One for the ladies - period, bloating, cramps & cravings



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    You have no concept of what PMS hunger is like, no. And PMS hunger is like no other hunger I have ever dealt with in my life. For some of us, it's constant and unrelenting for a week no matter how much you eat. I can eat an entire pizza and literally be hungry an hour later. When I am going through my PMS hunger phase, I get so hungry I can't concentrate, I can't think clearly, I can't sleep, I feel faint, and that is AFTER I eat a normal amount of food. The rest of the month I'm fine, and it actually balances out because I lose my appetite once my period starts. You need to quit lecturing women on a subject you really know nothing about. This is not like regular run of the mill hunger that people experience when cutting calories. I've experienced both and this is much, MUCH worse.

    You're wasting your breath, lol. He just has no clue.

    I have plenty of clue. It's not normal. Not every woman deals with this. If it's that bad, really, you should see a doctor and have your hormones checked, because it sounds like th symptoms of someone who's BC pills are the wrong type.

    You must really hate women, don't you?

    Is this the way you normally respond to someone who holds a different opinion than you?

    Poorly played and poorly done.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I'm suddenly regretting clicking on this thread. Sheesh. I feel like women were just set back 60 years.

    I went through menopause early and I can tell you that it gets much, much worse.
  • Nikkei74
    Nikkei74 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm lucky in that I don't get any sort of hormonal cravings, but wonder if maybe something like dark chocolate coated nuts might be helpful in satisfying the need for chocolate while filling you up better than a block of milk chocolate? Adding cocoa to strained yoghurt (Greek yoghurt or labneh) might be worth a shot too.
  • hannahkingfitness
    hannahkingfitness Posts: 51 Member
    I use to have the worst cramps, I couldnt work or study for the first 3 days of my period every month. Since following a healthy diet and exercising regularly I can now control my pain with panadol! So, That may be some motivation to keep on track.

    I personally like enjoying smoothies while im on my period.
    I use Frozen banana, Handful of spinach(you can't taste it), 1 tsp peanut butter, Chia seeds(I soak a tbsp in some water for 5 minutes prior), Almond milk and ice. It's super filling and I think it tastes great. Of course if you're not a fan of almond milk you could use light milk or maybe part almond part cows?

    Remember you can enjoy a slice of cake if you must but just limit it to that, Don't eat it every day for your entire period and don't eat an entire cake! haha. :)
  • hannahkingfitness
    hannahkingfitness Posts: 51 Member
    Remember if you're carrying extra weight, Your hormones are likely all out of balance. The more you stay on track the better your body will be able to balance them.
  • RSavage83
    RSavage83 Posts: 15 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Op, could these strange things have any connection to the supplements your taking ? ( I won't call you out on it, but you and I both know what I'm referring to)
    These mlm products really can be harmful and are low quality . please rethink your current supplements before you end up ill.
    Many people on here have tried anything and everything to lose weight. Many have all fallen for mlm scams, diet pills and fads. People here can tell you that its all unnecessary. For weight loss all that's needed is a calorie deficit .
    But back to your period issues, please talk to your
    doctor about this . there might be something else going on . better safe then sorry !

    I'm not on supplements. I think you read that from another user.

    My Dr. has prescribed me meds for my pain. I've tried them all. The ones I take make the endometriosis almost bearable. I was merely asking if anyone who experiences bad cramps finds exercise to be soothing. I've always shied away from exercising during my first 3 days since the pain is so intense but I'm looking for new ways to do things.

    I really didn't start this thread to whine about my period. I was just asking people for their opinions. Apparently some of us are either crazy or weak... this isn't where I thought this post would go. I'm thankful for all of the interesting and informative posts but this turned into something nasty and I'm sad that I started this. This was my first post. I'll be super careful of any further questions I have...

    It could be psychological... it could be low magnesium... it could be something else. All I know is I have cravings only for chocolate for 2-3 days every month. I'm fat... and I asked for advice for help and support. If I had all the answers or was "good" at this... I probably wouldn't be on a diet board... I'm 31 but I have to re-learn a healthy lifestyle... and I'm curious. I think some of you need to be less judgy. Stop putting others down to make yourselves feel better.

    Goodnight all... tomorrow's a new day!

  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    You have no concept of what PMS hunger is like, no. And PMS hunger is like no other hunger I have ever dealt with in my life. For some of us, it's constant and unrelenting for a week no matter how much you eat. I can eat an entire pizza and literally be hungry an hour later. When I am going through my PMS hunger phase, I get so hungry I can't concentrate, I can't think clearly, I can't sleep, I feel faint, and that is AFTER I eat a normal amount of food. The rest of the month I'm fine, and it actually balances out because I lose my appetite once my period starts. You need to quit lecturing women on a subject you really know nothing about. This is not like regular run of the mill hunger that people experience when cutting calories. I've experienced both and this is much, MUCH worse.

