Sober September



  • Louz163
    Louz163 Posts: 243 Member
    Im in, decided i wasnt going to drink in september & being part of a group is going to be great :)
  • Brooke1076
    Brooke1076 Posts: 51 Member
    @Zephalia you can stay!!! It's only one night! We have 29 or 30 more days in this month :smile: I messed up a lot in No Alcohol August! But I kept on trucking along.
  • leanlicorice
    leanlicorice Posts: 84 Member
    Brooke1076 wrote: »
    @Zephalia you can stay!!! It's only one night! We have 29 or 30 more days in this month :smile: I messed up a lot in No Alcohol August! But I kept on trucking along.

    Here here!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,348 Member
    Made it! Another af day!!!
  • Brooke1076
    Brooke1076 Posts: 51 Member
    Made it for Sept 2nd!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited September 2015
    jesha00 wrote: »
    I've been thinking to myself that I could have a couple of glasses of wine tonight since I haven't had a drink since Sunday. Man...this month is going to be tough :( Does sparkling water have calories? At night I have been having my crystal light without the vodka -- it serves the purpose. But sparkling water sounds like a good alternative.

    The hardest day for me was day 4, a Friday night. Just one glass of wine, what's the big deal....? I finally grabbed a container of homemade cookies (thanks to my adult son), and had 3. And then went and watched TV. After about 15 min., feeling stuffed on cookies, the craving was gone. I haven't had a craving like that in over a week now. So, don't have the glass of wine. Getting through the cravings gets easier and becomes a habit. But it really is one day at a time. I know I'll have more cravings, because I keep thinking moderation is in reach. But each time I go back to drinking in moderation, it isn't quite the moderation I was hoping for. This time I'm planning to stop once and for all. And you can really see those alcohol calories just deposit themselves in the midline, and in the face.

    Sparkling water has 0 calories. I only drink one bottle a night at dinner, to make it like a treat. They have good flavors and I use the kind with fake sweetener. I've never been a big one for sweet drinks, but for now, this is what I'm doing to change my behavior.

  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    A good non-alcoholic drink which tastes grown-up is soda water or slimline tonic with a dash of lime cordial and a few drops, to taste, of angostura bitters. A few calories in the lime cordial but minimal compared to alcohol! For those in UK, Tescos do flavoured sparkling and still waters. The lemon and lime one is great. Moving my grandchildren on to them instead of squash and carton drinks, to take lots of sugar out of their daily intake.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,348 Member
    I like deer Park sparkling water Mandarin orange flavor
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Louz163 wrote: »
    Im in, decided i wasnt going to drink in september & being part of a group is going to be great :)

    Being part of a group is helpful. It's good to feel that you're not alone in this battle. Today is Day 34 alcohol free for me. Each and every day I have logged on here to show my commitment and reading the posts really gives me the support I need to know I'm doing the right thing. Sparkling Water seems to be the drink of choice here, it certainly has helped me. See you tomorrow, day 35, until them, stay sober.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Has anyone here heard of "don't break the chain"? You pick a goal, get a calendar, a big fat green pen and a big fat red pen. Each day you work towards your goal the calendar gets a big green X. Soon your green X's start piling up. When you are demotivated, take a look at your chain and ask yourself, do I really want to break that chain with a big red X? It's enough motivation, for some, stick to the goal.

    I found that tip on Scoobys workshop and I'm giving it a try for this challenge.
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Has anyone here heard of "don't break the chain"? You pick a goal, get a calendar, a big fat green pen and a big fat red pen. Each day you work towards your goal the calendar gets a big green X. Soon your green X's start piling up. When you are demotivated, take a look at your chain and ask yourself, do I really want to break that chain with a big red X? It's enough motivation, for some, stick to the goal.

    I found that tip on Scoobys workshop and I'm giving it a try for this challenge.

    It's very true. That's a method used in child psychology to promote good behavior. I surely wouldn't want to see the red X. I do something similar, no missed days yet!!!
  • turboscrub
    turboscrub Posts: 32 Member
    I would be so down for this, but the Great American Beer Fest is this month and it's the only time of year I get to try all sorts of crazy, rare stuff. Maybe next time, for Sober October! (Octsober?)
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,348 Member
    Having another af evening! My skin hasn't looked this good in a long time and my eczema is gone for the first time in ages!
  • amoebamama
    amoebamama Posts: 5 Member
    God is good. I was praying I could do just what you guys are doing, but now I'm not alone!
    This is day 2 with no special beverages, lol
    I am also attempting to cut back my cigarette vice.....
    I must get healthy, I've gained 30 in one year.
    I have hip and back issues along with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.....
    Baby steps.... I'm proud of myself thus far, it's not a lot, but I am now making conscious decisions.
    I will love me!
    Thank you
    Btw this is my first time doing anything like this and I'm not computer savvy, but I will try and participate .
  • Brooke1076
    Brooke1076 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm on day 5 of my streak. Having a grumpy, irritable night. Pretty much every thing is irritating me. Ughhh. Just gonna chug some diet soda and watch TV
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    Darn, I already blew it. I've had something to drink every day this month :tongue:
  • jenniferassell
    jenniferassell Posts: 3 Member
    Been sober since august 12th but it has been struggle so greatful that others have hard time also!!!!
  • Brooke1076
    Brooke1076 Posts: 51 Member
    @OneHundredToLose you can still join!!
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    amoebamama wrote: »
    God is good. I was praying I could do just what you guys are doing, but now I'm not alone!
    This is day 2 with no special beverages, lol
    I am also attempting to cut back my cigarette vice.....
    I must get healthy, I've gained 30 in one year.
    I have hip and back issues along with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.....
    Baby steps.... I'm proud of myself thus far, it's not a lot, but I am now making conscious decisions.
    I will love me!
    Thank you
    Btw this is my first time doing anything like this and I'm not computer savvy, but I will try and participate .

    So glad you found us! To make it easier to find, click on the star at the top right of this thread, it will bookmark the page. Whenever you go into "Community" you will see the star, click it and you will find posts that will bring you here.

    Today is Day 35 for me! Still alcohol free and loving being in control. I wake up feeling refreshed, not groggy and just yucky feeling. I use to think that was just normal. Nice to know it isn't :)
  • j0deck
    j0deck Posts: 2 Member
    I want to belong to this group as well. I need the support.