*Summer Sweeties to Fall Knockouts (CLOSED GROUP)



  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Holly and I have been a member on here for about 2 1/2 months and have lost 9lbs. After having my second daughter(now 2) I'm having a really hard time losing the weight. Before getting pregnant with her I always weighed right around 120-130 depending on what was going on that point in my life. My journey started about 7 months ago when I was at my heaviest and unhealthiest(bad eating habits) which was 178. Before starting MFP I got down to 160 and now I am 151 and my goal is 130lbs. Thanks to all my friends here on MFP I not only want to lose weight, but I want to live a healthier lifestyle while doing it. I have changed my eating habits so much in the last 2 months and I feel great! I want to be a good example for my girls and my husband.

    I look forward to meeting new people and making new friends through this group. Good luck to all of us! :)
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Name - Gem
    Age - 27
    HW 218.5
    CW 198.5
    GW Around 154 (mylady lumps make me think any lighter just wouldnt be possible :wink: )
    Joined MFP - 14th March 2011

    I have struggled with my weight all my life (found out recently my issues with food go as far back as when i was 1 and just suddenly refused certain textures in my mouth)

    I got fown to 168lbs about 5 years ago but have since put it all back on and a little bit extra. But am looking at this as a completely different challenge, everyone keeps asking me what my goal is and although i do have a figre in my head i dont want to see it as an end point because as soon as i start thinking like that i see it as an opportunity to go back to my old way of eating and therefore the overweight girl i am trying so hard to get away from.

    MFP has really motivated me to increase my exercise from pretty much nothing and im hoping this challenege and the wonderful people doing it are going to motivate me even more and help me reach a point where i am happy to look in the mirror.

    Good Luck to everyone for the next few months ahead and i look forward to seeing your progress :happy:

    Gem xx
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello everyone! I am still trying to catch up in reading everyone's intros...a lot of wonderful and inspiring stories here! Very excited to get started with you all :)

    But I need a HUGE favor from everyone. I am primarily on my phone logging in and between here, my FB fitness page, and BeachBody site I am a carpal tunnel case waiting to happen lol... But it is a lot easier when messages come straight to my phone and they don't on MFP. So if you could please go to www.beachbodycoach.com/brockinbody and sign up for an account (it is completely free) and right hand to God I'm not trying to sell you anything at all...I just need to make my life easier since we have such a large group...Once you put in your information and it is really just your name and email address that I need, whenever you need to send me a message about missing a weigh-in, a suggestion for a mini challenge, or just a regular fitness and exercise question, you can send me an email through that site and it will come straight to my phone and I can respond straight from my phone.

    My last challenge (Snowflakes to Sunshine) ladies can vouch that I put a lot into these challenges and they come from a good place in my heart to help people...but I have over 100 people in this challenge and another 350 people on my FB fitness page and its a LOT lol. But I am happy to do it! So if you guys can do that for me, that will be great...this will also allow me to send out a mass message to everyone (since we don't have that option on MFP) should I need to or for extra encouragement.

    Everything will still be posted to the threads of course, but it is easier for me to answer direct questions the other way :).

    Thanks again and keep the intros coming! :)
  • oksuga
    oksuga Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I'm Trina 34yr old mother of 2, a 3yr old boy and 10mo old girl, I've actively been logging on MFP since Feb 2011.I've always been overweight but in the last 5yrs has gotten way out of control my highest weight was at 397 pregnant with my daughter and thats when I knew I had to get it together I started at 387 with MFP and have lost 52 pounds so far have a long way to go and I'm definitly looking forward to this!
  • Lantern823
    Lantern823 Posts: 115
    Hey everyone :)

    Name: Jackie

    Age: 24

    How long with MFP: since January 2011

    About my journey:I started seriously in my journey on jan 3 of this year. my friend kelly introduced me to this site and i instantly fell in love. Im proof that weight loss can be successful with portion control and exercise. I lost 32 pounds this year doing those exact things. I kind of fell off and this challenge is exactly what i need to get my self back in gear
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Oops, I fixed the link guys...sorry :)
  • MsNikia
    MsNikia Posts: 8
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Nikia. I am 23 years old. I will be 24 on June 27th. I have been MFP since January 2011. My weight was never an issue until I went to college. I then gained 65 pounds and would so love to get back down to as healthy weight so I will not have to take medications the rest of my entire life due to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I believe this challenge is going to be a great stepping stone in the right direction pIus I really need something like this to keep me accountable. I can't wait to become a FALL KNOCKOUT!!!! Thanks Krystle!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Bump to find later :)
  • lilmisslanna
    lilmisslanna Posts: 104 Member
    bump for later ... at work .. and dont have a lot of time
  • jadaif
    jadaif Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all, my name is Jady and I'm 23 yo, SAHM of an almost 2 year old and a 6 month old. After giving birth with my first I stayed with alot of the weight, but was able to get down to 150, but pregnant again, and now stayed in the 160s. Until one day I said hey I need to start doing something for myself, I had really bad eating habits of munching all day, and looking through the app stroe found MFP, that was only 13 days ago and since joining I have lost 7lbs! I am more commited now to exercising and to eating right. Signed up for this challenge since I know it will keep me motivated! Good luck to all!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member


