Females only - lifting/weight training results?



  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Weight training has done amazing things to my body. In 5 months:

    Lost 10cm from my hips
    Lost 8cm from my waist
    My posture has improved
    My jeans have gone from uk14 to uk10
    Gone from large/xl to medium
    No more bingo wings
    Lost 5kg
    Skin has improved
    Pms symptoms have nearly disappeared completely

    I do a full body workout 6 days a week (50mins or so). Now trying to sort my eating and maybe add a bit of cardio to drop more bodyweight by Christmas.

    Nice job! What full body workout do you do? I love SL5x5. I started walking 5 miles every day because I have a hard time not eating sweets! I need to burn some extra calories so I can lose weight and still indulge occasionally! How many calories do you average in a day?

    My workouts were created for me by my PT (who I see once a week), it's 3 sets of 10 of a whole bunch of compound stuff. Workout A is squats, SLDLs, bench, single arm rows, Arnold's, lat pull downs, dips. I have a workout B of alternative exercises (leg press, weighted lunges, incline chest press, seated rows, etc.) too so I can alternate each day and don't get bored, and we've also done stuff with kettlebells and trx equipment to mix it up! I looked at SL5x5 and thought it was really good but I decided to start with a PT so I could get good form and to push me harder. I also do a 30min session with another trainer, focussing on one compound lift per week - it's a class but I'm often the only participant so it's like free PT!

    My calories are set at 1300 because of my age, height and my job. I stick to it for 3/4 days a week (good intentions Monday - Thursday!) then go spectacularly off track! I'm probably averaging around 1800 per day across the whole week. Since I've been weight training, I've increased my protein which has helped and I don't feel hungry, but I love food and wine too much so I've decided to add some cardio workouts and increase my step count on my fitbit so I can lose a bit more weight. I'd like to lose 3.5kg by Christmas. Walking 5 miles a day like you would probably give me enough of a deficit to achieve it by then.

    How are you getting on with SL5x5? Do you enjoy it?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    My calories are set at 1300 because of my age, height and my job. I stick to it for 3/4 days a week (good intentions Monday - Thursday!) then go spectacularly off track! I'm probably averaging around 1800 per day across the whole week. Since I've been weight training, I've increased my protein which has helped and I don't feel hungry, but I love food and wine too much so I've decided to add some cardio workouts and increase my step count on my fitbit so I can lose a bit more weight. I'd like to lose 3.5kg by Christmas. Walking 5 miles a day like you would probably give me enough of a deficit to achieve it by then.

    How are you getting on with SL5x5? Do you enjoy it?
    I love SL I just want to do more lifting. I added sumo squats and will add bicep curls and shoulder shrugs. I am definitely going to continue to walk 5 miles/day to see if I can lose some weight. I would make every person I know do SL if I could because of how it transformed my body.
  • GigiOshun1
    GigiOshun1 Posts: 11 Member
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    My calories are set at 1300 because of my age, height and my job. I stick to it for 3/4 days a week (good intentions Monday - Thursday!) then go spectacularly off track! I'm probably averaging around 1800 per day across the whole week. Since I've been weight training, I've increased my protein which has helped and I don't feel hungry, but I love food and wine too much so I've decided to add some cardio workouts and increase my step count on my fitbit so I can lose a bit more weight. I'd like to lose 3.5kg by Christmas. Walking 5 miles a day like you would probably give me enough of a deficit to achieve it by then.

    How are you getting on with SL5x5? Do you enjoy it?
    I love SL I just want to do more lifting. I added sumo squats and will add bicep curls and shoulder shrugs. I am definitely going to continue to walk 5 miles/day to see if I can lose some weight. I would make every person I know do SL if I could because of how it transformed my body.

    Careful what you wish for - if everyone did SL5x5 you'd never be able to use the squat rack! I wish more women did heavy weights though - a little part of me dies inside when I see women wasting time in the gym doing exercises with barely any weight, when they could clearly manage something more substantial.

    About 6 weeks ago, I added lateral raises and upright rows at the end of my workout, on the advice of the trainer who takes the compound lift class. Went to a legs, bums and tums class last night and couldn't stop looking at my own shoulders in the mirror!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member

    Picking up and putting down heavy things all day long! :D

    You could be a poster woman for women picking up heavy things and putting them down. Awesome result.
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member

    You could be a poster woman for women picking up heavy things and putting them down. Awesome result.

    Thank you :)

    Looking forward to see what I can take to the stage next year
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I'm just wondering why my post a little while ago got reported as 'abuse'? Did someone not like my mismatched underwear in the before photo or bikini in the current (not after - I haven't got to after yet) photo? Bizzare.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Yep I got two flags on my pic in here too
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    To the silly person(s) who are flagging these awesome women's hard work:

    Please, get off the internet...
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    annaskiski wrote: »
    To the silly person(s) who are flagging these awesome women's hard work:

    Please, get off the internet...
    QFT!!!! Haters gonna hate. Go eat your cake and stop hatin'
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    LadyKT wrote: »
    annaskiski wrote: »
    To the silly person(s) who are flagging these awesome women's hard work:

    Please, get off the internet...
    QFT!!!! Haters gonna hate. Go eat your cake and stop hatin'

    What do you mean flagging?
  • Sassyk35
    Sassyk35 Posts: 113 Member
    xMallie wrote: »
    I pretty much only lift weights, I do cardio but not nearly as much as my lifting, and in the past 10-11 months I've lost 27kg/ 59lbs
    not close to my goal yet but I'm getting there!

    Good luck ladies and thank you all for being so inspirational. You are all what keeps me going! <3333
    Damn! Girl very impressive! ! I worry I won't get flat belly or abs but you show me it's possible! Thank you for sharing. .
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I'm just wondering why my post a little while ago got reported as 'abuse'? Did someone not like my mismatched underwear in the before photo or bikini in the current (not after - I haven't got to after yet) photo? Bizzare.

    Bikini ok but knickers not. Yep, stupid I know.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    LadyKT wrote: »
    annaskiski wrote: »
    To the silly person(s) who are flagging these awesome women's hard work:

    Please, get off the internet...
    QFT!!!! Haters gonna hate. Go eat your cake and stop hatin'

    What do you mean flagging?

    Someone's flagging their before/after pictures. (i.e. hitting the 'flag' button under their post, indicating the post is abusive and should be investigated)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Everyone is looking great!

    Also, as a side note, if you notice inappropriate flagging, you can report it, and the mods will clean it up for you.
  • ruby1867221
    ruby1867221 Posts: 23 Member
    I hate cardio too but try to do 30mins is weight training like power pump?
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I gained the weight from ca

    Picking up and putting down heavy things all day long! :D

    And you look awesome!! Congrats on having the guts to be figure competitor!!!
  • leecha2014
    leecha2014 Posts: 385 Member
    Awesome job ladies! I've finally read them all. QUESTION: what do you input for a calorie burn on mfp when you're lifting?
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    There's a cardio entry for strength training. But I always amend the number of calories burnt to 1 so I don't get tempted to eat all my calories back.