Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Congrats Steph! That is wonderful news!

    I am so annoyed with my Parenting- Early Years subscription. I signed up for 2 years for $12. I ended up getting April's issue in May and May's issue in June, both of which had coupons in them that I would liked to have used but where already expired when I got them. Annoying! I ended up looking up my subscription info online and they are counting those two issues towards the 24 I paid for! OH H@LL NO! I sent them a curt e-mail expressing my unhappiness with their service. Hopefully it gets fixed and my June issue gets here... I don't know... in June maybe? I'm used to getting magazines a month before, so they are really messing up. Plus they promised me a free diaper bag and I have never gotten that. Just my gripe for the weekend!

    Everything else is good here. Just keep wondering if little Miss Emma has decided to flip back over for Mommy. It would be nice to get an ultrasound on Wednesday and find out that she is not breech. Win, Win!

    I never got my diaper bag either!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ok this might go down in history as being the silliest question ever asked here.

    I seem to remember my friend telling me that a newborn babies bum is too sensitive for wipes. What do you guys use to clean their bums? She told me that she just used face cloths, but wouldn't you need like a tonnnnnn of them?

    I used dry disposable cloths (that you wet with water) in the hospital because that is what they provided. At home I have always used regular wipes with no problem on my newborns.

    Loved the poem you shared. It is so true.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thank you for the encouraging words. They help me more than you guys know!

    Got day 4 done of 30 Day Shred. After I complete 30DS I plan to do Slim in 6 (love this program). So far my ankle is holding up. Still aches sometimes but not awful.

    Hugs to all you wonderful ladies!
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Question for the post delivery mommas: How long post baby birth did you wait to start cutting back your calories? I plan to breastfeed and dont want to deny Baby S anything she would need, but I know at some point I will have to get back on the reduced calorie plan. I am just trying to figure out when I start it again.
    I started right away, but I always add breastfeeding to my food diary (it gives you 500 extra calories). I have also heard from many people that losing more than 1.5 lbs a week is bad for your breast milk so I try to make sure i eat all my calories and it's been working for me!
    Here is another kind of random question. If you are breastfeeding and working out, do you buy a regular sports bra? Or are we supposed to wear a nursing sports bra? (Do they even make those?)
    I've been wearing my nursing bra with a sports bra over it ,lol, sounds ridiculous but it's the only way I'm comfortable running! My regular bras don't fit me and just a sports bra isn't enough support, so there ya go :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Weird question.....lately when I feel Kathryn kick, it feels like she's kicking "down there" for lack of a better word. Has anyone else experienced this or am I just losing it?
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Weird question.....lately when I feel Kathryn kick, it feels like she's kicking "down there" for lack of a better word. Has anyone else experienced this or am I just losing it?

    You're not losing it :laugh: I used to swear it felt like Josh's foot was literally coming out of "down there" :huh: You'll be surprised the different positions they can get into, and the different sensations that their movements create for you. I felt crazy saying it, but there was a time when I would have swore he was scratching me!! Ever since he's been head down, I feel him turn his head back and forth in my pelvis and it's a really strange feeling.

    Although some of them can be uncomfortable, I love feeling all of his different movements, and I'm really gonna miss it.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Alright, my turn to pick the mommas brains!! :wink:

    I'll be returning to work after 3-4 weeks, and I'll be pumping at work. I have a few questions about storage.

    I have a medela, and the little plastic bottles that screw onto the thing (yea, I don't know what its called :laugh: ) and collect the milk, with white screw on lids. They aren't bottles to feed with, just storage.

    I only have 5 of these little bottles. How many (if any) more should I get?

    Let's say I'm pumping at work on Monday and I yield (just a number) 9 oz altogether, from 3 separate pumps. Can I combine those together assuming that's what he'll eat while I'm at work on Tuesday? Or do I have to keep the yield from each pump separate?

    I also have the playtex drop in system for the playtex pump. When I'm pumping at home, should I keep the milk in the little bottles that attach to the pump, or is it better to pour the milk into the playtex insert/bottle and put that in the fridge?

    What is the best container to use for freezing?

