(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Did Turbo Jam Kick Punch and Jam followed by L1 30 Day Shred--feeling good. Veggies shouldnt be a problem for me cause I love love love veggies. Dont really like chips too much. Sometimes I have a craving for them, but mostly not so much. However, if you must have chips, on the message boards there were a couple of recipes to make your own chips out of veggies (spinich kale and even plaintains) they were all baked and used oil spray instead of oil and baked in oven instead of fried. Havent tried them, but they sounded good.

    Everyone have a fantastic day!!
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Oh forgot about the snacks part. I typically measure out in little baggies like Kristy. It is a great way to make sure you know exactly what you are eating. I have been doing this for awhile now and find if I have these little packages I do not go to the snack machine at work.
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member

    :noway: ... you were bummed you didn't meet your goal but then you went over calories today for some icecream and cupcakes?!? Boy do I have a song for you! :wink: ....as we say in the south CHILLLLDDD BOOOO don't make me hafta hurtchu!

    LMFAO your funny Kristy, I plan on working out more today Turbofire, Taebo and weights to burn off all my cravings from yesterday.
  • Morning all...feels good to be able to log in and actually post each day (yaaa summer break!!)

    When I'm lazy I'll buy the preportioned snacks like the carrots, celery, almonds, etc. Usually I will buy it and then bag up portions so I can grab and go.

    A HUGE secret of my success is....
    I will make a menu of what I will eat for the week (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and cook the majority of it on sundays
    Breakfast is usually a egg white fritatta (egg whites, salsa, spinach, bellpepper, onion, jalapenos, seasoning) baked in the oven and cut it into 6 servings for the week. Each morning I pop it in the microwave after sprinkling a bit of cheese on it.
    Lunch is a protein, carb and veggies. Favorite is chicken breast, brown rice and brocolli. After cooking I go ahead and plate it in my tupperware containers so I can just grab one in the morning when I'm packing my foods for the day.
    Dinner is similar to lunch except I don't plate it. I will cook 2 different entrees and freeze one of them to eat later in the week.
    Doing this has literally helped so much not only time wise but it helps with grocery expenses also :)
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Snacks. My bane,

    I am a snack monster. I love food, but snacks are what always gets me. I used to snack on pretzles until I was ALWAYS bloated due to salt and carbs. Now I pre-bag cherries, grapes, strawberries, pickles, apples... Much better!

    Uh... I ordered my Light Caramel Frap this morning before seeing the challenge.... That's my excuse...

    My goal for today: PICK UP THE HOOP! ;)
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you so much for the shout out. I do feel good about that one.
    I love my veggies. This one will be no problem. I eat a lot of carrots most of the time but have been doing more salads. My afternoon snack will definately consist of carrots and celery because that is what I have a lot of in my fridge.
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Hey! Everyone

    Vegetable snacks are cutting and slicing cucumbers, then placing 6 slices in snack size bags; I also place 7 baby carrots in the snank bags for ready to eat. Love me some grape tomates, add about 8 or 10 to each meal. Like to core and sliced an apple and place in sandwich bags.
  • DunnaStunna
    DunnaStunna Posts: 22 Member
    Veggies - great idea! picked up a vegetable tray at lunch (need to go grocery shopping... seriously), now i can share the fun w/ my 2 coworkers. we're veggie snacking all day. on a side note, my knees feel better today, finally got over all that swim 'n sun time on sunday, so i think i'll zumba tonight! :)
  • jamm8991
    jamm8991 Posts: 1
    new to the challege. Definately need the help with motivation!
    MFP start wt:230
    CW= 226
    this weeks goal 224
    will see what happens
  • SiouxPrincess
    SiouxPrincess Posts: 35 Member
    as for the veggies, I am going to have a sandwich topped with lots of veggies and tonight for dinner I'm gonna make a tomato cucumber salad.

    I do the same things with my snack, I buy the snack bags and write the calories/fat on them. This helps me a lot. I also buy the 100 calorie snack packs too. :smile:
  • im going to meet my goal today with a huge spinach salad full of bell peppers, tomato, and cucumbers. and steamed carrots. Im having difficulty staying under my sugar allowance. How do you all do it. Most of my sugar comes from fruit. The last two days I didnt eat as well and I have no excuse for it but today and tommorow is a new day. One step at a time. I'm going to the dr cause my TOM is horrible and has been for two years. They keep saying I have PCOS but I cant help believe that it is something else. I want to workout but im so weak the only thing I can do is rest. I will give an update after the drs office!
  • dinichols
    dinichols Posts: 37
    Was under calorie goal yesterday and today I ate carrots at lunch along with 4 baby bell peppers. The carrots were great for something crunchy! The bell peppers were from Costco..they are perfect for snacking. Then for dinner had a veggie sandwich from subway..woo hoo!
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    new to the challege. Definately need the help with motivation!
    MFP start wt:230
    CW= 226
    this weeks goal 224
    will see what happens

