Eating healthy + jealousy?

Okay, I've tried to ignore it... but secretly, jealousy is taking over my weight loss journey. I've tried to blame it on metabolism and a range of other biological factors, but I'm just starting to get so annoyed I need to see if other people have experienced this.

My house mate has the worst diet I think I've ever encountered. Yesterday, I paid attention to what she ate. It was a pretty typical day. She had tuna pasta bake loaded with butter and cheese for breakfast, followed by nachos with the works, a bowl of cereal, a bag of pistachios, soft drink, more pasta and then went out to get KFC chips at about 3am. She weighs 55kg-ish and is the same height as me (163cm-ish).

I know i shouldn't care what others eat... but it's pretty annoying when I basically live off salad, low carb veg, tiny portions of poached lean protein and black coffee. I weigh EVERYTHING but I am and always will be, bigger than her... even though I'm not overweight anymore, I just have to work so much harder to stay a weight that I'm happy with. It makes me so jealous that I've actively fantasized about her getting fat one day. Bad, I know.

It kind of makes me want to throw in the towel altogether.

Anyone else experienced this?



  • nikki5525
    nikki5525 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes! I posted about my own attempts to starve myself and it does not work. Train your body to increase your metabolism by... wait for it... eating more nutritious foods. You'll gain weight before you lose it. Try not to compare to your house mate. She'll get fat one day! :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    nikki5525 wrote: »
    Yes! I posted about my own attempts to starve myself and it does not work. Train your body to increase your metabolism by... wait for it... eating more nutritious foods. You'll gain weight before you lose it. Try not to compare to your house mate. She'll get fat one day! :)

    What the what??!? This is so wrong, here. You cannot increase your metabolism by eating healthier foods. You increase your metabolism by increasing you Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) You do this by increasing your lean muscle mass; muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat. Hence you get to eat more. Your roommate may be more active or muscular than you.

    Also, you are not with her 24/7. You don't know for sure what she's eating all day, every single day, on a long term scale.

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    nikki5525 wrote: »
    Yes! I posted about my own attempts to starve myself and it does not work. Train your body to increase your metabolism by... wait for it... eating more nutritious foods. You'll gain weight before you lose it. Try not to compare to your house mate. She'll get fat one day! :)

    And seriously, what a nasty thing to say. Who would wish that on a friend? Awful attitude right there.

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    nikki5525 wrote: »
    Yes! I posted about my own attempts to starve myself and it does not work. Train your body to increase your metabolism by... wait for it... eating more nutritious foods. You'll gain weight before you lose it. Try not to compare to your house mate. She'll get fat one day! :)

    Yikes!! and wow!!
  • pianofire
    pianofire Posts: 15 Member
    nikki5525 wrote: »
    Yes! I posted about my own attempts to starve myself and it does not work. Train your body to increase your metabolism by... wait for it... eating more nutritious foods. You'll gain weight before you lose it. Try not to compare to your house mate. She'll get fat one day! :)

    Hehe thanks for the support :)

    Perhaps I was being a little dramatic... I'm definitely not starving myself... but oh how I wish I could eat that amount of food and not put on weight. I think I'm better to look at it from a health perspective... if one of us is going to get heart disease later in life, it probably won't be me!

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    @AllOutof_Bubblegum is right, you are not with her 24/7 and she may also have different muscle mass. You do you!!

    You've got this!!
  • pianofire
    pianofire Posts: 15 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    @AllOutof_Bubblegum is right, you are not with her 24/7 and she may also have different muscle mass. You do you!!

    You've got this!!

    I actually am with her about 15 hours a day most days, if not more... so I can pretty much guarantee that's her regular diet. She mostly spends a lot of time in bed and only ever drives places. I refuse to drive anywhere within walking distance, I do most of the house work and I go to the gym 3/4 times a week. I'm also a lot stronger than her so not sure if the whole muscle mass thing is correct here. Guess I'm just an Amazon. xD

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    pianofire wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    @AllOutof_Bubblegum is right, you are not with her 24/7 and she may also have different muscle mass. You do you!!

