Gym Etiquette



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    So OP when did you get certified as a CPT or Strength Coach? What qualifies you to show these guys the error of their ways?

    Giving out your pearls of wisdom to people who haven't asked for it isn't 'gym etiquette' it's obnoxious.

    If you feel it is your absolute duty then go see one of the trainers and mention it to them, otherwise just concentrate on your own work out

    So why is it any different than people coming on here asking or giving advice as most of us as you put it arent certified yet thousands of questions are asked in this community from diet to exercise. Plus i may not be certified but neither was Arnie or Lou Feringo and would you feel they were obnoxious if they came and gave you free advice, i doubt it!! but like them ive been doing free weights a long time so i know, yes know about proper form and i can tell the difference between someone who knows what theyre doing and someone who doesnt.

    When i work out at 4am there are no gym trainers except one older woman upstairs at the front desk and shes an office clerk not a fitness coach. Also from my personal experience when i first started out I wish someone had had the balls to say hey buddy let me show you a thing or two, so get off your high horse, i was just asking a question cause just maybe theres a lot of people out there who would like help

    Arnold Schwarzenegger was a world-class body building competitor, and Lou Ferrigno was not only a professional body builder, but was a fitness trainer as well. Either of them would be well qualified to help anyone in the gym with proper form. Just 'doing free weights for a long time' doesn't exactly qualify you as an expert- there are people who do free weights on their own and find out after long periods of time that they've been doing things the wrong way.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    So OP when did you get certified as a CPT or Strength Coach? What qualifies you to show these guys the error of their ways?

    Giving out your pearls of wisdom to people who haven't asked for it isn't 'gym etiquette' it's obnoxious.

    If you feel it is your absolute duty then go see one of the trainers and mention it to them, otherwise just concentrate on your own work out

    Also from my personal experience when i first started out I wish someone had had the balls to say hey buddy let me show you a thing or two, so get off your high horse, i was just asking a question cause just maybe theres a lot of people out there who would like help

    Why didn't you have the balls to ask someone for help? Why put it on someone else to initiate the conversation?