    Pretty much any information you could share about pumping/storage would be GREATLY appreciated!! :bigsmile:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good questions, Lynn. I'm curious about the whole milk storage thing too. I've got those Lansinoh storage bags that are supposedly good to use in the freezer or fridge.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good questions Lynn!

    I usually keep my milk separate each time I pump. I will combine it though when making a bottle. I keep it separate so I know which milk is the newest. Kind of silly but that is what I do and definitely not necessary. Often when I pump I keep it out and give it to him in a bottle when he is ready.

    Sheri mentioned a site called and it is a great site I have referred to with all of my babies! It says breastmilk is good for up to 10 hours at room temperature after pumping.

    I too use a Medela and those bottles that you are pumping into can be used as a bottle too. The disposable nipples you will see in the hospital work great on those storage bottles. I have 8 or so of those bottles to pump into (they are marked 5 ozs but will hold up to 6 ozs). To me the minimum number of bottles I can get by with the better. Definitely running the dishwasher quite a bit, but that is okay. I also have a few smaller bottles (4 oz) that I use sometimes. I am unfortunately not a milk producing machine like some ladies. My left side is much better than my right :laugh:

    I use the playtex bottles and drop ins and love them and have with all of my children. I never had the a playtex pump though so I am unfamiliar with that. But if I am understanding correctly I would simply keep the milk in the bottles you are pumping into. Much easier that way and I little less work.

    When freezing I use bags (I have used different brands in the past and never had a problem with any of them) and mark the date with a sharpie on it. I haven't frozen any this time around. Just haven't produced enough to do so.

    Hope I have been somewhat of a help.:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for asking those questions, Lynn (and thanks for answering them, Bethe!).

    Like Brittony, I have some of the Lanisoh storage bags. Those seem to be the most highly recommended (over medela, even though those apparently attach to the pump so you can pump directly into them). I read several places that people use tape to attach the Lanisoh bags to their Medela pumps to pump right into them. Then other people seem to prefer just pouring the milk from the collection bottle into the bags. Anyone here ever tape bags to pump directly into them? Sounds a bit like a risky hassle to me. :huh: But if it works well, then of course I'd rather do that than have to wash a collection bottle each time.
    The crunchy in me wants to get some washable Medela storage bottles though.

    Thankfully I've actually gotten some cleaning done today. Then I accidentally took a nap. :laugh:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thanks for asking those questions, Lynn (and thanks for answering them, Bethe!).

    Like Brittony, I have some of the Lanisoh storage bags. Those seem to be the most highly recommended (over medela, even though those apparently attach to the pump so you can pump directly into them). I read several places that people use tape to attach the Lanisoh bags to their Medela pumps to pump right into them. Then other people seem to prefer just pouring the milk from the collection bottle into the bags. Anyone here ever tape bags to pump directly into them? Sounds a bit like a risky hassle to me. :huh: But if it works well, then of course I'd rather do that than have to wash a collection bottle each time.
    The crunchy in me wants to get some washable Medela storage bottles though.

    Thankfully I've actually gotten some cleaning done today. Then I accidentally took a nap. :laugh:

    You're welcome Julie! I never have pumped directly into a storage bag. I have always been one to pump into the bottle and then dump into the bag.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Since I am not a SAHM I have to pump 3-4 times a day and 6-8 of the small bottles is not practical to bring to work with me. I pump 4-6 oz at a time so 2-3 oz per bottle. I got some of the large Medela bottles they hold like 9 oz each in them. I only need 2 right now since I have about 12-14 oz of milk 6-7 oz per bottle by the end of my work day. I only have to wash the breast shields after each pumping session and there are only 2 bottles to wash when I get home. I bring the milk home and freeze it, I ran out of the Medela milk storage bags I had but to be honest I HATED them. They were so bulky and took up lots of space in the fridge. For the past month I have been using regular sandwhich bags that zip closed. Buying 100 bags for $2 is WAY better than spending the nearly $10 on the other bags. I write the date on them with a sharpey and they take up much less space in the freezer. I put the small bagies into a larger gallon size bag so that hubby always knows which milk has been there longer and uses the oldest first. It does last 6 months so it is not that crucial right now but I still like to go oldest to newest.