    You've got this!!

    I actually am with her about 15 hours a day most days, if not more... so I can pretty much guarantee that's her regular diet. She mostly spends a lot of time in bed and only ever drives places. I refuse to drive anywhere within walking distance, I do most of the house work and I go to the gym 3/4 times a week. I'm also a lot stronger than her so not sure if the whole muscle mass thing is correct here. Guess I'm just an Amazon. xD

    Everybody is different! That is what makes this world so great!! Amazon is what I want to be!!
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Counterpoint: she may have an ED and be purging.

    Just worry about you and what you're eating.
  • CatherineHillin
    CatherineHillin Posts: 66 Member
    I wish I could help, but I can definitely offer my sympathy. This has been my entire life. My sister is 5'6" and weighs 110 pounds at her fattest ever. She's a beanpole, and she eats and drinks like crazy. Meanwhile my body clings to weight; at my skinniest a couple years ago I was 140. My mother compares us all the time and people are always telling me how pretty she is. I love her, but it does make everything a lot harder...
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member

    Just worry about you and what you're eating.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    nikki5525 wrote: »
    Yes! I posted about my own attempts to starve myself and it does not work. Train your body to increase your metabolism by... wait for it... eating more nutritious foods. You'll gain weight before you lose it. Try not to compare to your house mate. She'll get fat one day! :)

    Wow. I'm sad for your person, who even thinks this of another?

    OP, different people, different metabolism and genetics. It is what it is, so let it go.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Yes, that's a tough situation, especially dealing with it on a daily basis. I experienced the same with a (former) friend who could pretty much eat and drink anything while I had to watch just about every morsel I put in my mouth. Although some would disagree, I do believe it was just a metabolism thing. She was very sedentary, so it wasn't that she had more lean muscle mass. She was a complete slug, drank like a sailor on shore leave, and never gained a pound. I ate very healthy and exercised 4-5 days a week. I was around her enough to know she did not have an ED, it was just the roll of the dice.

    Sadly, this person also took a great deal of pleasure in the fact that I struggled with my weight and would often serve up backhanded compliments. If I'd have lost a few pounds she'd say something like, "Awesome that you've been able to shed a few pounds, your backside was looking pretty wide." or "I gave my old jeans to my sister because I know they wouldn't have fit you." Stuff like that. She would also try to push me to overeat, making really fattening dishes then inviting me over or going through fast-food drive-thrus when I was in the car with her. This is one of the reasons we are no longer friends. She reveled in my struggles because it validated her in some weird way. After years of this behavior, I finally discovered I didn't need frien-emies like her in my life. I now choose to surround myself with more positive people who truly support me.

    Assuming your friend is not trying to sabotage you, and if you value this friendship, then you'll have to deal with your own jealousy if you can. If you can't get a handle on this, then maybe it's time to find a new house mate!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    It's a waste of emotion. You are doing what's right for you, so concentrate on that.
  • Blackdawn_70631
    Blackdawn_70631 Posts: 283 Member
    I have lots of people do this with me actually.
    I am overweight, but when I put my mind to it, can stop myself from gaining weight and lose weight quick.
    Before, I was just being lazy.
    But some people kinda get annoyed with me cause I eat two brownies and don't gain weight and still lose another pound the following week.
    Thanks to MFP by the way.
    I just finished a business trip, started off with a buffet of shrimp (not fried) and steamed veggies then nibbled, not ate, on the dessert bar. Had a late night snack of fruit. And through out the two days had snacked on my Fiber One small bars. The meeting I had to sample junk food, then after that and on our way home we had a buffet, I stayed away from bread, fried food and dessert. Then didn't eat at all when I got home.
    Then checked my weight this morn for MFP Biggest Loser challenge and hadn't gained a pound.
    I had told that to a girl at work cause I was happy with my accomplishment and I got the usual. "I would have gained weight just by looking at that."
    I found out that I don't lose weight by salads and all. I found out I maintain and lose weight better by eating as much protein as I can and eating often throughout the entire day.
    I know you feel aggravated about seeing your roommate like that, but some people's biology are just different from others.
    The girl I was talking about, I work with her girlfriend, and her girlfriend eats like crazy and loses weight in the blink of an eye while her girlfriend has to make a really big push to lose weight.
  • marsia1234
    marsia1234 Posts: 40 Member
    Think about all the unhealthy things she is putting in her body. She may weigh less but who do you think will be better off if you both got sick?!
    Plus it may catch up with her some day?
    Your health is your wealth ☺️
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    pianofire wrote: »
    Okay, I've tried to ignore it... but secretly, jealousy is taking over my weight loss journey. I've tried to blame it on metabolism and a range of other biological factors, but I'm just starting to get so annoyed I need to see if other people have experienced this.

