5`2/5`3 women success stories?



  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Did you ladies who successful got to goal also lose cellulite? I'm at goal but still see it.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Kymmu wrote: »
    Did you ladies who successful got to goal also lose cellulite? I'm at goal but still see it.
    Mine is reduced greatly and hardly visible these days :smile:

  • jodybo2
    jodybo2 Posts: 116 Member
    Kymmu, I'm not at goal yet but my cellulite seemed to get worse as I lost until I upped my protein and began heavy lifting. It's much better now!
  • QueenofComeBacks
    QueenofComeBacks Posts: 165 Member
    sjb5577 wrote: »
    I'm 5'2 and 165lbs :( Starting 1200 cal tomorrow
    I started right at same weight and started out eating 1500 and every 10lbs I drop down 100 calories. I'm at 136 right now and eat between 1200 to 1300. In past I tried start out low calories and failed. You may be different but I wanted let you know my experiences. good luck!

  • kaytlinstanley21
    kaytlinstanley21 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my names Kaytlin I'm 5'3". I started MFP December 1 2014 at sw: 169lbs my goal weight originally uploaded as 125 but as I've been starting maintenance I've dropped another almost 6 lbs (now 119.5) but I'm currently moving and I'm hoping to get back to building muscle once I'm moved in my new place.
  • titotito48
    titotito48 Posts: 120 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    blb85 wrote: »
    trina1049 wrote: »
    titotito48 wrote: »
    I run on my treadmill 4 days a week. I am up to 5.15 miles per workout. I would love to start lifting but I'm afraid to gain weight on the scale as I know muscle weighs more than fat. Did this happen to you or did it help you lose faster? I have plateaued for the last 4 to 5 weeks so if I can get enough evidence that It will help me to lose then I will start lifting.
    trina1049 wrote: »
    titotito48 wrote: »
    Were you able to lose without exercise?
    trina1049 wrote: »
    Hi, 5'2.5" and I've lost 49lbs. over the last year and a half counting calories on MFP. Started at 179lbs. I'm pretty much at goal weight but trying for 4 more pounds. Finally at a healthy BMI.

    Oh, he** to the no! I began by walking then as I dropped weight I became more active. I ended up joining a gym and lifting weights and some cardio 4 days a week. More than that is just too much for me.

    You can lose weight without exercising but what happens is that you lose muscle mass along with the fat. You can mitigate the muscle loss by lifting weights which has really reshaped my body. I'm at 129lbs and into a size 4 Petite (US).

    You want to maintain as much muscle as possible whether you're young or old (like me).

    No, that's not how it works. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. They weigh the same but fat takes up more space by volume in the body. Also, you can't build muscle while in a calorie deficit. As I mentioned before, resistance training will help maintain most of your current muscle mass. Building muscle mass is very difficult and to do so you need to continually eat in a surplus (calories over your maintenance) to first gain weight and muscle then cut the fat by dieting (bulk and cut) several times over long periods of time.

    Lifting will reshape your body in a good way -- you can't bulk up because you don't have the same amount of testosterone as men do so that will never happen.

    You will keep your bones strong by lifting and you don't have to lift very heavy to begin. I take Body Pump classes at my gym and I can't believe the difference. I actually can see muscles now and I'm almost 66 years old.

    I did a lot of cardio when I first joined the gym but fell in love with lifting and do so 4 days a week (1 hr.) and only do minimal cardio now (1.5 hours in 30 min. increments after lifting).

    It's not a question of losing faster with cardio or lifting; cardio burns more calories than lifting but lifting reshapes your body and preserves your muscle mass so both are beneficial.

    If you're in a plateau then first look at your logging for accuracy. How are you estimating your calorie burns. Have you set MFP for too steep of a deficit?

    If you're logging as accurately as possible and you're getting adequate nourishment then one thing I do is take a break from dieting every two months or so because I've been in a deficit for so long. I eat at maintenance and take a week off from the gym but still stay active walking and such. Then after a week I'm back to my calorie deficit/gym routine and start losing again.

    I don't know your personal stats so I can't comment too specifically about your plateau but the above has worked for me. Hope this helps!


    Preach sista!

    sjb5577 wrote: »
    I'm 5'2 and 165lbs :( Starting 1200 cal tomorrow
    I started right at same weight and started out eating 1500 and every 10lbs I drop down 100 calories. I'm at 136 right now and eat between 1200 to 1300. In past I tried start out low calories and failed. You may be different but I wanted let you know my experiences. good luck!

    Our stats are almost exactly the same. I also eat 1500 calories but probably should drop down now that I am down to 136. I plateau for several weeks then have a small loss at this point. I still need to lose 10 pounds. I've lost 31 so far.
  • ecr1977
    ecr1977 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm very nearly 5ft 3. My goal is a healthy BMI, and a lot less wobbly bits!

    SW = 204 (October 2014)
    CW = 154
    GW = 140

    the 50 pounds I have lost to date have very much melted away, thankfully no loose skin. MFP has truly been great for me. I rarely plan my meals, and this app has given me the freedom to fit in with my life and working practises as opposed to being obsessed with food, and the planning and preparation. Not once have I had to say to a friend at dinner, oh I cant have that as I am dieting! It has just been a progressive change in my habits and making better choices. eg: I can have x but its a lot of calories for not a lot! I think I will have Y

    I start dancing again next week (ballet & tap), as finally i think my knees can finally take it!

    Whilst all my friends can notice the obvious changes in me, I find it difficult to talk about round them, as whilst I'm proud of my achievement, I don't want to be a weight loss bore. As I lose my last stone, and move towards maintenance - I may need some support!!!!

    If you need support or encouragement - then please add me.
  • 626Ashley
    626Ashley Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'2. My starting weight was 190. I'm currently 146. My goal was 120 but I'm feeling way better already. I may settle on 130.
  • hevans120786
    hevans120786 Posts: 60 Member
    You guys are looking great!! I am also 5'2" and my HW was 181. My CW is 145 and my GW is 125. I currently eat about 1500 calories per day. I would love friends with similar goals! Add me if you'd like.
  • missescrawford
    missescrawford Posts: 23 Member
    Hi. I am 5'2" and just starting back working out. Plan to work out at least 5 times (3x with a trainer to keep me honest) a week and eat clean. I need to lose about 50 lbs. Please friend me if you have similar goals and we can support each other!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    Hi, 5'2.5" and I've lost 49lbs. over the last year and a half counting calories on MFP. Started at 179lbs. I'm pretty much at goal weight but trying for 4 more pounds. Finally at a healthy BMI.

    Checking back in, so I'm quoting myself! Lost another pound for a total of 50 lbs. and sitting at 128 lbs so far. Still working on losing that last 3 to 4 pounds; just dropping ounces now. At 66 yo this month, it's slow going but I'm feeling great and continuing to lift weights with some cardio. I went from a US size 16 to a 2/4 Petite.
  • dsdunn123
    dsdunn123 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I'm Debbie, 5'2. I started at 250 lbs I lost 125 lbs in a year and have kept it off for a year now. I became a personal trainer to try and help others get to their goals. If you need anything, feel free to hit me up!

    As soon as I figure out how to add pics, I will :p
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    Love this thread! Congrats to all and thank you for the motivation to keep at a healthy lifestyle!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Bumping for all the goodness to be available to newbies.
  • hmontigney
    hmontigney Posts: 56 Member
    Hello all! I'm 5'3", started at 188lbs after gaining weight when I was pregnant with my daughter and from just letting myself go. Down to 140lbs now with about 10lbs to goal. My profile picture shows the before and after. Keep up all of the great work!
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