what is that one thing you want to come out of your weight l



  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    I wish I had a cool reason or reward like you guys. :(

    give yourself a reward:) its important.. keeps me motivated!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I want to find the confidence I lost when I was overweight.

    I want to buy cute clothes and not feel awkward wearing them. I wore a halter dress over the weekend (for a wedding) and I felt amazing in that dress! Like a million bucks - I need (and want) more clothes like that dress. I want to STOP hiding under my clothes! To be proud of how I look and show it off!
  • I want to look and feel more fit for my age. I will be sixty this year and I don't want to look like a sixty year old and I don't want to feel like a sixty year old.:smile:
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Honestly, I don't think I deserve one. Other people do, but not me. If I were doing a better job at this weight loss thing, I might be more proud of my efforts.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I want to have children in another 10 years *gasps from the audience* and actually be able to run after them without feeling like I am going to hack up a lung....
  • jolyned
    jolyned Posts: 28
    I have another one. I'm married to one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. Every one of my girl friends has a secret crush on him so

    ...I would like to be as hot as he is so his friends can stop wondering what he sees in me. I'm sure they wonder all the time! He could have any one he wants!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Honestly, I don't think I deserve one. Other people do, but not me. If I were doing a better job at this weight loss thing, I might be more proud of my efforts.

    Nonsense! You do deserve it! Maybe success itself is the reward :)
  • I wish I had a cool reason or reward like you guys. :(

    give yourself a reward:) its important.. keeps me motivated!

    I can not wait to hit my rewards........hell yeah keeps us motivated...
  • To be able to wear shorts without worrying about the cellulite on my legs bouncing around, or to be able to actually wear a bikini....... For once. Or to actually look cute in a little sundress. I want to be comfortable in my skin....no matter what!
  • McGin87
    McGin87 Posts: 3
    I want people to look at me instead of my sisters!
  • jolyned
    jolyned Posts: 28
    I want people to look at me instead of my sisters!

    I hear yah except me it's my young looking hot mother who's a size 3!!! :( So depressing
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    This is probably wrong on a number of levels, but I want to be a MILF. :-D
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have another one. I'm married to one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. Every one of my girl friends has a secret crush on him so

    ...I would like to be as hot as he is so his friends can stop wondering what he sees in me. I'm sure they wonder all the time! He could have any one he wants!

    I want people to look at my boyfriend and I together and think "They're cute together" NOT "What in the heck is he doing with HER?". My boyfriend is naturally thin and I have often felt people wondered what he was doing with me - when he could have whoever he wanted.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I've NEVER worn dresses but I want to SO BAD! And to wear sexy high heels. They kill my feet now...
  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    I want people to look at me instead of my sisters!

    ditto!!!! mine looks like a model!! 5'9 slim.. blonde hair;.. blue eyes.. ugh..
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    okay another one.. but this one i feel guilty for EVEN wanting it.. :)

    ..... for my husbands friends to think "what the hell is she doing being married to YOU..she's hot"


    LMAO awesome. Yep, I've always wanted my hubby's friends and family to think "Damn, he did good!" :wink:
  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    I want people to look at me instead of my sisters!

    I hear yah except me it's my young looking hot mother who's a size 3!!! :( So depressing

    every single one of my "guy" friends (before i got married) thought my mom was so hot.. its depressing.. ihave NOTHING of her in me..... she's tall and very slender while me i'm tall and very bulky even when i was skinny.. bleh..
  • I want people to look at me instead of my sisters!

    Ugh I feel the same way. My sister is still in HS and has a killer rock hard body! I want to as well... I used to be her size, now I'm a little bigger than her and we're both short. People can tell when you gain 10-15 when you're only 5 2" lol
  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I have another one. I'm married to one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. Every one of my girl friends has a secret crush on him so

    ...I would like to be as hot as he is so his friends can stop wondering what he sees in me. I'm sure they wonder all the time! He could have any one he wants!

    wow... I thought I was the only one that felt that way. I know all of my husbands friends wonder why he is with me... sure we all get along, but as if I am one of the guys... I want to look so good that his friends no longer wonder what he sees in me, but they start saying to him - Damn your lucky man -
  • mannygirl
    mannygirl Posts: 4
    I have another one too. I want my brother to stop calling me "fatty' like he has most of my life. I want to be able to be like, nope sorry not anymore...haha :D
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