Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »

    I will stay under my new calorie goal.
    I will work out for 40 minutes.
    I will express my wellness mantra.
    On the road 7 of the next 10 nights. Focus...
    I am expressing gratitude that I do have some healthy eating habits. Love yogurt for breakfast and have always been a big fan of oatmeal with fruit. Makes it easier to have these as "go to's."

    Good day.

    Well under my calorie goal but didn't work out.
    Expressed my wellness mantra

    For today:

    I will stay under my calorie goal
    I will work out for 40 minutes
    I will make good choices while dining out
    I will express my wellness mantra
    I am expressing gratitude for the ability to set my own travel schedule.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    Weight loss is still working, but I need to get back to the fitness part of things. So JFT Monday
    1. Brush/floss before bed :smiley:
    2. evening walk of at least 30 minutes. :neutral: Did more housework in the evening than normal

    @TerriRichardson112 both the weight loss and the unaided steps are fantastic. You are doing awesome

    My JFT Tuesday is to squash the greedy selfish voices in my head that want sugary carbs and promote and listen to the ones that know better. Translation: Don't give in to the sugary cravings.
    and brush and floss before bed.

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    This is my first time posting here. I love the concept!

    Just for today I will ...
    1. Track everything
    2. Be kind to myself

    It's a great thread. I feel more accountable when I post & gain inspiration from so many members. Best wishes!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Felt like I was slipping last night. An old habit of snacking unhealthy foods in the evenings. I'm amazed at how much more I'm paying attention to the "why" I'm eating now. I measured out lite popcorn & put away the bag. This was the hardest part LOL. I tracked it... Clothes are fitting better...so worth it! I've struggled w/drinking enough water & have finally worked my way up.

    Maintain control of eating/activity.
    More protein at lunch today.
    Walk & weights. While walking listen to podcast "Halfsizeme".
    Work on art project.
    Be supportive to a loved one.
    Update resume.
    Having company this Sunday-start preparing (menu, special activity for kids, etc).
    Sort books for book sale at church (15 mins)
    Read something for inspiration (not necessarily related to weightloss).

    Good health is priceless!

  • crpoll5
    crpoll5 Posts: 105 Member
    edited September 2015
    Today I am either going to start a conversation with a total stranger or with someone from work I have never talked to other than about work stuff. Going to be my hardest challenge yet. PLAY BALL !!
  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    I just read through a little bit, and I like this idea a lot! It's so easy to get discouraged by the 'big picture' of losing weight (have already lost 100 and gained back 40...have another 80 or so to go), but taking it one day at a time seems a lot easier to manage.

    Just For Today:
    1. Stick to the eating plan I mapped out this morning (going out to eat and have pre-selected what I'm going to eat)
    2. Go to bed at a reasonable hour (not midnight like the last few nights...aiming for 10/10:30)

    If I can manage those two I'll be doing great! The bedtime is harder for me I think.

  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    It's a great thread. I feel more accountable when I post & gain inspiration from so many members. Best wishes!

    I agree!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    All commitments met yesterday.

    JFT, 9/22
    1. Eat within my calorie goal
    2. Insanity Max 30 workout
    3. No drinking!!
    4. Banish negative thoughts and focus on how much better I am feeling
    5. Practice patience - feeling so much better that I think I should automatically be looking better but it's too soon for that!
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone.
    1. Bike 30 min
    2. Drink , drink , drink
    3. Eat my PROTEIN
    4. PEACEFUL thoughts
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement folks. You rock!

    Oooooo! :blush: After 6 great days (which I am sooooo thankful for) I spent Sunday and Monday making bad choices after lunch and into the evening...too much tempting JUNK in my kitchen and not enough good choices!

    1. Stick to calorie goal for breakfast, lunch & snack.
    2. Go to grocery store after work.
    3. Go jogging when I get home.
    4. Plan meals & Prep food for the rest of the week.
    5. Stick to calorie goal for dinner and evening snack.

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    All commitments met yesterday.

    JFT, 9/22
    1. Eat within my calorie goal
    2. Insanity Max 30 workout
    3. No drinking!!
    4. Banish negative thoughts and focus on how much better I am feeling
    5. Practice patience - feeling so much better that I think I should automatically be looking better but it's too soon for that!

    I've noticed your commitment to not drink alcohol. I just wanted to say .... Woo Hoo!

    I know you got this! J4T!
  • smile_2k2
    smile_2k2 Posts: 8 Member
    My goal is to drink 8cups of water and actually go to the gym at 6pm today
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    I'm Back!!!! Gained 12.2 lbs in the last 4 months, so gotta do better.
    So I know this works!!!
    So, just for today:
    1) Drink 8 glasses of water
    2) Take a walk after work
    3) Stay within my calories of 1200
    4) Get up in am at 6:30am and go walk.
  • Slytherin123
    Slytherin123 Posts: 3 Member
    Just for today:
    1. No candy after 6pm
    2. If I'm bored and want to snack, find something to do: read, draw, clean
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    Just for today, I will
    1. Go for a walk
    2. Drink lots of water
    3. Stay under or at my calorie goal
    4. Take a daily vitamin
    5. Be patient and remind myself that this process takes time
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »

    1. Stick to calorie goal for breakfast, lunch & snack. :smiley:
    2. Go to grocery store after work. :smiley:
    3. Go jogging when I get home. Got home way too late, will do this in AM
    4. Plan meals & Prep food for the rest of the week. Same with this, putting off to morning
    5. Stick to calorie goal for dinner and evening snack. :smiley:
    J4T Wednesday
    1. Go jogging in am
    2. Plan meals & Prep food
    3. Focus on sticking to calorie goals one meal at a time.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 10,000 steps :) 11,456
    2. swim a mile :) + much additional exercise
    3. 8 freggies :)

    1. rest...my body seems to be telling me that I have no choice but to take a rest day
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Hi, new here.
    JFT: go to the gym, whatever I end up doing there.
    Did it.
    JFT: stay within my calorie allotment.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    JFT Tues 22/09
    1. Pre-plan/stick to plan :)
    2. Attend physio follow-up after lunch :)
    3. Be grateful :)
    Physio was delighted with progress. She has upped the intensity of my exercises. My muscles are not happy lol

    JFT Wed 23/09
    1. Pre-plan/stick to plan; 2500 steps
    2. Work on new physio regime
    3. Prep for meeting tomorrow afternoon
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone.
    1. Bike 30 min
    2. Drink more water
    3. Work on more protein intake
    4. Be more mindful