


  • jokerrn
    jokerrn Posts: 51
    Wow. Those BB folks made some bank over this holiday season, didn't they? I, too, ordered it and started the program today. Humbling.

    My wife actually came to the door of the room where I was working out and asked if I was okay. :embarassed:

    Not sure if I am looking forward to PlyoX tomorrow or not...
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    Plyo is tough but my favorite. Make sure you are hydrated for that one. My husband and I are doing it together and I have to say it helps motivate me. When I first started there were many times I wanted to stop.
  • Hey Everyone,

    I just started my second attempt at P90x yesterday, I lost momentum during the holidays and just decided to start over at the beginning. The first time around I made it to the second week of phase 2 of the classic version. I lost around 17 pounds in six weeks and became considerably more fit. This time around chest and back was just a little easier than before but no less soreness. The good thing about the design of the p90x program is that the workouts seem to work out the soreness from the previous night but add new soreness in different places at the same time, I guess that is the muscle confusion thing.Got Plyo tonight and it is a monster workout. Even after six weeks the first time around I still struggled to make it through it without pushing pause several times. Good luck to everyone and keep pushing play as you will see results both in strength and overall fitness.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm into Week 2 here. S&A and ARx tonight! :drinker:
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    S&A is my favorite weight routine, and plyo rocks for cardio. I agree each workout works off of the last one to ease pain or make me focus on a new sore body part :)

    What do you think of Ab ripper? I have done a lot of ab routines over the years and this one hurts my back, but I still plug at it. Any thoughts?
  • I was having some back pain on the ab ripper so I bought an exercise equipment mat like the ones you would put a treadmill on to protect the floor and put my yoga mat on top of that and it seems to help alot. You can get the mat from wal-mart for about $20 or so. Its really good for taking some of the impact out of plyo as well.
  • gfr3228
    gfr3228 Posts: 34 Member
    I finally got an email stating my order shipped today! Hopefully I'll be on the program by the end of the week. Started back with the 4-5 mile runs and just got back from the gym trying to wake some sleepy muscles and may be not be so sore when I start. Trying to do alot of pushup, pullup, and abdominal type exercises anxiously awaiting whats coming. Best of luck to you guys, you're definitely very inspiring!

    One thing I've found on this website is trying to watch what I eat. I've switched over to lots of poultry and fresh vegetables with no junk food, but the workouts are making it IMPOSSIBLE to consume the recommended 1700 net calories. Is this bad or what? After a 5 mile run and afternoon walking 18 holes of golf yesterday, I had burned over 2000 calories that I was supposed to eat and replace. That's impossible without eating alot of junk. What do you guys think, am I looking at this wrong?:ohwell:

    I'm using a heart rate monitor which is calibrated to my weight to get the calories burned. I've also used my calibrated Nike+ ipod to ensure the counts are accurate and they are close enough that it's easy to see I should look like a horse if I eat what they recommend. I presently have my goal of loosing one pound a week. I just don't want to burn muscle instead of that disgusting fat!
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hi all p90x ers im getting ready to start sunday. i did p90 last year and had great results with it. cant wait to start pushing play!!
  • jokerrn
    jokerrn Posts: 51
    I finally got an email stating my order shipped today! Hopefully I'll be on the program by the end of the week. Started back with the 4-5 mile runs and just got back from the gym trying to wake some sleepy muscles and may be not be so sore when I start. Trying to do alot of pushup, pullup, and abdominal type exercises anxiously awaiting whats coming. Best of luck to you guys, you're definitely very inspiring!

    One thing I've found on this website is trying to watch what I eat. I've switched over to lots of poultry and fresh vegetables with no junk food, but the workouts are making it IMPOSSIBLE to consume the recommended 1700 net calories. Is this bad or what? After a 5 mile run and afternoon walking 18 holes of golf yesterday, I had burned over 2000 calories that I was supposed to eat and replace. That's impossible without eating alot of junk. What do you guys think, am I looking at this wrong?:ohwell:

    I'm using a heart rate monitor which is calibrated to my weight to get the calories burned. I've also used my calibrated Nike+ ipod to ensure the counts are accurate and they are close enough that it's easy to see I should look like a horse if I eat what they recommend. I presently have my goal of loosing one pound a week. I just don't want to burn muscle instead of that disgusting fat!

