I want to see it can be done! 300 lbs start



  • Sassyk35
    Sassyk35 Posts: 113 Member
    ericaconti wrote: »
    When I started I weighed 270lbs. I'm currently at 145lbs. It's been 1.5 years. It can be done! I don't have a full body "before" picture, but you can get the idea from my face pic.

    Wow fabulous! ! Any tricks? I'm 270lbs & struggling

  • lowforshow2002
    lowforshow2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I have been heavy my whole life as well. At one point I was at 495. I'm now down to 285 and my goal is 215. I see myself there within the next year.
  • LC_onelove
    LC_onelove Posts: 30 Member
    I started at 287 lbs and lost down to 160lbs. I regained to 225 lbs and am currently at 179. IT CAN be done, I am proof. I have been overweight since I hit puberty! Your doctor is WRONG!
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    You can totally do this. I started out February 2nd 2014 @ 348 pound. As of today I am 163 pounds. Down 185 pounds in 19 months.
  • ericaconti
    ericaconti Posts: 72 Member

    Wow fabulous! ! Any tricks? I'm 270lbs & struggling


    I don't really have any tricks, sorry. I guess for me it was really just a matter of being ready to make the change. I had been overweight my entire life, but I was happy and never tried or had the desire to lose weight. I literally woke up one morning and said to myself 'I'm ready to lose this weight'. I'm a math nerd so the calories in/calories out made sense and was really easy for me. I'm also super competitive with myself and very goal oriented. I weigh my food, log everyday, and hold myself accountable.
  • AmyAliEsq
    AmyAliEsq Posts: 7 Member
    Your doctor should have his license revoked. That's the most infuriating thing I've ever heard.
  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    edited September 2015
    Yes, IT CAN BE DONE!

    Keep at it and you WILL do it - Use MFP to log everything, follow the guidelines and don't let 'bad' days put you off B)

    I know I'm a guy but I am still losing, having started at 290lbs at the beginning of this year - GOOD LUCK and keep coming back to let us know how you're getting on!!

  • SamanthaPeake
    SamanthaPeake Posts: 54 Member
    Get a new doctor! You can be whatever weight you want!!! Good luck xxx
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited September 2015
    I am losing weight with the help of my doctor, a dietician, an exercise physiologist, and MFP. When I told my doctor my weight loss goal, he said that it was pretty much impossible, because i've been overweight my whole life. I would LOVE to see pictures of people who HAVE done this, because I want to do it and prove my doctor wrong!

    My start weight: 135 kilos (297 lbs)
    My ultimate goal weight (i have set smaller goals along the way): 70 kilos (154 lbs)

    My doctor has said I should aim for a little bit under 100 kilos (220 lbs) and be happy with that for the rest of my life. Thank you so much in advance

    So I don't want to negate your dreams - trust me, I'm the last person who would ever want to shut down someones dreams - but there may be some validity to what you're doctor is saying . . . I don't know exact weights, but hear me out, k?

    I started at 340 ish lbs . . . that's pretty big. I am down to just under 260lbs now - so 80+lbs of loss so far. I went for a bod pod testing which is where they measure weight and volume of your body to determine body fat percentages. So at 260 lbs, let's say because I had this done about 5 weeks ago, I had 137lbs of lean body mass. That's more than some women weigh altogether. This happens when you've been significantly overweight for a decent period of time and your body just has more muscle because you have had to cope with carrying around that much extra weight. So according to BMI, I should weigh about 160lbs for my height (5'10). Assuming I don't gain any more muscle - which I wouldn't gain a significant amount as a woman - that would leave me with about 25 lbs of fat on my body, or about 15% BF. That's an insane amount - that's like figure competitor lean. And it's not realistic for me.

    Working with a dietitian, we have determined to have a healthy amount of BF - anywhere between let's say 22 and 27% would leave me weighing somewhere between 180 and 190lbs. So I'm not saying that you should be happy at 220lbs . . . not even close to saying that. But what I am saying is that 154 lbs with a healthy amount of body fat left on you may not be realistic for your individual body. Besides, it's all in how you look right? At 22% BF, most women will look lean but still curvy, natural sexy. You won't be jacked or ripped - so you'll have to go lower if you are looking to be more muscular, but you'll look healthy for the most part. Maybe just some food for thought?

