What food do you avoid as its not worth the calories and/or fat content



  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    Maple syrup. Good god that has a lot of calories, and im not going to just eat 1/4 cup. I eat everything, but i can't really make restraunts work as well as id like them to, so i just don't eat out too much. No biggie.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 346 Member
    Cheetos and Fritos
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I've switched to sugar & fat free pudding & jello,
    and diet soda/pop.
    Empty calories.
    But when I make pudding at home (tapioca from scratch!!) it's with cream, sugar, etc.
  • threadmad
    threadmad Posts: 190 Member
    Entemmann anything, Little Debbie anything, frozen processed foods like pizza, TV dinners. I LOVE Ben & Jerry's. Hubs gave me a t-shirt that says "Body by Ben & Jerry's." He's still alive. I love the shirt and will wear it no matter how much weight I lose.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    I've totally cut out a lot of what I called the "mindless" eating. Like at work around the coffee pot -- oh, cookies you say? sure I'll have a couple with my coffee. But the thing is, I don't really like the cookies. I mean, they're okay but they are not a fabulous chocolate brownie or a decadent chocolate truffle. They're just ordinary cookies. So why did I eat them? because they were there. Now I stay away from the coffee pot altogether. I don't need that coffee either because I had some at home before I left in the morning, and I hate black coffee so in order to drink it I have to add calories.

    Nope, water is it now in the afternoon, or sometimes a diet coke.

    Also, I've given up bread, pasta, and the huge bowls of rice I used to eat. Now I have a small amount of rice with whatever I'm putting on it. The rice doesn't really have much taste anyway, so I'd rather use those calories for the stuff on top.

    I've also given up my after-dinner glass of wine. Occasionally I'll have a glass with my dinner, but when I'd have it after dinner I also had to have something salty and crunchy to go along with it. And the problem with "salty and crunchy" is that most things in that category have lots of calories. And eating that after dinner was just a habit because you know I wasn't truly hungry, not so soon after eating dinner.
  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    I don't eat much fast food any more, but it's more that I don't like it/it's gross than the amount of calories in it. I do love In N Out, but I live on the East Coast, so when I go out west I have it.

    I got in the habit of drinking soda, and gave it up mostly for the chemicals that are in it. I do and will buy natural soda (sweetened with real cane sugar) when and if I really want a soda.

    All other foods, if I really want them, I work them in. I do eat a lot less of the high-calories sweets and stuff, but will fit them in if I really want them.
  • vegemitesandwich
    vegemitesandwich Posts: 66 Member
    Bread. I love the stuff, but when I could easy eat 8 to 10 slices a day in sandwiches (nothing nutritious on them either, Marmite or something) it's not worth it

    I've cut right back on rice and pasta - only have it with a meal if I've had a low calorie breakfast and lunch to make way for it

    Full sugar soft drinks. Not worth the calories when I'm on 1500 a day, and the sugar content is incredible in them.

    Breakfast meats. If I was having a cook breakfast, I'd have 3 eggs, maybe 6 slices of bacon and 2 sausages. The bacon and sausages alone would be around 1000 cals, so when I do have it I've worked myself down to 3 eggs and 3 bacon. Not as good, but eh.

    Biscuits. 80-100 calories for one biscuit? Not bad. But if I open a packet of chocolate biscuits, or shortbread, I'll go the entire thing given the chance. Not worth having to see an open packet in the cupboard and choose not to eat it, every single time.
  • elga_thres
    elga_thres Posts: 117 Member
    Marcia661 wrote: »
    rice...........crazy how many calories


    yessss, and it takes a huge amount of determination to limit my portion of rice....

    I also avoid Starbucks Java Chip....
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Foods I don't like. Otherwise everything is pretty much fair game
  • fifiman
    fifiman Posts: 34 Member
    Definitely pasta and rice for me. Too many calories for a small portion of something I don't even like that much.
  • Stacescotty
    Stacescotty Posts: 29 Member
    Any oils or anything with oil in it (pesto). Way to calorie-dense!
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    Things I like I don't fully avoid much just cut back heavily on things like mayonnaise, alcohol and cake/biscuits.

    I avoid soda, juices, smoothies as I can't stand drinking them. I don't get the juice/smoothie craze, I'd rather eat it in its original form.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Fruit juice and most of those chocolately puddings they sell in supermarkets in the refrigerated bit. I used to eat them every night but they're 200 calories and not even very nice.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Almost everything that doesn't have much in the way of fiber :( I have to work very hard to get my RDA of fiber to fit inside my daily caloric limits.
  • placidegirl
    placidegirl Posts: 29 Member
    [quote=" He's still alive. [/quote]

  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    (most) bread, pasta, rice, heavy starches, creams, cake, cookies, added sugars, any drink other than water or black coffee :smile:
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Potato Chips. I can't just eat one. I'm usually not satified until 1/2 the bag is in my belly.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    edited September 2015
    French or Italian bread with butter could eat the whole loaf. I pretty much stay away from any overly carb filled items but that is the worst.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    edited September 2015
    The thing about rice and bread is, even when it's enriched, the nutritional value per calorie is utter crap. Might as well have a candybar. At least potatos have potassium, B6, and C as well as other vitamins.

    Not sure what is left after you make them into french fries, though. Certainly they're no good as chips.

    A bit off topic, but if I am going to go over calories, if it isn't especially nutritious, I'm for sure having something involving chocolate instead. Or at least slapping some PB&J on it.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    I keep fat and added oils to a minimum (under 10%), not worth the empty calories. For those calories saved, I can get more filling food with actual vitamins and nutrients and fiber in them.