
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sylvia ... You certainly have a "keeper!"

    Meg ... Hope you're feeling better.

    Terri ... I think your plan of changing what you can is a good one for your husband's diet. I can't control what my family eats outside of the house, but I sure do decide what we have here at home!

    Joyce ... I'm with Mary on older vehicles. I drive a 2003 that owes me nothing... Just bought son a 2007 and we sold a 2000 to a young man who should get several years out of it. No payments on those! We do, however, have two newer vehicles ... One waiting on a wheelchair accommodation and one my husband travels for work with.

    Had a little pity party for myself earlier today regarding life circumstances... Enough of that!

    Managed to stay well within calorie allotment today. Back to my tried and true low to moderate carb eating plan. It really helps me. Soon as kitchen is cleaned up I'm finally trying out new recumbent bike.

    Have a good evening.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rosie - I actually need a vacation from my vacation! Lots of laundry! Glad you found a good fit!

    Beth - it's okay to vent! We need to do that. This is a great place for support!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    edited October 2015
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    10,000 steps
    112 minutes of dog walking
    110 minutes on the exercise bike

    :'( The news from my chiropractor was not encouraging.....the pains in my legs don't seem to be related to the spinal stuff he was treating and it's not getting any better so he suggested that I go see my regular doctor and tell her what's going on and get a referral to a specialist for whatever ails me. It's very weird. My legs feel fine when I'm seated or riding the exercise bike but after a few minutes of walking my legs start to hurt. I've been taking ibuprofen but that only masks the symptoms and doesn't cure anything. So I see my doctor tomorrow and see what she says. I'm trying to stay in the moment and not imagine terrible things.

    t4426.gifI stayed away from MFP and most of the internet today except to log food and exercise because I didn't want to find out what happened on DWTS until I had a chance to watch it. I finished watching about 30 minutes ago and was glad I stayed away from women ages 50+ because the first post I read gave away the results.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington t120006.gif
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good night!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! I am sort of new on this forum. I posted once before. I am trying to up my exercise and and down the appetite. I have had a real life example of trying to avoid the exercise and getting no where. I am losing mobility! Now I am back on the calisthenics and lifting light weights. So far so good. The weather got to me yesterday. I live on the north Oregon coast and it was foggy and damp. I was creaky all day. Not good! Need to get my muscles moving.

    Love reading about your interesting lives. Your pets, Kids grandkids and how you live your life. We have two very old sheepdogs that are beyond sweet. Affectionate and loyal, kind of creaky and need special care. Tonight I am fixing baked sweet potatoes, chicken breast with onions and mushrooms. My husband loves meat but will settle for chicken and fish.

    I am trying to make healthy choices and still accommodate my husband's preferences. No easy!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Terri, does your DH know some of the problems associated with diabetes?? When I was first diagnosed my doctor told me not to have more than one piece of fruit a day because of the sugar in it. Why are men so stubborn???

    Mary, thanks for the kick. I needed that!! Went to line dancing and danced for 2 hours. I think I can actually see some improvement. Two hours still takes it out of me but I enjoy it.

    Sylvia, what a sweet thing your DH said!!! Golly he is being so nice.

    MicheleNC, yes it was very cold yesterday morning. It warmed up nicely this afternoon. Looking forward to the next few days.

    Betty, glad you enjoyed Paul. I hope you remembered to tell him that I said “hi”. 

    Rosie, glad to hear you found a good gym. I look forward to hearing about it.

    Beth, if you needed a pity party you should have invited us. You know we are here for you. Glad to hear it’s over for now. (((Hugs)))

    Barbie, I am really hoping that you find the leg problems are a simple fix. I’m glad you don’t have to wait too long for the doctor’s appointment but of course that doesn’t mean you’ll get an immediate answer. Sending healing thoughts.

    Patsy, you need to come here more often and post whenever you feel like it. We are here for support and will help you through the hard times. It sounds like you are doing a good job so just keep it up. This is one day at a time for the rest of our lives.

    After line dancing today I ran a few errands. One included a trip to my favorite store to look for some more black pants. With cooler temperatures I won’t be wearing crop pants much longer. I took several pairs of Mediums and 14s and every pair was on the big side. cloud9.gif I haven’t lost a pound in 50 days but my body is still shifting around the weigh that I have. I didn’t get any smaller sizes to try as I’m sure I’m not there yet, but it was a good day.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • darsecam1611
    darsecam1611 Posts: 1 Member
    Oh, do I need this group! Been yo-yo dieting since I was 13, and now I'm gaining like never before. This being over 50 thing does not lend itself well to crash diets, fad diets, or staying in shape with minimal effort. Where do I start???? Your stories are very encouraging.

    darsecam1611 from SW Ohio.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin at home- 60min, 126ahr, 144mhr = 516c
    walk dome 2 hm- 39.45min, 3.9amph/pace, 2.5mi = 278c
    total cal 794
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Oh, do I need this group! Been yo-yo dieting since I was 13, and now I'm gaining like never before. This being over 50 thing does not lend itself well to crash diets, fad diets, or staying in shape with minimal effort. Where do I start???? Your stories are very encouraging.

    darsecam1611 from SW Ohio.

    t4426.gif I started by planning my meals for the day, posting them on MFP, and staying with the plan no matter what. Once I got comfy with that, I examined my meal plans and looked for ways to cut calories (like staying away from desserts, bread, sauces, and dressings).....also read all the posts on this thread to get new ideas and was open minded to trying new things.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif DJ, It makes me happy to hear that you are staying with the line dancing.....consistency is the only way you'll become a more skilled dancer with more stamina.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ - I'm glad that you went out line dancing! And for 2 hours WoW you rock!