    The milk I pump at home (she only eats 3 oz by bottle but I get 4-6 when I pump so I usually pump atleast once a day on non work days ) I keep in the fridge as hubby's "emergency milk" you can keep it there for 8 days so he will definately use it by then. Oh and if you do not use it by then you can freeze it and it will be good for 6 months so I usually put that milk together and freeze it if I have too much in the fridge. I don't think that a couple of hours or days will make a difference. Oh and ladies let me just tell you your breast does not have a slow flow nipple, I can't even count the number of times I had to help Brooklynn out from choking because boobie juice flows.

    I still would suggest that working moms have a little surplus, pump and start a stash before you go back to work. There are days when I get less milk while others I get more. It is better to not have to stress on whether your baby will have enough to eat while you're at work.

    I think like with everything everyone has their own way of doing things so this may not work for some but I have failed breastfeeding twice in the past and this time it is working fabulously. Oh and we just toss the nipples on the medela bottles and pour the milk into them from the baggies.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok ladies, I managed to get my April and May pictures, I will take a June one in the middle of the month.




  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Oh and ladies let me just tell you your breast does not have a slow flow nipple, I can't even count the number of times I had to help Brooklynn out from choking because boobie juice flows.

    I still would suggest that working moms have a little surplus, pump and start a stash before you go back to work. There are days when I get less milk while others I get more. It is better to not have to stress on whether your baby will have enough to eat while you're at work.

    I think like with everything everyone has their own way of doing things so this may not work for some but I have failed breastfeeding twice in the past and this time it is working fabulously. Oh and we just toss the nipples on the medela bottles and pour the milk into them from the baggies.

    You are so right Sheri! My left breast (my right, not so much) does not have a slow flow nipple! I have breastfed with all four of my children and while I wish I produced more I am very thankful for my left boobie! :smile:

    I will again say I am slightly jealous of those who have no problem in the milk producing department. I am a strong advocate of breastfeeding and have done so with all four of my kids. However, I know that it is necessary for them to be supplemented with formula because I don't produce enough.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ok ladies, I managed to get my April and May pictures, I will take a June one in the middle of the month.





    Sheri you look beautiful, as does Brooklyn.

    I so want to meet all you wonderful ladies someday. I know I am nuts but I don't have a lot of "girl" friends because of drama that goes along with it.

    We as a group seem to be drama free!

    Hugs to you all!
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Thanks again for all the congratulations, you really are a sweet bunch of ladies!

    Sherri you look fabulous a month on, keep up with the hard work!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Yay Steph! Happy for you! Praying this will be a healthy pregnancy for you.

    Lynn ~ thanks for the update on Mel.

    Me too, trying to be very positive, feel very nauseous so that is such a good sign that I didn't have last one so I'm keeping everything crossed for now. Hopefully I'm going to be able to get an early US to check everything is ok around 6 or 7 weeks.

    Yeah! Congrats and thoughts your way for a healthy little bean!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Sheri you look great!

    Sorry the short post. Just may use the iPad this week but I read everything. Having an amazing time at the beach besides for sleep lacking. Having a hard time getting my usual hours in. Today has started out perfect weather wise.

    I read up on you all. Great info in some of these. Thanks ladies for asking and answering the questions!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Thanks for all the info on pumping at work. I’m still not 100% sure of what I’m going to do but I want Kathryn to have breast milk for a long as possible.

    Sheri – you look wonderful!!!

    Bethe – I love that we have no drama here. Especially considering this group is made up of women who are pregnant and/or recently gave birth we’re probably the most hormonal bunch on MFP.

    I had planned to clean all day yesterday but instead I took a two hour nap. :embarassed: When I woke up hubby decided that instead of cleaning we should go out on a date, so we went to the movies. I figure we need to take advantage of this time before she’s born.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    You do look great, Sheri!

    So I got an e-mail back from Parenting magazine. They pushed my subscription expiration up 2 months, thank goodness. They also said that I should receive my bag this week. I guess I little complaining can go a long way. haha.

    Hope everyone has a good day!