    My house mate has the worst diet I think I've ever encountered. Yesterday, I paid attention to what she ate. It was a pretty typical day. She had tuna pasta bake loaded with butter and cheese for breakfast, followed by nachos with the works, a bowl of cereal, a bag of pistachios, soft drink, more pasta and then went out to get KFC chips at about 3am. She weighs 55kg-ish and is the same height as me (163cm-ish).

    I know i shouldn't care what others eat... but it's pretty annoying when I basically live off salad, low carb veg, tiny portions of poached lean protein and black coffee. I weigh EVERYTHING but I am and always will be, bigger than her... even though I'm not overweight anymore, I just have to work so much harder to stay a weight that I'm happy with. It makes me so jealous that I've actively fantasized about her getting fat one day. Bad, I know.

    It kind of makes me want to throw in the towel altogether.

    Anyone else experienced this?

    Maybe you need a different house mate or spend less time together. Find someone fatter than you who struggles even more so you can feel smug. Kidding. Everyone has their own challenges in life. Someone out there is envious of you and how easy you have it.

    Your housemate has a different body, different activity level, and eats different food. If she is a healthy weight and isn't gaining or losing then she is getting the right calories for her.
    A lot of us have to work harder to lose or maintain.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    she probably spits it out. I do that, I just discovered it helped me break my plateu.

  • fi_b
    fi_b Posts: 121 Member
    marsia1234 wrote: »
    Think about all the unhealthy things she is putting in her body. She may weigh less but who do you think will be better off if you both got sick?!
    Plus it may catch up with her some day?
    Your health is your wealth ☺️

    I could not agree with this more! I work in an industry where pies, large hot meals and beer are very normal and I get odd looks when I stick with my clean, healthier foods. I admit that some days I would love to just demolish pizza, or hot chips and gravy - comfort foods, but then I just think about how much happier my insides are! Yes, your housemate might be 'slimmer' but that doesn't mean she feels good.

    Just focus on yourself and your well being.

    I found that once I started lifting bigger weights and eating cleanly for most of my diet the volume of food I needed to hit my macros was actually quite big, so I never feel as though I'm starving myself. And if you want some fun recipes to switch up your clean eating, instead of just salad and a tiny portion of lean protein - these are some of my favourite websites;

    Now I make people jealous of what I eat, but it's all good stuff ;)

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    edited October 2015
    I can't say I have but only because you and I don't think the same. And for those that are putting down your flatmate- who knows, she could have a more active metabolism. What she puts into her body shouldn't affect you as what you put in yours shouldn't affect her. You chose the food you eat so why is that her fault? You could choose absolutely delicious, organic and or healthy food should you wish as well. No one is forcing you to eat poached eggs :)

    Honestly, I think you're setting yourself up for failure by saying things like: "I'll always be bigger than her."(maybe, maybe not and so what?) I think those thoughts trap us and your mind is very important to have control over when you're on a journey like this. Negative thoughts have to go and a mindset change has to follow in order for this to stick.

    Did you know that you can eat the foods you love, including KFC chips and pasta bake? Just have 20% of that and eat healthy foods you like at an 80%. Or, have small amounts of those, keep track of your calories, and work out. You don't have to suffer and act bitter towards your journey or your flat mate, just change your blue print.