    Barbie - I'm sorry to hear about your pain in your legs. Let us know how your Dr apt goes. (((hugs)))

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Betty - when we were in France, I don't think we had a one french fry. but their pastries....to die for!!!!

    Mary from Minnesota - I thought we were going to mow the grass today, but we took the handrail covers off the pool's handrails (boo) and put away the furniture (double boo). Until March (even tho Vince says April). Everything is in except for my ceramic "creations". Vince wants to add shelves in the garage to put them on. Don't know if that'll be enough room, but I'm not saying that to him. When you said that terri's hubby might have a change in behavior "which can be very violent" what did you mean by violent? Physically? Emotionally?

    terri - a few years ago Jess was hosting Thanksgiving (like she does every year). At the time she was dating this guy whose mother was diabetic. I decided I'd make a sweet potato casserole to take with me since sweet potatoes are better for diabetics than white potatoes. Jess just said to me "she'll have the white potatoes" And Jess was so right. A few months ago you may recall that a friend of hers came here to look for a place to live. Well, her hubby is the brother of the guy Jess was dating (they've since broken up). The brother is -- to put it mildly -- a medical mess. You should see the cocktail of bp pills that he takes in the a.m.! Remember, he's probably only around 30. He's on dialysis, he's diabetic, due to the diabetes he's losing sight in one eye. So...while they were here for dinner one night I had white and sweet potatoes. He took the white potato. Like I said...you can lead a horse to water! Best of luck to you. If all you have in the house are diabetic friendly foods, that will probably help, too. Vince likes to eat out (he just doesn't always like the bill...lol) because he can order things like pub chips and french fries, things that I won't have at home and he knows it. I won't have greasy hamburgers so he orders them out, which isn't all that often.

    barbie - you deserve only the best, sending good thoughts your way for your legs. Hope everything works out at the M.D. tomorrow. Please let us know what happens. We all care very much

    Patsy - welcome back! We used to have a 120lb sheepdog.

    Remember a while ago I got a plantar wart removed from my foot? Well, it never healed. Now it feels as if when he removed it, a tiny bit got forgotten and has grown. Well, I have my physical Friday so I'll bring it up to him then.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Just finished watching the third episode of Downton Abbey. What interesting turns it's taking

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Barbie - praying there is a reasonable answer to the pain and it is found quickly.

    Thanks to all for the good thots. It got worse last night after I posted. Around 10:00 pm I got such a horrible headache I thot I was going to die. I started vomiting and that lasted until 4:30 AM. Jack was beside himself, not knowing what to do to help. Was a little better by 6:00 AM at least the vomiting stopped. About 7:00 Jack got up and I took two Tylenol and Jack brought me a cup of coffee. As soon as the smell hit me I almost got sick again. Finally took a few sips and finally the headache began to ease off. Called the doc, he said it was a reaction to the pains pills. Took only one 5 mg tab today when the headache started to come back. Since the surgery I have been taking 10-20 mg at a time. Ugh, hope I NEVER do that again.

    Jack sold his truck today, we don't need it anymore to pull the trailer since we bought the motor home. Its a big 3/4 ton, Dodge Ram, 4x4 diesel with all the bells and whistles. It was paid for. He sold it for $25,500 he was proud of himself, I cried. Its a gorgeous truck lol The kicker is, his brother has to have surgery a week from today and their mom cannot be left alone so Jack has to go stay with her while brother is in the hospital. I just don't think I can ride for 10 hours to get there, don't think my knee would do well. So now because the truck sold today, he will have to drive my car and I will be without a vehicle next week. Can't remember how long its been since that has happened. But I have good neighbors in case I need something :) Night all, hope I can sleep tonight. I am totally worn out.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele- physically. A friend of mine when he didn't get his insulin he would sometimes become confused and physically violent. My DB sometimes became disoriented and confused but only verbally abusive. Usually during low blood sugar levels.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hope everyone is well today.... Swam today, and that felt wonderful!
    My son emailed me some great pics of our visit to Portland to see my dear MIL.



    The Halloween themed ones were taken at Halloweentowne, (a city themed event at St. Helens, OR...

    I miss them already, but they have active busy lives in the Navy. All three of them on different ships, so Christmas will be just my youngest son that is home, and us. We will travel to see relatives in the Portland area, but for the most part the holiday season will be quiet.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    Oops forgot the one with her in it... :-) She is a fierce woman. We came back with homemade butterhorns that we all fought over. I still have 3 left, but those are my husbands'.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Thanks for the pictures, love seeing the people you chat about!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca- great pictures! You have a lovely family! It is nice that you were all able to get together!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becca, what is a butterhorn?

    Janetr, I don't think i could live without my own car. When we have a car in the shop, and I know it's only temporary I can handle it. It was nice when Charlie wasn't able to drive so we only used one car and Michelle was having real bad car trouble so we had one she could use for as long as she needed it. The minivan is the car we take on vacation since it's a 7 passenger. But with this ulcerative colitis i don't know if those days are over for us. For right now they are. It was good for Charlie to see that oldest daughter and husband was able to put together enough money to have a fantastic 2 day vacation

    Barbie, sorry I almost ruined your show results. I normally don't talk about different TV shows unless some one has already made a comment about it.

    Joyce, Indiana