    You're wasting your breath, lol. He just has no clue.

    I have plenty of clue. It's not normal. Not every woman deals with this. If it's that bad, really, you should see a doctor and have your hormones checked, because it sounds like th symptoms of someone who's BC pills are the wrong type.

    You must really hate women, don't you?

    Why? I'm a woman. You're daft if you think every woman deals with this. These are on the far end of the range of symptoms, and I would advise anyone dealing with it to see their obgyn. The only time I ever had to put up with that is when I was on BC. My body just did not tolerate the extra hormones.

    You're right, not all women deal with that either. But whether it's 'normal' or not, you can't deny that it DOES happen... and saying it's an 'excuse' is inappropriate, rude, and clueless, whether you're a man or woman.

    But for what it's worth, both my GP and two GYNs said it just happens and there's nothing you can do. One mentioned the pill but as far as I remember, it made things worse for me. The last one mentioned Prozac... That's it. I rarely had those issues when I was fat though... now it's every single month for pretty much a week (and I end up 2000 calories over that week, usually).
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    ZoeLifts wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    You have no concept of what PMS hunger is like, no. And PMS hunger is like no other hunger I have ever dealt with in my life. For some of us, it's constant and unrelenting for a week no matter how much you eat. I can eat an entire pizza and literally be hungry an hour later. When I am going through my PMS hunger phase, I get so hungry I can't concentrate, I can't think clearly, I can't sleep, I feel faint, and that is AFTER I eat a normal amount of food. The rest of the month I'm fine, and it actually balances out because I lose my appetite once my period starts. You need to quit lecturing women on a subject you really know nothing about. This is not like regular run of the mill hunger that people experience when cutting calories. I've experienced both and this is much, MUCH worse.

    You're wasting your breath, lol. He just has no clue.

    I have plenty of clue. It's not normal. Not every woman deals with this. If it's that bad, really, you should see a doctor and have your hormones checked, because it sounds like th symptoms of someone who's BC pills are the wrong type.

    Yeah, I was just about to add something similar because I was beginning to wonder if I was odd that I don't feel the need to eat everything on sight for a week once a month. Sure, I can sense a few extra cravings here and there, so I eat some dark chocolate pieces and move on and I'm fine. I would also suggest you see a doctor for this because this just does not seem normal.

    exactly this. I had PMDD, endometriosis, and fibroid tumors in my uterus and still didn't have this appetite issue. Overeating like this is not normal, and not a period type thing, either.

    It's definitely linked to hormones. Mine isn't linked to my period though... it usually peaks 10 days before (typically on the day I ovulate and a few days later). I'm *very* sensitive to hormonal changes though - I did IVF and ended up producing 38 eggs on the normal dosage, instead of the normal 10ish, and progesterone pills made me pass out. I guess that now that I'm smaller it's even worse somehow.

    I remember you saying this before. Hyper stimulation does NOT mean you're a special snow flake who is super sensitive to hormones and forced to eat all the foods . It just means they misjudged your dosage ( which is common in obese and/or younger women. I have no idea if you were under 30 and/or obese when you tried IVF but I suspect that you were because ovarian hyper stimulation is a common side effect in those two groups.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    So here is something interesting. I just had my IUD out in August because my 5 years with it were up. During those 5 years I didn't have cramps or real periods (as in, very light, not painful). I also had no cravings. After having it out I had my first real period since 2010 with painful cramping and cravings. I'm wondering about a hormonal link between the extra hunger and having your period because now that I have no BC hormones at all in my body, I'm feeling the way I did before I had my IUD (and I wasn't on BC then either).

    I do think that there could be some merit to increased hunger or cravings during the month that is directly related to physiological changes within the body.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    RSavage83 wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Op, could these strange things have any connection to the supplements your taking ? ( I won't call you out on it, but you and I both know what I'm referring to)
    These mlm products really can be harmful and are low quality . please rethink your current supplements before you end up ill.
    Many people on here have tried anything and everything to lose weight. Many have all fallen for mlm scams, diet pills and fads. People here can tell you that its all unnecessary. For weight loss all that's needed is a calorie deficit .
    But back to your period issues, please talk to your
    doctor about this . there might be something else going on . better safe then sorry !

    I'm not on supplements. I think you read that from another user.

    My Dr. has prescribed me meds for my pain. I've tried them all. The ones I take make the endometriosis almost bearable. I was merely asking if anyone who experiences bad cramps finds exercise to be soothing. I've always shied away from exercising during my first 3 days since the pain is so intense but I'm looking for new ways to do things.

