
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Mary, my headache is toward the front, behind the eyes mostly. I don't have a fever or cough, so I don't think it's menningitis. I do have an odd soreness in my jaws though. I wondered about it being heart related, but I really don't think so. Now that I've been throwing pots for a couple of hours, it feels a little better. Pottery is truly a great stress reliever. I just noticed that my bottle of tylenol expired 3 years ago. Hmmm. That can't be good.

    Miriam, my son was 18 when he got it. He was in a coma for about a week. His temp was 109 at one point. They didn't expect him to survive. They even sent in a chaplain to give last rites. I threw a hissy fit over that. I had finally gone home to try to get a little rest and they called me in the middle of the night saying he had awakened and ripped out all his tubes and tried to leave the hospital. He didn't know where he was or why. Afterward, his mind didn't work quite as well as it did before, but they didn't actually call it brain damage. His short term memory was completely gone for a while, but it came back. It was terrifying. I've often wondered if some of the problems in his life since have been related to it. Or more likely all the drugs he took. His current lung problem is not related directly, but some of the boneheaded decisions he's made about it may well be.

    All this talk about VW's makes me think of mine. My first car was a 1968 VW Automatic Stickshift, red with black interior. Bought in 1973 for $900. I loved that little car. I drove it into the ground, poor thing. A friend finally bought it from me to make a dune buggy. I remember once, right after I got it, I heard a sudden banging coming from the left rear wheel. It was pretty loud. I was just sure I had broken it somehow. I parked it, walked home, and waited till my dad got home. He towed it to the house. When he took off the hub cap he discovered a lug nut bouncing around inside it. I tooled all over southern California in that thing, and later all around Denver.

    Well, back to work I go!

    Later, ladies.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather-wonderful poem about partnership! It is way too bad about all the difficulties you're having with your rental. I hope everything clears up quickly and you could move on.

    Janetr- I hope you feel better really soon! It is difficult enough to be recuperating from surgery and then be ill besides.

    Barbie-sometimes a change in routine can be an eye-opener as to other possibilities. Enjoy your break and other activities that you replace that time with.

    Mary for Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sylvia-I am glad to hear that you have no other symptoms! You give us a worry every once in a while you know!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your before and after pictures are wonderful! They reveal a magnificent transformation. :bigsmile: Us Two is a marvelous poem. Thanks for suggesting it. :heart:

    Lisa: I am happy that you are getting on with your "regular" life. :bigsmile:

    Gloria: I hope you're able to get things under control. I did most of my calorie control using foods I already loved and portion control. I would calculate the calories per cup or pound and give myself a portion that fit inside my calorie allowance. Then I'd fill up with freebies like celery and herb tea. I hope this gives you some ideas that will help. :flowerforyou:

    Estell: Welcome to a great group. I have one salt tip. Don't salt food while you're cooking except for baked goods. Add a just little when you eat. The overall salt load will probably drop to healthier levels quickly. You really need to avoid the fast food places if you need to limit salt. :noway:

    Cheri: I'm sorry for the loss of your father-in-law, and pleased to hear how well the family pulled together to support one another. :broken_heart::heart:

    Frances from Toronto: Welcome to a great group. In my own loss journey, I had a pattern of losses and plateaus, even when I did everything the way I was supposed to and counted every calorie. Many of us had similar experiences & were often vying for Plateau Princess. I think it is normal. You are doing everything right but need to be patient with your body and the process. For this to work long term, it needs to become your new lifestyle. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I hope you're feeling better soon. It is nice to see your DS and DH pitching in to care for the kids and give you some rest. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: There were always many animals at DH's house when he was growing up, and they lived in a small town where they got to know the vet very well. DH's medical doctor told him that he had leukemia. He had to take the dog to his friend the vet, and told him about the situation. The vet said, "You don't have leukemia. You have diabetes." DH went to the hospital and they confirmed the diabetes diagnosis and got him started on insulin. His mother thought he was an addict because of the insulin. She was ashamed of him. :mad: Those were the bad old days. :noway:

