Gaining muscle mass/without spilling over in bodyfat %?

Little background story - recently started going to the gym CONSISTENTLY I say this because I have been going for 2 years .. But only working out maybe 3 days one week , take 3 weeks off ect. Never gone for a month straight.

Now diet wise I've been eating roughly 3400 calories a day. 370-400 carbs, 70-85 grams of fat, 250-270 grams of protein. I'm 24 yr old male 5'10 186lbs. Never been fat in my life always was petite ,. I have a noticeably pudgier face/ lower stomach appears a bit pudgy as well, which I had expected a bit with the caloric surplus. I don't like the fat and I don't want it to get too out of control but I'm not to the point where I want to start cutting because I haven't put on the muscle I want yet. If that makes sense.

My routine looks like this
Go to the gym early in the morning fasted.
Day off
Day off
Day off
Day off
Day off

Usually have a protein shake after work out and a grape juice/5g creatine. 40min -1 hour later eat a meal.

So anyways sorry for the super long post, my overall question is should I continue down the path I am and see if I see results or is there any advice on gaining lean mass while keeping body fat at bay. Thanks,


  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    gains_123 wrote: »
    Little background story - recently started going to the gym CONSISTENTLY I say this because I have been going for 2 years .. But only working out maybe 3 days one week , take 3 weeks off ect. Never gone for a month straight.

    Now diet wise I've been eating roughly 3400 calories a day. 370-400 carbs, 70-85 grams of fat, 250-270 grams of protein. I'm 24 yr old male 5'10 186lbs. Never been fat in my life always was petite ,. I have a noticeably pudgier face/ lower stomach appears a bit pudgy as well, which I had expected a bit with the caloric surplus. I don't like the fat and I don't want it to get too out of control but I'm not to the point where I want to start cutting because I haven't put on the muscle I want yet. If that makes sense.

    My routine looks like this
    Go to the gym early in the morning fasted.
    Day off
    Day off
    Day off
    Day off
    Day off

    Usually have a protein shake after work out and a grape juice/5g creatine. 40min -1 hour later eat a meal.

    So anyways sorry for the super long post, my overall question is should I continue down the path I am and see if I see results or is there any advice on gaining lean mass while keeping body fat at bay. Thanks,

    Do you know what your body fat % is at the moment? Its hard enough to keep fat at bay while you are bulking but if you are bulking slowly, you should gain the same amount of muscle and fat at the same time.
  • RedWolf09
    RedWolf09 Posts: 90 Member
    My advice is if you'll be taking that many days off, then work out more muscle groups per day and/or do cardio on days you don't lift.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    RedWolf09 wrote: »
    My advice is if you'll be taking that many days off, then work out more muscle groups per day and/or do cardio on days you don't lift.

    Agree.. if the OP is only working out 3 days a week, it would be probably best spent doing full body workouts.

    Also, regarding the fat... if you want to add fat, it's inevitable to gain fat, regardless of your preference. You will have to cycle between bulks/cuts a few times to achieve the results you want. And unfortunately, this is one of those psychological aspects (being ok with adding fat) that has to be dealt with during a bulk.
  • gains_123
    gains_123 Posts: 14 Member
    Think i should switch and do
    Day off
    Day off
    Day off

    Relatively noob so I appreciate thoughts and opinions on a good split. I train in high volume and up the weights on my lifts each week. Thanks!

    Ps. If I made a rough guess I'd say my bf is hanging around 20%
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    gains_123 wrote: »
    Think i should switch and do
    Day off
    Day off
    Day off

    Relatively noob so I appreciate thoughts and opinions on a good split. I train in high volume and up the weights on my lifts each week. Thanks!

    Ps. If I made a rough guess I'd say my bf is hanging around 20%

    If you're a noob to lifting then don't bother with such a split... it's inefficient for a noob. PMS takes 48 hours (I think?), leaving out major muscle groups like that is a waste.

    PHUL or ICF 5x5 could be pretty good for you.
  • gains_123
    gains_123 Posts: 14 Member
    Going to test out PHUL. Thanks for suggestions!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    demo_man wrote: »
    I would try to only get so fat as to barely being able to see top set of abs. Maybe 13% bf at most. Muscle gain is slow, like 5lbs per year after the initial year of training. Gaining 20lbs would just be fat and when you cut back down you will loose fat and muscle. Stay within striking distance of that makes any sense.

  • gains_123
    gains_123 Posts: 14 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    I would try to only get so fat as to barely being able to see top set of abs. Maybe 13% bf at most. Muscle gain is slow, like 5lbs per year after the initial year of training. Gaining 20lbs would just be fat and when you cut back down you will loose fat and muscle. Stay within striking distance of that makes any sense.


    ^ my thoughts exactly haha.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    demo_man wrote: »
    gains_123 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    I would try to only get so fat as to barely being able to see top set of abs. Maybe 13% bf at most. Muscle gain is slow, like 5lbs per year after the initial year of training. Gaining 20lbs would just be fat and when you cut back down you will loose fat and muscle. Stay within striking distance of that makes any sense.


    ^ my thoughts exactly haha.

    How much muscle do you think you can pack on in a year naturally without Gear?