    I really didn't start this thread to whine about my period. I was just asking people for their opinions. Apparently some of us are either crazy or weak... this isn't where I thought this post would go. I'm thankful for all of the interesting and informative posts but this turned into something nasty and I'm sad that I started this. This was my first post. I'll be super careful of any further questions I have...

    It could be psychological... it could be low magnesium... it could be something else. All I know is I have cravings only for chocolate for 2-3 days every month. I'm fat... and I asked for advice for help and support. If I had all the answers or was "good" at this... I probably wouldn't be on a diet board... I'm 31 but I have to re-learn a healthy lifestyle... and I'm curious. I think some of you need to be less judgy. Stop putting others down to make yourselves feel better.

    Goodnight all... tomorrow's a new day!

    Since this is all you are looking for, maybe start with something low-key. Going for a walk or yoga for example. I'd try something low impact for sure if you are having cramping pain. Then, if you feel like you could do more, you could try something a little more strenuous. I have done yoga while cramping, and I hated it just as much as when I did yoga and didn't have cramps. :laugh:

    Sorry, I don't have a lot of experience to help, but I also like using a heating pad when having cramps and am just lounging around. :flowerforyou:
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    OP - I gain anywhere from 3-10 lbs the week before my period. I haven't found anything to help with this, it's just how it is for me and lord knows I've tried everything I could think of; Epsom salt bath, dandelion tea, drinking insane amounts of water.... nada. I just expect it, don't freak out about it, and move on knowing that if I just keep on keeping on after it's all over, the scale will be down again. Hormones are lovely aren't they?

    Other than chocolate, I never crave anything, and I don't really crave the chocolate anymore these days for some reason. It may be the magnesium I take or it could just be the weight I've lost changing up my hormones. I'd ask your doctor about things that could help with that. I do get hungrier, but I read somewhere that your body naturally burns more calories during your period which can cause that. Not sure if that is true or not, but it makes sense to me. I normally don't go over my calories during PMS, but if I do I don't let it get to me and just eat a little extra. It's usually only a day or two I feel that way, certainly not enough to make me overeat to the point I put back on fat. Every woman experiences PMS differently, or at least I know I am different than my friends. My main issue with it is I get incredibly weepy and cry at everything. It's seriously annoying.

    The only thing that I can do for cramps and breast tenderness is Advil or ibuprofen of some sort. I tried the exercise thing, but never felt like it helped. Plus when cramps are super bad, my motivation to move is severely diminished. Heating pads work for me too sometimes, but I'm rarely at home to use them.

    Other than that, I can't really add any extra advice. HUGS
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I'm being super sincere here : when I was speaking to my obgyn about rough PMS times he said that while some craving and added calories are okay, excessive appetite swings, crazy cramps etc are not normal and you should address them with your doctor.
  • Adalaide159
    Adalaide159 Posts: 8 Member
    I also have endometriosis, so maybe I can help you with that aspect. My period is pretty predictable, and goes a bit like this. A couple of days before it starts I get very moody and eat all the foods. It's mainly comfort foods, and probably just to self soothe due to the crazy emotional swings. When my period actually starts, my cramps take care of the appetite part. For me, my period cramps are so intense that I lose my appetite completely, throw up, and basically just lay fetal until they ease up on day 3/4. Some tips for pain that have helped me are warm tea, heating pads or hot water bottles, epsom salt baths, and, when physically possible, a short walk around the block or even some very, very gentle yoga. I start taking max strength midol the day before my period starts and and don't stop until the day it ends. My doctor gave me a low does birth control pill which does help some, so if the pain is very intense that is something to talk about with them. After years of use of the pills, it has helped with the pain enough to stop my prescription pain meds (With the doctors approval,of course) and just use midol. Best of luck with figuring out your own lady business! If you need anyone to chat with about it, feel free to PM me.
  • d3vilynn
    d3vilynn Posts: 10 Member
    I am 46 and I'm guessing peri menopausal these days. My period was like clockwork my whole life and now it's all out of whack. I too gain a little every month. Or maybe it just feels that way. I bought a scale yesterday after not having one for a long time. I crave chocolate and comfort foods at that time. With dieting I will allow myself a small bit if chocolate but all the other stuff has to go. Indulge yourself a little, just set rules and don't over do.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • Pandabear0324
    Pandabear0324 Posts: 425 Member
    Was definitely feeling discouraged to find a 4lb weight gain when that TOM arrived after finally losing almost 15... I never paid attention to it before.. now I feel better and will just avoid the scale for a while lol