    Welcome! You'll get lots of motivation from this group! Go here http://www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge to find out how to join the group. Good luck!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Met my goal with fresh baby carrots and red bell pepper with laughing cow for a snack. Big veggie salad for lunch and stir fry for dinner :)
  • smilekatt
    smilekatt Posts: 2
    Just signed on to the site. Going to start tracking food and exercise. My starting weight is 230. Goal is 175. Although I would love to see 135, but for now we go for 55lbs weight loss.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Snacks are what trip me up the most! I like Kristy's suggestion of bagging it - cheaper than buying the pre-packaged 100 calorie stuff. Now that hotter weather is here in PA, I am cutting up bowls of my favorite summer fruits - watermelon, cantaloupe - and keeping them ready in the fridge. I also plan to make fruit kabobs with my kids - they are fun, tasty, and healthy, and part of why I am doing this is to set a better example for them. Happy summer!
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    So I managed to eat 2 salads today!! Yay. Although I love veggies I was slightly worried about the challenge because I am in a training class for work and wasnt sure about the food situation or the ability to put food in a fridge at the other facility. But alas it was all good and I went home for lunch had a nice salad and a sandwich with veggies. YUM.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Today's challenge done.... had a large spinach salad, cucumbers, tomatoes etc. Went grocery shopping for more veggies. Like the idea of putting them in individual baggies for snacks. Have a great night all.
  • kristidann
    kristidann Posts: 42
    Well, Friday I was down to 238, but yesterday when I weighed I was back to 241...I don't know what happened since I ate hospital food all weekend for every meal. Hopefully it's just water weight because I was really sooo excited to break the 240's.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    'WET N WILD' WEDNESDAY – JUNE 8TH – DAY 25! – Ice Ice Baby! :drinker:

    (Kristidann…this will handle your water weight!):wink:

    :heart: HEY ALL MY NON USA PEEPS – Message me where you live and the timezone – I know Australia you could either be 15 hours ahead of my time (EST) or 11 hours (which makes a big difference regarding when I post the daily challenges!) I don’t want to post these too late in the day and you miss your challenges!:blushing:

    CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – This week we are going to focus on healthy eating!

    Drinking water daily has many benefits! http://www.dumblittleman.com/2007/07/9-great-reasons-to-drink-water-and-how.html
    Besides giving you energy, boosting your metabolism, and keeping you regular (among many other benefits), it acts as an appetite suppressant.:bigsmile: Often times you feel hungry when you really are dehydrated and your body actually needs water – not food! :noway: Today’s challenge is to FILL YOUR MFP CUP! - to do this everybody try to Drink a FULL glass of water before you eat at each meal today (did you notice you didn't eat as much?!?):huh:

    They say drinking ice water (instead of room temp water) burns calories! To warm up 64oz of water your body burns 70 Calories (may not seem like much but over time it could add up!) Take today’s challenge to the next level…try it with some Ice!

    :smile: WATER – Brad Paisley - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AHnQtY1bg4
    :laugh: ICE ICE BABY – Vanilla Ice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rog8ou-ZepE
    :happy: COLD AS ICE – Foreigner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSmhv8Rw4ag

    I know we’ve done this when we first started, but we have a lot of new faces AND a lot of us (including myself) are not drinking enough water daily (which can lead to what…WATER WEIGHT!) :huh: For those who are drinking tons of water daily, how dooooo you do it?
    I USED TO buy 2 of those 1.5L bottles of water and try to drink 1 whole one on the way to work (chug at every stop light). I’d feel so rejuvenated and my pores felt so clean by the time I got there! (and I had to pee like a race horse!)

    :bigsmile: To everyone who ate their veggies!!! Wow oh wow! (I didn’t do that great on the challenge…:ohwell: Just for that I’m gonna veggie it up today!
    :flowerforyou: To smilekatt who joined the challenge yesterday AND it was her first day joining MFP!!! Everyone friend her and help her out with MFP!
    :smooched: To all our new joiners this week….welcome!
    :wink: sunshinelubsyou...come back to see tomorrow's challenge...you're gonna love it!

    As always visit www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
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