Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    Therealob1, wonderful choice, now, do all you can to not go back THAT place, that PRISON. Holidays are coming around ones again. People are gearing up, you know, tailgate parties, Halloween, and the like...you see where i am going with this. Now you can stay who you are now, or go back.

    I am a firm believer that our choices are what bring us to these places of fat or healthy. Holidays come, we choose to be 5lbs fater. Holidays go, we do what we can to loose the fat. These are our choices. We were raised up this way. So...i have resolved that no matter what, i will take control and i will do this or that. I wont and connot be influenced by celebrations. ..of anykind!...i will decide what i eat from this day on...and it has worked for me.

    yes i agree. I dont want to go back it really doesnt make sense now. Although my reasons were vanity, the health benefits that come with losing weight are great.
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    Therealob1, wonderful choice, now, do all you can to not go back THAT place, that PRISON. Holidays are coming around ones again. People are gearing up, you know, tailgate parties, Halloween, and the like...you see where i am going with this. Now you can stay who you are now, or go back.

    I am a firm believer that our choices are what bring us to these places of fat or healthy. Holidays come, we choose to be 5lbs fater. Holidays go, we do what we can to loose the fat. These are our choices. We were raised up this way. So...i have resolved that no matter what, i will take control and i will do this or that. I wont and connot be influenced by celebrations. ..of anykind!...i will decide what i eat from this day on...and it has worked for me.

    yes i agree. I dont want to go back it really doesnt make sense now. Although my reasons were vanity, the health benefits that come with losing weight are great.

    Wonderful! !!
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    Seeing a picture of me during a 50km run, I thought that I was fit and looking good leading up to that run, then I say a picture of a fat bloke, which a double chin, who looked like he was going to die any minute.

    Realised that you need to step back and have a true look at yourself. Be truthful.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I was sitting on a chair in the kitchen watching TV about 3 years ago, and my stomach was pushing up against my rib cage ( I'm long in the torso--so it was even worse). It actually hurt and was really uncomfortable. I hated that feeling and decided to do something about it. Here I am 3 years later and alot leaner. No more problems there, but would like to lose a little more. B)
  • talismanicmagic
    talismanicmagic Posts: 36 Member
    After loosing about 15kg nearly 8 years ago...I've been on a high ever since! So high....I let myself go. I weighed myself for the first time in a long time and was shocked that I had put all the weight back on.
    I want to go swimming with my dog and girlfriend, I want to go walking with them, instead of being scared that I can't keep up. And I want to look good in my clothes again, and I want to not have to spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes because I can't shop in the regular stores! I want to show off my beautiful tattoos and not be paranoid that people are looking at my fat arms!
    I want to feel good about myself!
    I want to be happy and healthy!
    I am doing this to better myself!
  • freechewy
    freechewy Posts: 111 Member
    My doctor. I have to lose 20 pounds. It's taking forever, I don't think he understands how hard it is when you have menopause.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    I changed my lifestyle because of my son. He is special needs. I am a single father. He is 18yrs old. I am 53years old. I figure if I want to see him be ok,safe,and well maybe I should step up to the plate and be an example for him to follow. I am his voice. I am his favorite Person. I can be none of those things sick, fat, and miserable.

    This is so inspiring, and wow, you are an incredible Dad.

    For me, it was the trifecta of family (setting example for my kiddo and being fit to have a long life with hubby), health (so tired of feeling awful) and future, all things I thought about a lot and finally realized I just had to do this.
  • mikehardin62
    mikehardin62 Posts: 122 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    I changed my lifestyle because of my son. He is special needs. I am a single father. He is 18yrs old. I am 53years old. I figure if I want to see him be ok,safe,and well maybe I should step up to the plate and be an example for him to follow. I am his voice. I am his favorite Person. I can be none of those things sick, fat, and miserable.

    This is so inspiring, and wow, you are an incredible Dad.

    For me, it was the trifecta of family (setting example for my kiddo and being fit to have a long life with hubby), health (so tired of feeling awful) and future, all things I thought about a lot and finally realized I just had to do this.
    Well said!!!
  • VanMi
    VanMi Posts: 8 Member
    Someone posted a picture of me when I was much thinner, and I was motivated. (then that someone said, "Wow VanMi look how thin you were." and my motivation took a severe dip, strangely enough. But it stung, especially as that someone had kept saying how much more weight I had to lost at that point in my life.)
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 651 Member
    Mine is kind of a mystery, because I'm not totally sure what spurred me on about it. Approximately 8-9 months ago I weighed in with a BMI just bordering clinically obese (6'2'' and change, around 235 pounds), I was divorcing my ex after a bunch of years spent in a just plain terrible marriage that had been nearly disastrous to my body and soul.