    Are we talking about a new lifter, or an experienced lifter?
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    demo_man wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    gains_123 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    I would try to only get so fat as to barely being able to see top set of abs. Maybe 13% bf at most. Muscle gain is slow, like 5lbs per year after the initial year of training. Gaining 20lbs would just be fat and when you cut back down you will loose fat and muscle. Stay within striking distance of that makes any sense.


    ^ my thoughts exactly haha.

    How much muscle do you think you can pack on in a year naturally without Gear?

    Are we talking about a new lifter, or an experienced lifter?

    1-2 years of solid lifting.

    I'm gonna go ahead and guess....

    5lb of muscle in a year??
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    demo_man wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    gains_123 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    I would try to only get so fat as to barely being able to see top set of abs. Maybe 13% bf at most. Muscle gain is slow, like 5lbs per year after the initial year of training. Gaining 20lbs would just be fat and when you cut back down you will loose fat and muscle. Stay within striking distance of that makes any sense.


    ^ my thoughts exactly haha.

    How much muscle do you think you can pack on in a year naturally without Gear?

    Are we talking about a new lifter, or an experienced lifter?

    1-2 years of solid lifting.

    I'm gonna go ahead and guess....

    5lb of muscle in a year??

    Lol, I thought you had an opinion on the subject. I thought you were going to say 5-10lbs or something.

    nah I just came here because im browsin'
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    demo_man wrote: »
    Hardly an expert at anything fitness related.

    So you're going to judge someone's knowledge off of their avatar? Lmao, clearly haven't been around MFP for long.

    @ndj1979 is actually pretty damn knowledgeable. I don't know what his avatar or body has to do with that?

    Mark Rippetoe isn't in "great shape" by the looks of it, but damn, his advice is pretty good? No?

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited September 2015
    demo_man wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    Hardly an expert at anything fitness related.

    So you're going to judge someone's knowledge off of their avatar? Lmao, clearly haven't been around MFP for long.

    @ndj1979 is actually pretty damn knowledgeable. I don't know what his avatar or body has to do with that?

    Mark Rippetoe isn't in "great shape" by the looks of it, but damn, his advice is pretty good? No?

    How could you pass out advise that you have not lived.

    Stop being a fool.

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited September 2015
    demo_man wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    demo_man wrote: »
    Hardly an expert at anything fitness related.

    So you're going to judge someone's knowledge off of their avatar? Lmao, clearly haven't been around MFP for long.

    @ndj1979 is actually pretty damn knowledgeable. I don't know what his avatar or body has to do with that?

    Mark Rippetoe isn't in "great shape" by the looks of it, but damn, his advice is pretty good? No?

    How could you pass out advise that you have not lived.

    I'll tell you some advise that it seems... you have not lived, applied, or even be told.

    Stop being a fool.

    Makes no sense.

    I'll just correct that for ya

    EDIT: corrected.

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    demo_man wrote: »

    The point is why would you listen to a guy that has never been lean and has no muscle mass advise you on lean bulking.

    Fitness is full of smoke and mirrors. It's hard enough getting decent advise.
    demo_man wrote: »
    I would try to only get so fat as to barely being able to see top set of abs. Maybe 13% bf at most. Muscle gain is slow, like 5lbs per year after the initial year of training. Gaining 20lbs would just be fat and when you cut back down you will loose fat and muscle. Stay within striking distance of that makes any sense.

    This is what you call decent advice?

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    demo_man wrote: »

    The point is why would you listen to a guy that has never been lean and has no muscle mass advise you on lean bulking.

    Fitness is full of smoke and mirrors. It's hard enough getting decent advise.

    Not really a relevant argument to be totally honest..... Would you take advice from Mark Rippetoe without knowing his background? Doesn't have a very impressive physique now days, but is still highly knowledgeable... same can be said for many other seasoned coaches. Lyle McDonald doesn't have an incredible physique, but he is highly knowledgeable as well and is recommended as a top resource in the industry.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    OP post pics
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    demo_man wrote: »
    The guy is 20%bf at 5'10" 186. His lean mass is in the 140's. He has no muscle mass. How is bulking going to help. To be aesthetic which is what it seems like he wants. He will be better off cutting down to 10-12%bf and then doing mini bulks. It will take years to put on a solid say 20lbs of muscle if even possible for this guy. Sound to me like he doesn't have bodybuilder genetics but he can still look good and that is not by getting fatter.

    Pretty big assumption considering he mentioned that he has never been consistent or serious about lifting in the past. I would bet he hasn't even exhausted newb gains.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    demo_man wrote: »
    The guy is 20%bf at 5'10" 186. His lean mass is in the 140's. He has no muscle mass. How is bulking going to help. To be aesthetic which is what it seems like he wants. He will be better off cutting down to 10-12%bf and then doing mini bulks. It will take years to put on a solid say 20lbs of muscle if even possible for this guy. Sound to me like he doesn't have bodybuilder genetics but he can still look good and that is not by getting fatter.

    You missed an important point, that he hasn't actually dedicated time to building mass (an admission he makes in the beginning of his post). Someone who has been lifting for a week or two then taking several weeks off is still capable of noob type gains. You're right that bulking at 20% is a bad idea.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    demo_man wrote: »

    The point is why would you listen to a guy that has never been lean and has no muscle mass advise you on lean bulking.

    Fitness is full of smoke and mirrors. It's hard enough getting decent advise.

    There are plenty of people who have no knowledge of nutrtion or science but are fairly ripped.. know why, they can follow a designed plan.