Krispy Kreme donuts are only 200cals?!



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    robspot wrote: »

    I'll see your "American" donuts and raise you a butterscotch pecan yum yum!!!

    Oh man...

    I grew up on these


    I guess there are similar ones in the US but they still don't taste as good to me... although I admit I love Boston Cream donuts.
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    I haven't had one before! They only open shop in my state this year! Perth peeps are in love with them! Before they open this year the nearest one was a 6 hour plane ride away!
    I am hoping not to taste one, just in case I want to eat them all
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    robspot wrote: »

    I'll see your "American" donuts and raise you a butterscotch pecan yum yum!!!

    Now THAT would totally be worth the calories
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    During my trip to Hawaii this February we had malasadas during a century ride. Presumably more than 200 calories, but worth it. I usually don't like filled donuts, but for some reason these were an exception.


    What were they filled with? They look tasty!
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I remember when KK arrived in Phoenix (when I lived there), so much buzz. And of course the hype around it ended up in me being disappointed once I finally had one. Tasted like straight up butter. Like if Cotton Candy wasn't spun sugar but was spun butter. Some weird nothing-substance that melted on my tongue and tasted like butter. I haven't had another one since.

    The same thing happened to me in Southern California. The hype before they opened was incredible - great marketing team they have there. There were actually traffic jams and long lines to get a donut. I bought into the hype - much the way I bought into the hype for "Frampton Comes Alive"* - and was just as disappointed as you were.

    *You must have been born prior to 1960 or so to understand this.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    There are a variety of options -- custard, coconut custard, fruit filling, or chocolate.
  • Aloraphynia11
    Aloraphynia11 Posts: 1 Member
    Why did i look at this post. Sooo want donuts now. And its only my 3rd day. Look so good from Nz
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    robspot wrote: »

    I'll see your "American" donuts and raise you a butterscotch pecan yum yum!!!

    I guess English people can cook good food.
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    Well now I need o learn how to make donuts and find a way to make them less calories but still tasty. Challenge accepted!
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ok. So not a lot can beat a fresh, still warm, plain KK donut. It melts in your mouth and is just:


    I'll give you the rest of them being meh.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Wow...those donuts you pict...I just cant..I'm can't evening right now
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    katiegud wrote: »
    Oh please - I've given up 500 of my 1200 for wine before, if someone wants to give up a couple hundred for a donut that's their business. :)

    Haha, yeah, I read that one and thought about the day I just had Hershey Kisses for dinner.

    Hershey Kisses for dinner? I bet that was awesome! I commonly eat pancakes for dinner - this past Sunday I blew 1,030 calories on Bob Evan's Cinnamon Supreme Hotcakes (and my goal for maintenance is 1,600). Worth every single calorie.
  • Mdoe20132
    Mdoe20132 Posts: 12 Member
    I wish I could eat one donut - I want six. Love Krispy Kreme but Shoppers makes the best donuts I've had. Fun to fantasize about donuts ... It's easy for me to avoid eat eating a donut because I know one isn't enough.
  • shannon4000
    shannon4000 Posts: 8 Member
    my ears went up like a puppy dogs when i saw this lol.
  • momoharuno
    momoharuno Posts: 141 Member
    I love doughnuts lol especially those fresh off the conveyor belt hot ones from a KK store, they are hands down my favorite! I'm also southern so apparently according to this thread I'm predisposed to KK? ;) My SIL loves them more than I do lol someone drove their car through the wall of the nearest KK to her causing them to close down temporarily and she freaked out lol *this really happened unfortunately lol*
  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    My problem is... I don't want one donut, I want 16. That's why I can't have any right now. One day I'll trust myself to just be satisfied with a solo piece of heaven.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited September 2015
    I don't like donuts, but I know exactly how you feel. The other day we made homemade shawarma sandwiches. My usual bought shawarma sandwich is about 700 calories, so I pre-logged that. When I counted the actual sandwich we made it turned out to be 420 calories, mayo and all. I was so happy. It's like wearing an old jacket and finding a 20 in your pocket.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I don't like donuts, but I know exactly how you feel. The other day we made homemade shawarma sandwiches. My usual bought shawarma sandwich is about 700 calories, so I pre-logged that. When I counted the actual sandwich we made it turned out to be 420 calories, mayo and all. I was so happy. It's like wearing an old jacket and finding a 20 in your pocket.

  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    We have a Krispy Kreme not too far from me and you can go down there and watch them making the donuts, then get one hot off the press. Lovely. :love:

    Although... we're getting a new place even closer to me called Duck Donuts. I've never heard of it but apparently it's a place from the Outer Banks that's been expanding. And apparently the donuts are VERY good, according to everyone who's raving and can't wait till this place opens. I do plan to try one. Must do a taste test. In the interests of science, you know. :wink:
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    LaceyBirds wrote: »
    200 calories? Plain old fashioned Dunkin Donuts donuts are 370. So, I doubt it.

    Dunkin donuts aare cake donuts and much more dense. KK are yeast donuts and much lighter in volume and density.

    DD also tastes like crap but hey we all got our opinions LOLOLOL

    Nay, nay I say!!! DD Boston Cream Donuts make my taste buds so very happy, I try to have one once a week or two. 310 calories and 16 sugars are totally worth it and actually fill me up.

    But those Yum Yums could very possibly unseat BCDs if I could find them. :D

    Ohmygodyes. I'd throat-punch a kitten for a fresh DDBC. No regrets.