    Also, here's a before and a recent pic - from just over 340lbs to about 260lbs when this picture was taken


  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    SuggaD wrote: »
    Get a new doctor.


    I am 296 right now and I was immediately pissed off with the Dr. comment. How dare he say that you can't loose the weight and that you should just settle. I know this can be done and I know that you can do this!!!
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 434 Member
    I was overweight all my life and and at an all time high of 490 lbs at 6'6" tall. I was 38 years old when I finally realized I need to make a change if I wanted to be around for my kids. A little over 2 years later, through a combination of diet and exercise, I had lost 260 lbs. Was it easy? No! Was it worth it? Hell Yes!

    I have now maintained my loss and added on a decent amount of lean mass in the past 3 years. I still eat a healthy diet, watch my calorie intake, and exercise regularly.

    It can be done!



  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    BigMech wrote: »
    I was overweight all my life and and at an all time high of 490 lbs at 6'6" tall. I was 38 years old when I finally realized I need to make a change if I wanted to be around for my kids. A little over 2 years later, through a combination of diet and exercise, I had lost 260 lbs. Was it easy? No! Was it worth it? Hell Yes!

    I have now maintained my loss and added on a decent amount of lean mass in the past 3 years. I still eat a healthy diet, watch my calorie intake, and exercise regularly.

    It can be done!



    This is an amazing transformation! Also love that you noted you added LBM too. :)
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Your doctor sounds insane. I'm only halfway there (goal 215), but I was 317 pounds when I first started and was actually 350 pounds a year before when I delivered my son. Of COURSE you can lose the weight.

    123.jpg 356.9K
  • MrsSgtBerger
    MrsSgtBerger Posts: 46 Member
    Seriously get a new doctor. I've also been overweight pretty much the majority of my life. When I started my journey I was over 300 and my lowest weight was 145. I've gained and now am back up to 160 which is why I'm back here but it can be done. Here's my photo for proof! iuk155zh29gl.jpeg
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited September 2015
    I wasn't well and went to the Dr for help. I had high blood pressure, low thyroid and i was pre diabetic. My Dr gently explained that these problems were likely caused by or aggravated by the fact that I weighed 300 pounds.

    She gave me medication for the blood pressure and throid.

    She suggested that I should track my blood sugar and my diet and to carefully track how I feel before and after I eat. She pointed me toward resources that would help me.

    After 1 year, without dieting, I had lost 30 pounds. I started to understand that certain foods are like poison to my body and i started to change the way i ate. She adjusted my meds. She encouraged me to keep doing what I was doing and to try to add some activity to my life, to just try to move.

    I gradually started exercising and really controling my carbs with the help of all the fine folks here at MPF and I lost 40 more pounds by my next checkup a year later.

    My doctor told me to just keep doing what I was doing and gave me more helpful suggestions and resources. She adjusted my meds and told me what to beware of, in case my blood pressure might go too low.

    She suggested that I should work towards a goal that seems impossible. I went from barely walking 10 minutes on the treadmill to jogging 5k three times a week. I really started controlling my calories. I have lost 31 pounds more.

    I expect to be at or near my goal weight when I see my doctor again next spring. I fully expect her to encourage me and help me to figure out a plan to maintain my weight and health.

    This is what a doctor does. They help their patients to become healthier. They educate their patients and support them. They guide them towards the next step.

    A doctor who would tell their patient to just settle for obesity, knowing that in the future your health will begin to decline because of it IS GUILTY OF ABUSE!

    I think you deserve better.

  • Chelseamatic1
    Chelseamatic1 Posts: 14 Member
    I lost 86 lbs in 2012. I gained it back during 2 back to back pregnancies and got up to 294 lbs. I have been doing MFP and exercising since July and have lost 43 lbs! You can do this. Screw that doctor's negativity.
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    I was 314lbs when i started my journey, im nowhere near my goal but ive lost 30lbs with the help of mfp and beachbody workouts, i compared a pic from february before i gained back 12lbs to now after losing those 12lbs again and my body looks a lot smaller since i started working out so dont just go by lbs lost while on your journey, make sure you measure yourself and i believe you can do whatever you put your mind to!
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