Fall Weight Loss Challenge



  • threadmad
    threadmad Posts: 190 Member
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    i gained 4 ounces. possibly from things.

    Those darned things! Get me every time.
  • vickicravener
    vickicravener Posts: 76 Member
    SW: 203.6
    CW: 200.2
    GW: 191

    10/5 Weigh-in : 202.2
    10/12 Weigh-in: 200.2

    TL: 3.4 lbs
  • ftmfrzn
    ftmfrzn Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Is it late to be in your group? If not, I want in
  • ftmfrzn
    ftmfrzn Posts: 6 Member
    SW: 71.8 kg
    CW: 68.4 kg
    GW: 60 kg
  • Sveltenhealthy
    Sveltenhealthy Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2015
    SW: 214
    CW: 207.8
    GW for Nov30: 194
    Lost 6.2 lbs in Oct so far and plan to blast past my 10lb Oct goal :)
  • sairsyfairy
    sairsyfairy Posts: 62 Member
    edited October 2015
    Got wrapped up in life yesterday and forgot to post!

    SW: 235
    CW: 231.8
    GW for Nov 30th: 219

    10/5 Weigh in: 233
    10/12 Weigh in: 231.8

    Weekly Loss: 1.2 Lbs
    Total Loss: 3.2lbs.

    Joined my local Crossfit gym Saturday and super excited to do my third class tomorrow!
  • gonnalose79
    gonnalose79 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone! I would love to join.
    SW: 182
    CW: 178
    GW (for November): 167
    UGW: 135
    I am 5'7"
    Please add me as a friend, need as much support as possible. Thank you!
  • enleyva
    enleyva Posts: 6 Member
    I've stayed the same since last weigh in trying to loose 2 lbs a week. So far I've only lost 1lb.:(
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    edited October 2015
    I'm definitely in. I'm 256 pounds right now; my goal is to be at 240 by November 30th. I know it seems aggressive, but a significant portion of my current weight is water retention due to massive doses of prednisone -- now that I'm off it, I should see an initial whoosh.

    Height: 5'8"
    CW: 256.4
    GW: (October 31): 250
    GW: (November 30): 240
    UGW: 175
  • Samantha21784
    Samantha21784 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in!
    CW: 148 lbs
    GW: 142 lbs (I average 0.5 lb/week loss)

    Good luck, everyone!

    10/5/15: 147.2 lbs.
    10/13/15: 146.6 lbs
    Down 0.6 from last week. 1.4 lb loss total.
  • htowey
    htowey Posts: 31 Member
    Checking in!

    starting challenge weight: 173lbs
    current weight: 168lbs
    weight loss so far:5lbs
    goal weight by Nov 30th: 155lbs
  • mlhowellcpa
    mlhowellcpa Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2015
    May I join too please? I need some help staying on track
  • mlhowellcpa
    mlhowellcpa Posts: 4 Member
    CW 152
    GW 142 by 11/30
    UGW 125

    I'm only 5'4"
  • KeepItSimpleGirl
    KeepItSimpleGirl Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in! Great idea!
    CW: 155
    GW: 145

    CW: 153.7
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    drlindle wrote: »
    SW 74.6 kg
    CW 71.3 kg
    GW 65 kg

    Lost 3.3kg so far!
    Love the support here, helping me keep going.

    Yay!! So glad you've checked in! This is great!!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member

  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    edited October 2015

    Have you been scattered? Keep it going and collect yourself! Take stock to see what it is you really need to consider and accomplish this week! Pull your thoughts in so that you are not obsessing about things you have no control over and focus on the things you can change!

    All the best this week and watch out for the weekend when we tend to let down from our goals!!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I started tracking my calories and drinking a ton of water, stopped taking the prednisone, and I'm down 6.5 pounds since Monday! I want to update my goals here, now that I'm shed of the bloat and can focus on fat loss.

    SW: 256.4
    GW (October 31): 250
    GW (November 30): 240

    CW: 250.2
    GW (October 31): 245
    GW (November 30): 235
    UGW: 175

    And I'm still 5'8". :tongue:
  • natgo28
    natgo28 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in! even though it is already Oct 15th! 185 lbs now with goal of 165 lbs.
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