! So glad it is cooler at least for a few days, through the weekend I hope!
    @whatmerunning I'm laughing hysterically at your ticker!! Since I've moved down here I've turned into a MAJOR college football fan if my team isn't on I'll watch any team play. I've always been a big football fan but more of the NFL. Since I can rarely see my Giants down here, and I refuse to watch the Titans, I can sit all day on Saturday watching college games. High school too, I never went to single HS game when I was in HS but go all the time now Go figure!
    I love football too and college ball starts tonight!! My hometown team (Boise State) is playing tomorrow night against the team their coach moved to (UW). Should be a great, emotional game! I can't wait for the NFL to start next week too - I am a long time 49ers and Packers fan but I will watch pretty much any game... ok there are a few teams I don't bother with.
    @snha - I also started out running every other day and added in more days over time. Just take it slowly as @7lenny7 says. There is a great writeup about getting started running on the 1st page of this MFP discussion:
    @Stoshew71 - great picture. Surprised the Alabama folk allowed a Gator to be there though :)
    @baldielove13 - welcome back! Hope you are healing from that injury!
    @zekela - there is a 12 step (run) program for that... start with 'Hello my name is Zekela and I am a running addict!' :) we all feel your pain but we just don't run quite as much as you!
    @9voice9 - OMG, I can't believe they actually hit you! WTH! I am so glad you weren't more seriously injured! Take it easy until your body feels better!

    Got in a really nice 6 mile run this morning! It was around 68F, cloudy with a cool breeze, almost perfect! Met an Ornithologist on the trail and walked about 0.25 mile chatting with her about the birds along the river. I saw a Coopers hawk and a Peregrine falcon which started our conversation.

    09/01.....7.21.......7.21 + Strength Training
    09/02.....0.00.......7.21 - Much needed rest day
    09/03.....6.10.....13.31 + Strength Training

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @shanaber, I've always been a night owl. A Packers fan, eh? I'll try to look past that... ;)
    @9voice9, so glad to hear it wasn't any worse! Considering my evening runs I've been buying brighter, more reflective clothes, adjusting my routes to minimize traffic issues, and have been looking at lights and reflective vests but your story shows you still cannot be too careful.
    @Ohhim, nice job fitting your runs around your buddy's runs. I'm having to do the same thing with my son. At least with him I can do a short loop back to the house and continue running while he goes in.
    @Jennifer8348683, great photo!
    @skippygirlsmom, do you think I could get away with saying that I ran for two days?
    @Aresende90, we need to see more pictures of those beautiful dogs of your!
    @ddmom0811, I've gotten comments like that a few times when we've been traveling about the country. It doesn't matter where we go, one of the things I really love to do is strike up conversations with strangers as we travel. They find out I'm from MN and they say something about MN Nice.

    The heat index is 94F right now, but should drop down to 80 by the time I get out to run, though I may go earlier with football on tonight.

    I just committed to running a Thanksgiving 6 or 10K (depending on if my daughter joins me). My nieces asked me to join them and my daughter and I had already talked about doing it so now we'll all go together. There's a better than even chance I'll run my second half marathon 2 days after that.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Glad you wernt more seriously injured. Hope you can recover for your planned race
    I notice a fair few drivers these days who just dont pay attention when they drive
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hey, I made the Running Room magazine!

    Upper right photo, fourth from the left, the talk guy with a gray shirt.
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    @7lenny7 excellent. you're famous now :)
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited September 2015
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    @7lenny7 - that's so cool! Congrats!

    @9voice9 - glad it wasn't worse! I've gotten close to getting hit but thankfully it didn't happen. I've had some bicyclist friends who've been hit or run off the road :( Hope your shoulder feels better soon!

    Question for those of you who have done marathons. I started doing half-marathons about 8 years ago and have always had a full in the back of my mind but work/life would be such that I couldn't get long runs in to train for one. Now I'm looking at a marathon on April 3rd 2016. I'm slow - my half-marathon times are around 3 hours but the time cut off for this marathon is 9 hours so I have plenty of time. And I should have time now to train for it as work has been less intense. When would you recommend starting to train specifically? Now seems a bit early. 3 months ahead of the race? More/less?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Hey, I made the Running Room magazine!

    Upper right photo, fourth from the left, the talk guy with a gray shirt.

    Can I have your autograph? :smile:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited September 2015
    9/1: Rest
    9/2: 7 miles
    9/3: 8 miles am and 6 miles pm with the Thursday crew


  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited September 2015
    6km Tonight. Started out as a nice evening - with Low Heavy Clouds. Then the Taps opened up and I was dumped on, Of course in keeping with Murphies Law I was just coming up on my Turn around point = as far from home as I could get on this run. Finished off looking like a Wet Rat.

    9/1 0 0 140km
    9/3 6km 6km 134km
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    MFP September 2015 running challenge:
    Today was an Epic day in my fitness journey. Started out by running .75 miles to the gym. Got in a good lifting workout followed by 18 min HIIT on the elliptical. Ran .25 mile of way home then got picked up by some hot chick who I flexed for and she stopped to give me a ride(for the record it was my wife :)

    This afternoon i ran 2 miles in town.Focusing on improving my "hard" pace. I improved to 9:30 mm.

    This evening I had first soccer practice for my 2 youngest sons and I got 2 more miles in running laps at my new improved "comfortable" pace of 11 mm.

    This gives me 5 miles of running for the day. I am really happy I met my time goals. I am striving to beat Current 5 mile PR this month. And I think picking up the pace on my short runs is gonna help me accomplish this.