    I'm struggling with you here...based on my weight (240lbs) and activity level with P90X, I should be consuming 3400 total calories per day! I can do it if I'm eating Oreos and Root Beer floats, but it is hard to get that many calories and maintain the 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat balance that the P90X nutrition plan calls for. How many chicken breasts can I eat, for crying out loud?!

    Hopefully you haven't been reading this thinking I have an answer. I have none. Anyone have suggestions?

    Btw, fair warning...on day 2, PlyoX is not your friend. :sick:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    try protein shakes and bars, should up both your calorie and protein intake
  • gfr3228
    gfr3228 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks Tracy, I used to use Muscle Milk due to it's high protein content and higher calories. I may pull the nutritional analysis and see how it looks. I've always been a big meat eater so I'm usually close on the protein portion. I've just never looked this closely at diet and it's just kinda blown me away.

    I have also used the p90x diet calculations and it puts me at 2200 calories, which includes workout calories. But if I still run, which I plan to do, I'm concerned I may still be under caloric suggestions.
  • gfr3228
    gfr3228 Posts: 34 Member
    Joker are you an RN, my brothers a cardiac nurse. Just woke him up and didn't realize he worked last night and tonight:noway: . Should have turned the phone off! Best of luck with the program, I'll be there with you along the way and hopefully we can encourage each other.
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    maybe if you just did the p90x and not run for those 90 days you want need to up calories. good luck!
  • Joker,

    I believe your target calories for the p90x @ 240-lbs. should be around 2600-2800 with the workouts. the 3400 calorie number is if you want to maintain current weight that is how much fuel your body will need to maintain and not lose weight but if you want to create a calorie deficit you would probably need 2600-2800 with the 50-30-20 ratio. the p90x message board (beachbody.com) has alot of info on the diet and proper calorie intake for body weight etc. As for diet tips, I try to keep some natural peanut butter, nuts such as almonds or walnuts and protein powder to up the protein, I use it in shakes and also mix the vanilla flavor protein with plain yogurt and nuts . Also there is Barilla plus which is pasta that has 17 grams of protein per serving.
  • jokerrn
    jokerrn Posts: 51
    Thanks for the replies, folks. I'll have to look back at the nutrition plan and see if I miss calculated. Thanks for the heads up, Nunley.

    GFR...I am an RN, but gave the hospital nursing life up long ago. 4 years of Army nursing was enough to cure me of wanting to do that for the rest of my life. I have since sold my soul to the devil...Big Pharma. >gasp<

    I would be interested in hearing how the P90X goes for you while running. I have to train for a bike ride while doing this program, so I am trying to figure out how I will balance it.

    Btw...is there access to the message boards without paying more $$ and joining the 'club'? Seems like they should include this stuff with a program as expensive as this one.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yea you can join the message boards for free! forums.beachbody.com

    My other favorite place to chat. :laugh:
  • I am 240 lbs also so I also calculated using the book to 3400 calories when I first started, but as I read some of the stuff on nutrition on the beachbody website, that number is for maintaining your current weight as the system is designed for folks who are already in shape somewhat in which I am not. Your RMR is around 2400 calories ie the amount of calories you burn without working out. P90X burns about 500-800 calories depending on the workout so therefore you would be burning around 3300 to 3400 per day. But in order to lose weight in a safe manner you need a calorie deficit of about 500 calories which about a pound of weight loss per week. That being said, it is very difficult in the first phase to get that many calories with that ratio but as they say "do your best and forget the rest".
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    yes the boards at beachbody.com are free and full of info
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm struggling with you here...based on my weight (240lbs) and activity level with P90X, I should be consuming 3400 total calories per day! I can do it if I'm eating Oreos and Root Beer floats, but it is hard to get that many calories and maintain the 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat balance that the P90X nutrition plan calls for. How many chicken breasts can I eat, for crying out loud?!

    Hopefully you haven't been reading this thinking I have an answer. I have none. Anyone have suggestions?

    Btw, fair warning...on day 2, PlyoX is not your friend. :sick:

    Just remember that it is just a guideline. Try to keep within a healthy limit, but as long as you aren't *bonking* and have energy then don't forcefeed yourself. Do make sure to get in a recovery drink to refuel after your workouts, that is the *most* critical time to feed those muscles!! Feel free to ask if you have questions! (I'm a Team Beachbody coach)

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    yes the boards at beachbody.com are free and full of info

    Yep, they sure are. Great info there.

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