    How long with MFP:

    And whatever you would like to share about yourself and/or your journey so far.

    My name is Mayra and I am 29 years old. I started MFP in August of 2009 around my daughter's birthday because I wanted to lose the baby weight. I did a round of Insanity, almost finished P90X, trained for running, and lost almost 40 lbs. After losing the weight I started a new job, and the stress of working again, and juggling "life" and my health, led me to lose sight of my health, so now in a period of about 1 year I ended up gaining everything back again. So, today my daughter is almost 3 years old, and I'm back at it again, but this time it's different. I understand now that working out and eating healthy IS MY LIFE, so I can't ignore them just because Im' stressed out or sad about a situation. My body is important and I want to dedicate all my energy and time to make it the best. My Body is the temple of God and also goes with me everywhere, so I owe it to myself to do all I can to give me the best body I can have.

    I'm glad to share with all of you, and am so excited to do this, because i need this.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    duplicate, sorry.
  • bonini88
    bonini88 Posts: 8
    Name: Bonnie

    Age: 23

    How long with MFP: 1 Month

    Hi my name is Bonnie, 23 years old. Am a mother of two toddlers and yes life is hectic, as many of us know. Basically I've been battling with my weight since the age of 12 around the time i hit puberty. Of course it dint feel so bad back then because thankfully i was around good kids that dint make fun of others differences or weight problems. As i started to get older i kept on putting eating healthy off, instead i would go for all the bad stuff, and because my parents both worked it seemed i was mainly alone to fetch for my self whatever there was to eat, and that's when i lost control of myself, my health and my body. In high school i was 180 lbs, but i felt perfectly fine because i was playing tennis, running laps, and i was even in theater dance productions, but still i wasn't paying attention of what i was putting in my body' so all that still dint make a difference. I was a very self conscious teenage girl, and even though i had friends who were "like me", being the weight that i was and constricting myself of the clothing i could wear or how good i knew i could look, made me start having self esteem issues, and that's when i started the worst thing i could have ever done to my body, DIET PILLS. Yes ive tried them all, all of them! I regret it every single day now. I wanted an easy fix, i wanted to wear nice shirts and tight jeans. I ended my senior year 60lbs lighter, but i fell sick all the time. I wasn't myself anymore. Taking diet pills changed my personality so much, some of my friends dint want to be with me anymore, so that's when i had to stop. I met my husband during my first year of college, but i was really depressed, i never had any energy and that's when the weight started to creep back again, and as we all know, if you go for a quick fix it come back 2x as hard to bite you. And that's exactly what happened to me. I became pregnant with my first son at 190lbs and only manage to gain 20lbs during pregnancy, which was ok, but i was still fighting with it after birth. I had my second son at 220, and since then ive had a war with weight. I want to win the war, but this time im doing things the right way, because there is no easy way out, ive learned my lesson. I know i can do it right, because i have the tools and the motivation, it will be hard and it is hard, but im not giving up even if it takes me 7 years, im will still be fighting.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello!!! I enjoyed reading everyones stories and I look forward to getting to know you all :flowerforyou:

    Name : Teresa

    AGE: 48 / Birthday in July

    I've Started MFP: November 2010 A little over 6 months

    I'm 5"3 inches
    My Heaviest weight 206.4 pounds / In November
    My current weight 150 pounds

    I Joined The last Challenge with krystle's Snowflakes to Sunshine challenge and lost a whopping 40 pounds. But since Memorial Day weekend till now I lost motivation. I started eating poorly & lost motivation in exercise and gained back around 6 pounds. But I'm back on track . I Love challenges! And I do Best losing weight that way. :bigsmile:

    I believe I started gaining weight when I got married at age 25. I'm hoping to get back down to where I was at 130 pounds before the marriage , So I need to lose 20 pounds.
    I'm happily married and Have No children. I'm from Pompano Beach, Florida

    :heart: Teresa
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    Name: Cherese

