Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • bwoohaha
    bwoohaha Posts: 4 Member
    Saw a picture of myself. I normally avoid having one taken but this was unavoidable. Realised I'd had enough so wanted to do something about it.
  • pastorspeedy
    pastorspeedy Posts: 17 Member
    The first time was to challenge myself to get in better shape before my Daughter (sweet pea and second child) was born. She is four now and I have let my self go a bit too much, Honestly I got tired of trying and wanted to enjoy food. live to eat so to say rather eat to live. Shortly after 3rd child (jelly bean) was born I almost had a heart attack. It was then I realized I needed to make a change. I am still very young and I want to be around for my three kids (lion, sweet pea and jelly bean) and my wife for many more years. That's my motivation but I can still use encouragement.
  • buffalobill41
    buffalobill41 Posts: 72 Member
    i went crazy
  • zmcgrandles
    zmcgrandles Posts: 78 Member
    I've been big since my teens but the aha moment came when I was taking part in a 5km "run" where I could only run about a minute and could see my friends wanting to run the rest and my body just couldn't do it, now on here and lost 11 of 76 lbs and into week 3 of c25k.
  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    I've been over weight during my 20s and don't want to be this way in my 30s. I'm 32 so I need to hurry up!! I'm 180 and my weight goal is to be atleast 140 before the summer of 2016
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    Seeing a picture of myself. "The camera adds 10 lbs." Damn, how many cameras am I wearing?!?
  • YasiChiX2
    YasiChiX2 Posts: 9 Member
    To become the best me inside and out :) Exercising and eating healthy not only makes you look great but you feel great inside about yourself and to know that I've accomplished something this positive will honestly give me hope for my future :D
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I was suffering too much with 'fat-man knee' running around the tennis court.
  • hugheseva
    hugheseva Posts: 227 Member
    How did I end up in the obese category at 5 2.5" and at 168.5lbs? I was never overweight until I reached 45. That was the year I stopped dancing (jazz.) Since I was proportionally built when the weight started to creep on, people didn't notice that I was overweight. Also in the past years I yo-yo'ed 15-20 lbs up and down. My blood pressure didn't move from 110/70. So I was kind of blind about my weight gain because there were no dramatic signs of the weight gain. But then came last year. One day I stopped weighing myself, which I did on- and off for years. Fear stopped me. I didn't want to see the gain. Then I got down to wearing my last stretchy pair of jeans. I literally didn't find anything in my closet to wear. Then I noticed that I have difficulty going up a flight of stairs or my knee hurt getting up from a chair. Then I noticed that I got tired when walking around a mall after 20 minutes. Then suddenly a light bulb turned on one day and got really scared that I am shortening my life span. Enough, I said. Changed my diet cold turkey. (My downfall was dairy products and bread.) Going back to the gym and doing something every single day: at least cardio or some classes and lifting weights. I needed to lose 48.5lbs and I am almost half way down. This is my priority in life right now. Never again. I am not willing to purposely kill myself for a few good bites of food.
  • kristiglore1984
    I went from 110 lbs to 185lb in 3 years I hated myself so I would eat and eat and eat. I used to suffer from a eating disorder got some help with that ,but I'm sick of being fat and want to be healthy and feel good about my self it's gotta happen .
  • skbensin
    skbensin Posts: 6 Member
    One of my friends has always been heavier than me. I met up with him after not seeing him for a few months. He lost a significant amount of weight and now I was the biggest. I started that very night.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    For me, it wasn't so much a decision to lose weight as various motivators for me to NOT let it get out of hand to the point where drastic measures would be necessary:

    1) Family history of heart disease & high blood pressure.
    2) A job that not only involved a "maximum allowable waist size" but that is easier to perform with less excess weight.
    3) A surprise visit by the "cancer fairy" where I needed immediate medical intervention and I realized that being as fit as I was is probably what kept me alive long enough to reach medical treatment.
    4) Tying in with #3: Hearing people being told by the doctors that "we can't do that procedure until you lose some weight" because, if I ever again find myself in a position where having surgery ASAP is necessary, I don't want my weight preventing me from getting treatment.

    Add in a mild obsession with strength and fitness that came after cancer, surgeries, chemo, and the associated lack of activity had me needing to take a break after just walking 150 meters down the street, and the whole spectrum of weight control, activity levels, fitness, etc., became a priority in my life.
  • Eldow1977
    Eldow1977 Posts: 48 Member
    My husband had a triple heart bypass at the age of 47, when they checked his heart he had two arteries fully blocked and 1 partial and they said it had been like that for a good while as the arteries had already started trying to make new veins to maintain the supply to his heart. I sat there and thought.... I've got 8 stone more than you and two kids under 14.
  • phillytoast
    phillytoast Posts: 42 Member
    My partner thought I had thrown a shirt away but it was my underwear. Hilarious I know.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    Hated how I looked in pictures.. Finally decided that I needed to get back in smaller pants and then my girlfriend was so much more fit than I was and I wanted to look better for her.
  • jamieszone
    jamieszone Posts: 11 Member
    When I realized I couldn't make myself leave the house anymore because of the constant sniggering of other people. I used to have anxiety attacks and I was a prisoner in my own home. I am still on my journey after losing 60lbs but feeling so much better now and have changed my whole life :smiley:
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    edited September 2015
    Didn't like myself in pictures , have a daughter that wants to do lots of "Adrenaline junkie" kind of things with me (rollercoasters, rock climbing, tandem sky dives) and I can't. Feeling like i am 90 years old when I am only 42... and wanted to look better in clothes and look better for my loves
  • marcopasco39
    marcopasco39 Posts: 19 Member
    I went surfing this last weekend and bought myself a wetsuit. I did not look as cool as I thought i would in it. Aand here i am, started yesterday.
  • preyaticintent
    preyaticintent Posts: 46 Member
    My ah-ha moment for me, as a male, was when I realized I needed a mirror to see certain parts of my body. :disappointed:
    JENIPENNY123 Posts: 13 Member
    I realized in the Spring that I wouldn't be able to pass my annual physical training test with the military. This was a huge wake up call for me, and I've been scrutinizing my food and fitness ever since. I was able to pass by the way -- but barely. When it rolls around again in May, I will be prepared to pass it with flying colors :)