Why Aspartame Isn't Scary



  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    In case it is relevant my background is a Ph.D. in molecular biology with a focus on protein biochemistry. 9 years of research experience with 5 years of infectious disease drug development research part of which is performing toxicology assays on potential drugs. In my opinion there is no evidence or reason to suspect mechanistically that aspartame is toxic or carcinogenic.

    I do NOT think that expertise or background is proof that someone is correct so I invite anyone and everyone who is interested to look into this yourself. I just mention it because I know I will likely be asked.

    Oh yeah, your background is relevant. I've spent the last 2 months reading everything I can regarding nutrition and especially aspartame, since I ingest it daily.
    I will be reading your post multiple times (since I'm not nearly as smart as you) and will be reading it to my husband tonight. Your post explains aspartame's makeup better than anything I've read, and I will now have to make up my own mind.
    Thank you so much for this.
    You are now my favorite nerd.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm disappointed Diet Pepsi is now aspartame free. It doesn't taste as good.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    Nuke_64 wrote: »
    I'm disappointed Diet Pepsi is now aspartame free. It doesn't taste as good.

    Is that why us doesn't taste as good recently?
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    If it's made in a lab it will kill you. Just like it did those poor mouses. RIP you brave soldiers. They just loved their diet coke. ;)
  • coachRichie
    coachRichie Posts: 27 Member
    Years ago I switched over to aspartame and did it for a short while.. I never really liked the taste of it. It always left a strange after taste. I am back to using sugar but I have cut back on sugar a lot over the years. I guess everything in moderation is fine.
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    I've been drinking diet coke since the 80s, I'm not worried about artificial sweeteners. Although I find saccharin nicer then aspartame and the awful stevia.
  • alizesmom
    alizesmom Posts: 219 Member
    Thank you for this very informative thread. I've recently stopped drinking aspartame because of all the bad press. While I figure it's much cheaper to drink water In the long run, it's nice that I can quit worrying about the effects of my many years of excessive (6 pack or more a day) Diet Coke intake.
  • elga_thres
    elga_thres Posts: 117 Member
    There are "conflicting" info on the Internet on artificial sweeteners. This is frustrating, especially for someone who's recently just started to pay more attention to his/her health. I also struggle to cut through the noise and find the real science.

    I'm wondering what are your thoughts on ace k? it's got bad reputation too... Thx
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    elga_thres wrote: »
    There are "conflicting" info on the Internet on artificial sweeteners. This is frustrating, especially for someone who's recently just started to pay more attention to his/her health. I also struggle to cut through the noise and find the real science.

    I'm wondering what are your thoughts on ace k? it's got bad reputation too... Thx

    The OP of this thread does a fantastic job explaining exactly what aspartame is made of, and he provides links to tons of studies that show that aspartame is harmless to the vast majority of people.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    tell us how it was discovered..lol. pesticides anyone..lol. troll.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    My credentials: BA chemistry, PhD physical chemistry (ABD), 20+ years work as a professional chemist, member of AAAS, ACS, lapsed member of the Biophysical Society and Iota Sigma Pi. Primary research intersections in biochemistry, molecular biology, metabolism, and oncology.

    There is no "conflicting" scientific information on artificial sweeteners. The American Chemical Society put together a nice presentation on this that was picked up by PBS this summer.


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Science in a lab is science indeed if all variables are controlled.

    Artificial sweeteners once dumped into a human body may give different results from person to person because first all possible variables are not knowable. Second one can not control the unknown.

    Two weeks ago was the first time in one year I had with knowledge eaten more than 50 grams of carbs in one day. I have eaten no form of grain with knowledge for the last year. My objective was to manage my arthritis pain by diet to avoid the risks of starting Enbrel injections. In 30 days after leaving most all carbs cold turkey my subjective pain level fell from 7-8 to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale so I stayed with my new way of eating.

    A couple weeks ago I was on a road trip and was reading Wheat Belly Total Health (2014). In it William Davis MD makes a case it is not the sugar that we get addicted to but it is some of the proteins in grains that can wreck the health of some people. I wanted to do a study of one to see what would happen if after a year I added back some sugar.

    My daughter was doing most of the driving and since she recently got a job with the local Culver's restaurant we stopped at 7 others between KY and Canada. I ate some custard several times and one day I ate three oranges the same day. The world did not stop turning and my pain did not go wild.

    I did try diet root beer one day on the road and while I liked it there was an after taste. The next day I tried it again and after two sips I poured it out because I did not like the feeling I was getting. While that is all subjective I later found the drink had aspartame in it.

    If one throws a headache over and over, stomach ache, etc after any food or artificial sweetener then there is a problem with what they put into their stomachs in their cases period.

    There are more unknowns than knowns with it comes to humans and diet and that is not going to change soon I expect. My science background was gained in the process of earning my OD degree 30 years ago and reading ongoing medical research and the wild wild web like this forum. :)
  • Jan7locks
    Jan7locks Posts: 1 Member
    If it does not naturally exist here on this planet, It will not go into my body.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Jan7locks wrote: »
    If it does not naturally exist here on this planet, It will not go into my body.

    Good thing aspartame is made out of two naturally occuring amino acids then.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Jan7locks wrote: »
    If it does not naturally exist here on this planet, It will not go into my body.

    If you had read the OP, you would see that aspartame simply contains two amino acids that we eat in natural foods every day.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Science in a lab is science indeed if all variables are controlled.

    Artificial sweeteners once dumped into a human body may give different results from person to person because first all possible variables are not knowable. Second one can not control the unknown.

    Two weeks ago was the first time in one year I had with knowledge eaten more than 50 grams of carbs in one day. I have eaten no form of grain with knowledge for the last year. My objective was to manage my arthritis pain by diet to avoid the risks of starting Enbrel injections. In 30 days after leaving most all carbs cold turkey my subjective pain level fell from 7-8 to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale so I stayed with my new way of eating.

    A couple weeks ago I was on a road trip and was reading Wheat Belly Total Health (2014). In it William Davis MD makes a case it is not the sugar that we get addicted to but it is some of the proteins in grains that can wreck the health of some people. I wanted to do a study of one to see what would happen if after a year I added back some sugar.

    My daughter was doing most of the driving and since she recently got a job with the local Culver's restaurant we stopped at 7 others between KY and Canada. I ate some custard several times and one day I ate three oranges the same day. The world did not stop turning and my pain did not go wild.

    I did try diet root beer one day on the road and while I liked it there was an after taste. The next day I tried it again and after two sips I poured it out because I did not like the feeling I was getting. While that is all subjective I later found the drink had aspartame in it.

    If one throws a headache over and over, stomach ache, etc after any food or artificial sweetener then there is a problem with what they put into their stomachs in their cases period.

    There are more unknowns than knowns with it comes to humans and diet and that is not going to change soon I expect. My science background was gained in the process of earning my OD degree 30 years ago and reading ongoing medical research and the wild wild web like this forum. :)

    Did you stop and think maybe it was not the aspartame? Especially since you yourself said you had exactly the same drink the day before and had no problems at all?
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    Not to resurrect an old post but....

    I heard that it was actually the combination of aspartame with the citric acid that was the problem. I don't remember if it had to do with the heating process in production or not, though.

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Not to resurrect an old post but....

    I heard that it was actually the combination of aspartame with the citric acid that was the problem. I don't remember if it had to do with the heating process in production or not, though.


    What problem?