    Age: 27

    Hello everyone My name is Cherese and I have been a member of MFP for about 3 months. I love this site because it offers a lot of support and seeing others achieving their goals really motivates me. I was always thin in H.S. (10 years ago), but after having my son in 2003 I never got back down to where I wanted to be. Even after almost 8 years I have never got used to being on the heavier side (heavy for me). I am marrying the love of my life on 9-10-2011 and want to look my best on that day and every day after that. I currently weigh 154 (I lave lost 11lbs since the beginning of the year) and would like to get down to 135-140. I am so excited about this challenge and working alongside you all!!! Good luck to everyone!!
  • Andrea511
    Andrea511 Posts: 12
    Hi, everyone! My name is Andrea and I am 33 years old. I start MFP in April, I just happened to come across MFP on my daily Google search trying to find the "fast and easy" weight loss secret. Well, that secret is still hidden somewhere out of my reach, instead I found this great site with alot of great people who all have the same goals as I do. I've been dieting off and on for years now. Losing 20 lbs, then gaining back 30, you know how the story goes. The past couple of years have not been the best, dealling with the loss of loved ones, being single and realizing I'm just not happy. So this year I made the same resolution I always do, but this time is different. I've made it to June and I'm glad I can make it to September with the help of all of you. :flowerforyou:
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    Name: Betha

    Age: Quarter of a century

    How long with MFP: maybe six months at most

    I started this journey back in december and lost about 20 pounds with out MFP. Then my friend told me about it so I joined to encourage her in her weight loss. We are both getting married mine is coming up Oct. 1st and her's isn't until next september. We are both trying to do this together since we were both broken over a year ago her from a car accident mine from falling on ice and squating to take a picture (fractured my leg in three spots). Anyway we gained some weight she calls her wheelchair weight and mine is just lazy weight from college and what not. So here I am preparing for my wedding and the rest of my life. If I could get down to high school weight that would be amazing. I want to have a healthy BMI and then get pregnant. I joined this site because of all the stories and all the support everyone gives to each other. I will be a step mom of three one older than me and two 11 and 8 when I get married. Also a grandma of two a 2 year old and a 7 year old :) So I may be one of the youngest grandma's but I'm going to be one of the fittest too!!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Name: Laura

    Age: 36

    How long with MFP: almost a year and a half

    My heaviest weight was about 275 when pregnant. I started MFP at 261.8. I reach my half point in May of 2010. Then things slowed down. I joined the gym this Feb. Before that I was getting my workout in at home; walking, biking, swimming, Wii, rebounder, jogging in place. I gain my weight from having my 2 kids. I have done Weight Watchers and Atkins in the past. Each time getting down to about 200! I'm now in onederland! Things I like to do garden, hike, camp, workout, read, spend time with my family and watch my favorite shows. Out of this challenge I hope to keep my focus through the summer months. Meet and add some new pals. Drop some more pounds and inches. I hope to reach my goal this year!

    Please add me as a friend!
  • LJ0508
    LJ0508 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Name: Latoya

    Age: 26

    How long with MFP: I joined last year but didn't start really using MFP until January of this year when I joined the S2S challenge that Krystle started. My weight became a problem after I gave birth to my son three years ago. My pre-pregnancy weight was in the 170's and I gained 207 lbs afterwards. With the help of the previous challenge I managed to drop a total of 18lbs but within the last few weeks, I've gained four of those pounds back. I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and looking forward to this challenge.
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    Hi all!:flowerforyou:

    My name is Emily and I have been using MFP since early Nov. 2010.
    I did the last challenge with Krystle as well and it was great! I lost 40 lbs on the challenge and 20 lbs before that so it total I have lost 60 lbs with the assistance of MFP!! This site is great; the people completely supportive and it literally has changed my life.

    A little about me...
    I am 34 yo, married with an (almost) 19 mos old son. I wanted to lose weight to be a better wife and mom; to be a wife my husband can be proud of- as antiquated as that sounds, and to never miss a single moment with my son because I was too fat and/or lazy to participate in something with him.

    I work full time (42-50hrs a week) so my free time limited. Exercising = time away from my husband, more importantly my son so I am constantly struggling with balancing it all. I have recently taken up jogging and ran my first and second 5K in the last 3 weeks. I have really started to enjoy running- It gives me a great sense of accomplishment.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you a little better. These challenges are great- highly motivating, that's for sure. :smile:
    Please feel free to add my to your friends; It's nice to have people to support and to be supported by!

    I wish you all the best with this challenge. I am very excited and ready!!! :tongue: