Gym Pet Peeves



  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    When guys are disrespectful to women. Just because she's in workout attire and looking good doesn't give guys the right to make her feel uncomfortable. I'll never understand how a guy expects a woman to react positively to that kind of behavior...I guess some women like that kind of attention?

    I agree but both ways. Some gyms I go to women think that its okay to grope me. Not cool.

  • marco8024
    marco8024 Posts: 244 Member
    People who do not rack the weights they've used!!! GRINDS MY GEARS
  • pierportbeach
    pierportbeach Posts: 647 Member
    With cardio I can't be near a guy who keeps snorting or clearing his throat or breathing very loudly. Don't know why but it just bugs the crap out of me so much I have to go find another machine. Also if people smell like smoke.

    With weights when someone or a group is taking up multiple machines but not really using them in a timely fashion.

    As for the women, wear whatever you want. Can't say I mind but I'm not always paying attention either.

    One more thing: don't assume people want a huge fan blowing on them just because you do. Just saying ...
  • carlyp79
    carlyp79 Posts: 95 Member
    I recently encountered a hoarder - she had a couple of sets of dumbells of varying weights all set out with her towel, water bottle and various crap. She had set up camp at one of the benches.

    Just use what you're using, and walk the 2 feet to put them back before you use the next one, it's not tricky. We don't have a big gym so there aren't a lot of dumbell sets once you get over 5kg (not in that section of the gym, anyway).
  • xlb57
    xlb57 Posts: 67 Member
    People who don't rack their weights.
    People who don't wipe their sweat off whatever they were using.
    People who blatantly mock other people with their buddies when chances are the person is just new to the scene. It can be intimidating enough for people as it is d-bags. At least they are trying. Grr...
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    When scumbags are trying to squat in the squat rack when I need to curl.
  • xlb57
    xlb57 Posts: 67 Member
    When scumbags are trying to squat in the squat rack when I need to curl.

    LOL! Well played.
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 574 Member
    When people don't wipe down their sweat from cardio machines, I'm not expecting them to clean it properly but at least wipe off the excess so my hands don't get covered in your sweat.
  • CarolinaCricket
    CarolinaCricket Posts: 127 Member
    People that don't wipe up their sweat
    People that will sit on equipment during peak times to have a phone conversation
    People that try to have a conversation with me, clearly wearing earphones, don't care.
    Women that spread *all* of their crap all over the place in the locker room.
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 574 Member
    Oh and seeing guys leave the toilet after peeing, not washing their hands and then heading out for their workout.....
  • xlb57
    xlb57 Posts: 67 Member
    Oh and seeing guys leave the toilet after peeing, not washing their hands and then heading out for their workout.....

    Truth. Damn them.
  • CTnicktellis
    CTnicktellis Posts: 846 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    My biggest pet peeve in gym is when a guy wants to use DBs for his exercise right in front of the damn DB rack. I wish there was a Ludacris song that would instantly start playing when I approach the DB I'm trying to reach.

  • Jessyd76
    Jessyd76 Posts: 539 Member
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    *looks around* Really? I have to be the one? Ok. People who come to the gym in their underwear.
  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    People who take up 4 stations with their circuits then give you the evil eye if you ask to work in.

    When someone curls right behind me at the squat rack so they can use my mirror. Just distracting.

    Asking me a question in the middle of a rep.
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    When all of the squat racks are in use when I need to curl.
  • beastier
    beastier Posts: 1,908 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    My biggest pet peeve in gym is when a guy wants to use DBs for his exercise right in front of the damn DB rack. I wish there was a Ludacris song that would instantly start playing when I approach the DB I'm trying to reach.

    Yes this is mine - it presents an attitude of "I'm just gonna hog the whole f*****g rack whilst I do my own set & how dare you try & access any of the other Dumbbells whilst I'm doing so"
  • CTnicktellis
    CTnicktellis Posts: 846 Member
    When all of the squat racks are in use when I need to curl.

    ^^^^ :D
  • Nicki_G724
    Nicki_G724 Posts: 629 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    Wearing headphones DOES NOT keep a fart from making noise and smelling.
    Just sayin'.

    Lmfao!!! I love this BTW. And mine is when they don't wash the machine after they are done using it. I don't want the nasty sweat from your Crack touching anything of mine!!!