    Goal: 48 miles
    >>>>>>>>> 38 to go <<<<<<<<<
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    snha wrote: »
    I am so happy I joined these challenges. This group is awesome and watching your amazing results (and the good spirit behind them) definitely pushes me forward.

    Newbie Question: I see many of you run daily and sometimes even twice in a day. I always thought I should alternate by running one day and resting the next. Do I (does the body) need a rest day after each day of running? From the patterns here, it seems many of you take one day of rest a week, but not every other day. Any words of wisdom?

    I'm late on the uptake with this question, but I'll answer anyway! :)

    You could give 2 days in a row a try and see how you feel. You never know until you try! I think a person can definitely run 4 days a week if you don't suddenly up your mileage. For a long time, I've run 5-6 days a week, but now that I'm running so many more miles, I find it easier to do 6 runs in 5 days, doubling up on Thursdays, so I can also get an extra day of rest in while keeping my mileage relatively high. You just have to work up to it so it's not a total shock to your legs/body! There's no way I could have run this often (or these distances!) even 6 months ago.
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    Back in action after being lazy the last couple of days. There is just something about this time of year-the days getting shorter, the subtle weather changes, that just makes me so tired. Must be some weird circadian rhythm thing.

    So I will aim for 40 more miles this month. I have lots of traveling that may entail loss of my evenings. I may have to try a couple of morning runs to keep up.

    A few days ago it looked like fall was here as the temps went down, but the last few days summer came back with a vengeance. It's been hot and humid! I think I heard it's supposed to be 90 tomorrow. I can feel it when I take the dog on her morning walk, that it's going to be a rough one. So tonight I was all prepared to wuss out and run on the treadmill. Something stupid in me said, nahhh, why not try outside and see how it goes.

    Well except for a minor toe cramp (in honor of football season starting, can I call it turf toe??), I have to say that was the best outside run ever! I guess the rest days paid off, and it feels nice after last weeks run (even with rest) felt so sluggish and painful. First off, I got my longest outside run in by a good distance. It had been 3.5 miles, but lately I'd regressed a bit and was stuck on 3.25 for some reason. Tonight I got in 4miles. My average pace was not much slower than those 3 milers, and I was trying to keep myself slow purposely, anyway, to keep the humidity from killing me and cutting the run short. So far, on the treadmill my longest run has been 4.75 miles, so it's nice to see some advance on the outside run. I'd skipped the treadmill a lot to try and help with endurance, and glad to see it might be paying off. I'll try and get in a couple more 3 milers before the week ends, and hope I can have a nice repeat of tonight's run sometime next week.

    9/3 4.0miles 4.0miles total Sept.

    Glad to hear how everyone else is doing.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member


    Wow! So many feet out there pounding out the miles. No snakes tonight. Just deer... And armadillos.
  • endlessenigma
    endlessenigma Posts: 44 Member
    Today I made the mistake to not hit the road immediately and I almost didn't make it out. Good thing that I had this community to remind me of my commitment and I pryed myself away from 'Naked and Afraid XL' and got in 2.26 miles :smiley:

    9/1 - 2.06 miles (walk)
    9/2 - 2.76 miles (run/walk)
    9/3 - 2.26 miles (walk/run)

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited September 2015
    @ACSL3 most of the training plans I've used have been between 18 and 22 weeks in duration, so roughly 4 months. Still, if you've been doing a fair bit of mileage already, you can probably just find a good starter plan, see what "week" you'd be at going into it, and just pick it up at that point closer to the race.

    I was suckered into an extra run this evening with another neighbor, but at a slower pace. Still, for racking up the miles in the Florida summer heat, doing 2 shorter runs/day is a much more manageable way to go.

    9/1 - 5 easy miles
    9/2 - 6 miles total (1.5 run + 4.5 run)
    9/3 - 11 miles total (1.5 run + 4 run + 5.5 run)

    Total: 22 miles
    Goal: 150 miles, 5 speedwork sessions
    Remaining: 128 miles, 5 speedwork sessions
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited September 2015
    Wow! This place is full of excitement today. We have fall weather, summer weather, running addicts, football addicts, beautiful sunrises, night owls, birds of prey, great looking dogs, dogs chasing runners around in circles, wet rats, new shoes, rides in cars with hot chicks, run ins with cars and hospital visits (thankfully no injuries), distance PR's, extra miles at the end of the month, and a full on celebrity in our midst now gracing the pages of magazines!

    I got nuthin! I have no idea how I'm supposed to keep up with this kind of crowd.:smile:

    Well, I did get my mid week long run in. Albeit late at night. But I got it in. Rest day tomorrow and then a long run on Saturday. Not sure why I laid things out like that...but that's what's in the schedule!

    9/1 - 6 mile steady run (6 total)
    9/2 - 4 mile easy run (10 total)
    9/3 - 8.5 mile long run (18.5 total)

    Goal 166 miles


  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    9/1 Strength training and elliptical
    9/2 6.5 miles (6 at 11:29 and .5 at 15:00) on the treadmill
    9/3 4.5 miles at 11:59 on the treadmill--this was another cinmatic adventure. I was watching "I am Legend", and when I first started, I was the only person in the cinema while Will Smith is out in the abandoned but menacing streets of New York. I was so grateful when someone else came in...until a zombie unexpectedly slammed into a car window and I squeaked and jumped right in the air...on the treadmill. My feet were going in the air with nothing under them! The person next to me was having difficulty controlling his laughter. <blush>

    Goal: 75 miles


  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member


    6.3 miles this morning