Heard a statistic that basically nobody can truly lose weight, is it BS?

An overweight and very negative friend told me today that, I shouldn't bother trying to lose weight because only 3% manage to keep the weight of and the rest will gain it all back and then some. That statistic sounded...less then credible to me, but she couldn't give me any evidence for it except to point me towards a fat acceptance blog.

My question; Is the statistic as BS as it sounds like? Where does it come from and how can I debunk it for her?


  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    I think it is true that a lot -- a LOT -- of people gain it back. I did. But I don't think I was really serious, to be honest. And, if your friend is always "very negative" you might try not to pay attention to everything she says. People who are always negative are draining to be with. I'm not saying we can't all be negative sometimes, but the chronic ones are energy-sapping.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    This man has lost 312 pounds and has KEPT it off, using MFP. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/CyberEd312
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    An overweight and very negative friend told me today that, I shouldn't bother trying to lose weight because only 3% manage to keep the weight of and the rest will gain it all back and then some. That statistic sounded...less then credible to me, but she couldn't give me any evidence for it except to point me towards a fat acceptance blog.

    My question; Is the statistic as BS as it sounds like? Where does it come from and how can I debunk it for her?

    I've read the source for that. It's from a HAES advocate who gathered the data from a very "scientific" sampling of about 4 people she knew.

    Try looking at the National Weight Control Registry for a brain palate cleanser.

    Aww....now that sucks that a 'friend' would say something like that to anyone.

    Yes the statistics for success aren't the most uplifting and inspiring and as @ceoverturf has pointed out the consensus of 90% failure is pretty abysmal...

    Prove her wrong. Remember the adage of "There are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics."

    If her info. came from HAES from the sample size Carol is speaking of then it's rubbish, she has a personal agenda and you would probably be better to steer clear of the topic of weight with her in future.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Let's say other people do fail. How does that mean you will?
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    This man has lost 312 pounds and has KEPT it off, using MFP. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/CyberEd312

    ^^^ This and this. All that matters is what YOU do.
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    Whatever the true statistics are, I think the distinction is between the words 'can' and 'will'.
    Maybe only 3% or 5% or whatever WILL keep the weight off, but pretty much anyone CAN do it. Which means so can you (you being anyone), you just have to decide you're part of the (allegedly) small minority.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited September 2015
    Statistics like this are horrible and shouldn't be considered unless you know exactly where the information is coming from and how it is being used. If you think of all the people in the world who start a diet (especially fad diets) and give up in a couple weeks I can see why it would be around 3%. Using MFP is a great way to stick to losing weight and keeping it off long term- it gives you all the information you need to make good food choices on your own and in real life situations. Diets don't work, changing your eating habits long term will give you the best chance. If you use the website correctly and consistently it will give a much greater chance of succeeding compared to a fad diet.

    IMO: I've been yo-yo dieting for over 10 years and I would rather be yo-yoing for the rest of my life than just getting bigger and bigger every year!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You can debunk her, by proving her wrong.
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    The success or failure of others should have nothing to do with your determination to complete a goal that you set for yourself. You will succeed or fail based on your own merit - as with anything in life. If you truly want something, *kitten* what anyone else has to say about it. Do it.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    True, just about. According to http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/82/1/222S.long , various studies show a range of anywhere from 2% to 20% success rate at best. And they define success as losing 10% of body weight and keeping it off for 1 year. Moral of the story is, don't be a statistic. They also give a few keys to lasting weight loss, including exercise, constant monitoring, consistency, catching 'slip ups' before they get too far, etc.