Funny thoughts that cross your mind during exercise...



  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Today I was riding up this massive hill that has defeated me for a while, and I didn't want it to today. So as I was huffing and puffing, I was saying to myself "You can do this. You're fat but it won't beat you. You can do this. You're fat but it won't beat you." When I got to the top (it didn't beat me!!) I was glowing in my triumph, when this lady came up behind me and congratulated me on my motivational speaking, as it got her up the hill too. I didn't realise I was saying it out loud what with the iPod on and being on a busy road!
  • KarenLouise1981
    OMG brilliant post!! All of the above plus
    -*sniff* god I stink I hope nobody else can smell me
    - I think my legs are going to give way
    -I hope my heart isn't going to burst!
    -i need to fart so bad
    -he's cute...lets just make this go a bit faster...uh-oh!!
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member

    Somebody please quit first so i dont look so bad in this class

    gawsh why are my nipples showing through my sports bra

    ugh this deodorant stopped working a long time ago hope the guy on the treadmill next to me isnt offended

    (during circuit training) why the hell is the 60 second break seem shorter than the 60 second workout interval stupid instructor

    am i the only broad in here sweating like a hooker in church

    I agree with 1 and # 4
    MINE: If anyone else tells me my face is really red, I'm going to hurt them. I have rosacea, yeah it's red before I work out.
    If my arms twitch any more holding this weight, people will think I'm having a seizure.
    God, why did give all the sweat to me
    Will my knee buckle more than my jeans?
    Please give us a water break, it's hotter than the Sahara
    When the instructor whoops and talks about it feeling good: Shut the hell up, it will feel good in about an hour. Right now it feels like being tortured in Gitmo and don't expect me to like it.
  • cdenham001
    cdenham001 Posts: 83
    I absolutely love all of these. It's a good laugh, the bad thing is that it's soooooo true. LOL.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    1. I really should have did the stationary bike instead of the treadmill that way I'm already sitting when my legs give out..

    2. You want me to sit on a mat on the floor? Do you realize how hard its gonna be to get my fat *kitten* back up?

    3. Daaaamn that old lady is flexible, she must have a hella happy husband at home..

    4. I wonder if this excercise ball is gonna pop if I sit on it...

    5. Wow I can't wait to get a shower, I can smell myself...

    6. Screw you skinny bithches, I still look good.. just not right now..
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I'll have to come back to this one later :laugh:
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Today I was riding up this massive hill that has defeated me for a while, and I didn't want it to today. So as I was huffing and puffing, I was saying to myself "You can do this. You're fat but it won't beat you. You can do this. You're fat but it won't beat you." When I got to the top (it didn't beat me!!) I was glowing in my triumph, when this lady came up behind me and congratulated me on my motivational speaking, as it got her up the hill too. I didn't realise I was saying it out loud what with the iPod on and being on a busy road!
    bahahaha that was sooo funny
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    Well it depends what kind of work out I am doing so I will just tell you about the gym workouts…

    1. Damn, I really wish my breasts would not do that when I am lifting weights..really quite embarrassing
    2. Man why the hell can’t I spot reduce.
    3. On the elliptical…are you f#*!king kidding me!! Why or why am I doing this HIIT…My *kitten* hurts. Also I hear this guy in my head yelling at me to have proper form…he is really quite a tyrant.
    4. What time is it…ok ___ min before I have to leave to pick up my babies
    5. I smile all the time because I am kickin serious *kitten* even when sweet is pouring down and I want to puke
    6. *kitten* I am going to have to eat these calories back and it is 8 pm and I haven’t had dinner yet.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    This is great!

    My thoughts are generally;

    1) Why am I doing this?
    2) I can do it, no I can't this is stupid, I can do it, no I can't...... etc
    3) Why is that person even bothering.... cycling that slow they may as well be in front of the TV
    4) Yes I'm awesome, check me out (my cheeky one now that I'm at my goal ;-)
    5) I hate this one Jillian!
    6) What's for dinner?
    7) Why do the kids always need their butt wiping while I'm doing the DVD??
    8) Focus, focus, settle down, focus

    Regarding # 3, No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping the person sitting on the couch. I think we forget what it's like to be a beginner when we're farther into our healthy lifestyle.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    This is great!