    Anyways, I had been a few months into my separation and I was living in a small apartment by myself, and I was trying to save money. I decided I wanted to quit my gym membership (as I was only using it 2-3 times per week for cardio only), and so I did that, and bought a treadmill instead, and put it by my bed.

    Lo and behold, having the treadmill by my bed encouraged me to start running every day. So, I did - and after about 2 months of this, I decided to weigh myself (at that point I was only weighing myself extremely sporadically - every 4-6 months or so).

    Miracle of miracles, I found that I had gotten down to around 225 in just a couple of months.

    I thought to myself, "wow, if I can drop 10 pounds that easily with just running more, what might happen if I start counting calories?"

    So, I downloaded MFP to my iPad in May of this year and started counting calories and exercise. I started losing more. I eventually got a FitBit (really, just to automate my exercise logging). I kept losing. By the beginning of September of this year, I reached a normal BMI (<25) for the first time in approximately a decade. My rate of loss when I was actively losing was around 1.75 pounds per week.

    Interesting thing is - my ex lost a bunch of weight post-separation, as well. So, was I being competitive? Maybe, a bit. :smile:
  • pakanoir
    pakanoir Posts: 14 Member
    I realized that most of my social anxiety came from the shame I felt for being overweight. I was constantly uncomfortable, tired, and this hindered me from doing a lot of things. Also, my clothes were extremely uncomfortable - especially bras. Basically, I felt like crap about 100% of the time. Not good.
  • VanMi
    VanMi Posts: 8 Member
    I think mine might be the dumbest one.

    I was playing my favorite game and I thought about how I really adored the leading heroine and decided I wasn't going to stop until I was as strong and brave as my Femshep. I looked at myself in the mirror and I hated what I was seeing. I started my diet and routine that moment and with each sore day and each non-scale victory I'm just more motivated!

    to look like femshep, or a good femherald or femwarden or femhawke, is excellent inspiration. Woot for Bioware!
  • rachiedachie88
    rachiedachie88 Posts: 1 Member
    My health has gone downhill the last 5 years. I really want to hit 40 and start that phase in my life in a positive way with a healthy lifestyle. I want to be healthy, well and live a long life for myself, my kids and my partner. I guess eventually I would like to get married... which means the dreaded white puff of tulle dress *shudders* and the photos that go along with it.
    I bought an elliptical machine so that I can exercise at home. I am hoping that this is a positive step in the right direction as I dont like going to gyms and have a lot of anxiety in general about leaving the house.
  • jlwhitney90
    jlwhitney90 Posts: 1 Member
    My husband is sick and starting chemo. While he is sick I have to have the energy to keep up with two little runners on my own. And if I get back to the hot little number I was when we got married maybe it will boost his spirits and get him through his recovery.
  • Eri0515
    Eri0515 Posts: 85 Member
    ShandaLeaS wrote: »
    My 9 yr old asked me if I was pregnant again....less than a week later my 3 yr old rubbed my belly and asked if a baby was in there.
    Ouch, that'll do it!
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    A Little bit of everything for me.

    I am sick of wearing clothes I don't like just because they fit me, or they hide my stomach. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. I am a volunteer firefighter so I would also like to be able to do my job better. I hate seeing girls on TV that have my old body and feeling jealous.

    I always tell myself I want to get in shape so I can feel good again, and I just finally decided enough is enough, lets do this! 4 pounds down, 36 to go. Not too concerned with my final weight, more with how I look and feel, but 125 is my weight goal at the moment, because you need a goal. We'll see how it goes once I'm in better shape and have more muscle going on.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    For me, it's been a mixture of things. At the start of the year, my fiancée proposed, and when I look at pictures from that night I told myself I didn't want to look like that on my wedding day. Around the start of September, I started a weight loss competition with family and friends, and that is when it finally stuck around, and while the competition has ended (due to lack of participation), I'm still going strong with eating healthier and doing a daily walk. Currently, I'm down 16 pounds from when I started it all, and while I don't see it, it's a great feeling to see that number on the scale keep going down. :)