    My thoughts are generally;

    1) Why am I doing this?
    2) I can do it, no I can't this is stupid, I can do it, no I can't...... etc
    3) Why is that person even bothering.... cycling that slow they may as well be in front of the TV
    4) Yes I'm awesome, check me out (my cheeky one now that I'm at my goal ;-)
    5) I hate this one Jillian!
    6) What's for dinner?
    7) Why do the kids always need their butt wiping while I'm doing the DVD??
    8) Focus, focus, settle down, focus

    Regarding # 3, No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping the person sitting on the couch. I think we forget what it's like to be a beginner when we're farther into our healthy lifestyle. OOOOPPPPSSSSS sorry for the double post.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
  • 2nyce
    2nyce Posts: 37
    I wish this workout hand a timer I could see

    I want to go for another pull-up but don't want to look salty if I can't make it

    How does Cindy Whitmarsh talk so much during these workout

    Why cant I just wake up and be chiseled like the guy in spider-man

    Hope I don't make a mistake as soon as the instructor is uses me as an example

    Is grunting that loud really necessary
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    i'll post later :)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    1) Hrmmm did I forget to take the gasx? Why do I have to fart?

    2) Stop judging me for going slow and texting on the elliptical. I can do that since I am on level 20 and heart rate is still over 150.

    3) Do I need to invest in a Oliva Newton John headband? This sweat in my contacts is getting old.

    4) (while watching the MMA do pull up which is right infront of the stair climber) This so makes it worth it.

    5) Why did they have to put the mirrors behind the stairclimber? Is everyone looking at my *kitten*?

    6) Can they please give me a yoga pose so I can see the clock?
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    1. Damn Wedgie!
    2.UGH gotta wash my hair when I get home, soaked in sweat again!
    3.F&^%ing glasses stay on my F%^$cking face!
    4.And the jelly legs begin!
    5.Why cant these F&^*ing ppl at the gym read the signs posted about wiping down the machines after use????!!!
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    Yes i do feel the burn
    No i do not "just love it"
  • AmandaHammill
    AmandaHammill Posts: 125 Member
    I love all of these so far.
    Mine: don't look at the clock, don't look at the clock, don't look at the clock, you know if you look at the clock you'll only have been working out for 10 minutes!
    My husband however doesn't think of funny things ... he's actually written a whole screenplay in his head while running for a sequel to the Predator series of movies...(and i mean from beginning to end)..he's not a writer, but man, it would make an excellent come the only thing i produce when i work out is sweat?!?
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Why are you watching my treadmill? Are we in a competition?

    I always do this! Makes me feel good if I'm going longer/faster and if I'm not I'm like UGH show off haha. I thought I was being subtle though :embarassed:
  • AmandaHammill
    AmandaHammill Posts: 125 Member
    HA HA Love it.

    1. Must put a load of washing on when I finish with this, DVD.
    2. Mental note to buy more fresh fruit and vege. Damm this healthy living, creates more shopping.
    3. Why doesn't this studio have a clock so I know how much longer this Zumba class goes for.
    4. Thank god we are up to cool down. Oh no that wasn't a quiet thought I said it out loud.
    Having just come back from my Zumba class I can so relate to #3 and #4! (except we have a clock and I try and stay forward in the class so i can't see it).
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    This is what I needed this morning....

    During Bootcamp
    - I can't believe I pay someone to treat me this badly
    -Damn it's hot
    -You want me to do what?
    -Are you f@*# Serious
    -Jesus hates me

    During Insanity
    -This muga sucka is crazy
    -Why the hell are they smiling
    -I need a better sports bra
    -Damn the people in the video are falling out too so I don't feel so bad
    -This *kitten* is nuts
    -Jesus hates me...