    Barbie: I'm getting excited about the windows and I think you're right. We will love them. I wonder how long it will be before we need to replace more windows. This is NOT cheap and I am a skinflint. :embarassed: :ohwell:

    I missed yoga this morning because I got distracted doing other things until it was too late to go. I can still go this evening if I get organized. We will see. Today we are getting things moved away from the windows where the work will be done so that we don't have to worry about it. That task required me to take a couple of hundred pounds of books off of my bookshelf so that I can turn the shelf away from the window side, get it out of the way of the installers and protect it. Not all of the books will be going back onto the shelf when we put the room back together. :noway:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited October 2015
    Michele,Nobody ruined the DWTS results for me because I stayed away from MFP and the internet until I had seen the show late Tuesday afternoon. I can't expect everyone else to not talk about the show just because I wait so long to watch it. One Tuesday I met some friends for coffee before I had watched the show and asked them not to tell me the result....they didn't actually tell me the results but what they talked about gave me some clues

    :) on the subject of cars, Jake and I are talking about the possibility of having just one car sometime soon. We've done it before and he's always been the one to decide that we need a second car.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla- moving hundred pounds of books probably was the same amount of calorie burn as the yoga would have been!
  • nana2k886
    nana2k886 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 54 and have been using MyFitnessPal as motivation to lose some weight. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knee and told that the best I could do right now is to exercise and lose weight. For every pound lost, 4 lbs of pressure is relieved. So in August of this year I made a commitment to lose 15 pounds - getting out of the "overweight" category and into the "normal" category on BMI. I have been trying to walk every day - getting between 3,000 and 5,000 steps - this is going from NOTHING. I have tried to stay within my daily calorie allotment. I have lost 9 lbs in 9 weeks. My knee feels much better.

    I have been going to Physical Therapy for a neck/shoulder injury from a car accident. I have been in a lot of pain for a few weeks now.

    I know I need to add some weightlifting to my exercise routine, but I am reluctant to start due to the pain I have been in. Plus I don't want my knee to start acting up again. I am discouraged, even though my weight loss is on track.

    I was a gym rat just 6 years ago - in great physical condition (best of my life), but a bought of pneumonia that lasted 4 months and a torn meniscus in my knee took me away from the gym. A new relationship came along and I got "fat & happy" - my SO loves to eat. But as I get older and things start to deteriorate, I KNOW I have to recommit to fitness and health.

    It is nice to have a community of support with people in my same phase of life.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    We have always had just the one car and shared it. it works for us because we are retired. We save an enormous amount of money not having to support two vehicles. if I desperately need transport I can get a friend to pick me up, or I get a taxi. if I really needed to I would hire car for however long I needed it. Both of those solutions are a lot cheaper in this country than running two cars. Tax, depreciation, insurance, etc. etc. A fortune. A lot of my friends do run two cars.
    When we first looked at this house I thought it was right out in the sticks and asked the agent if taxis came out this far!!!!! Actually we are really near civilisation! :D And a railway station. If you need one for work then that's important and necessary, but the occasional taxi is a lot cheaper than all the expense of keeping a car going on the off chance you might want to run to the shops. :noway:

    Heather UK
  • sainsworth25
    sainsworth25 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - I am new to this forum. Finally beginning to lose a little bit of weight - I found out that the cereal I was eating was loaded with sugar! Hello to everyone.... :)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sylvia – Thanks for taking us along on your VW trip down memory lane. I’m smiling at your escapades.

    nana2k886 - hugs for you, and welcome. Many things you said remind me of me. I have both OA and RA, and have had 4 car accidents in the past 3 years (luckily they were at low speed, and always the other driver's fault, so my insurance did not go up). I used to enjoy exercise, but now I get bored quickly, and can't tolerate the pain for more than about 10-15 minutes, so I get up and walk or dance in my office.

    Miriam - Hugs for your family regarding the chickenpox/encephalitis ! ! ! My DD had chicken pox twice (thankfully no negative side effects like your family, so sorry and sad). The first time she only got 3 spots, and we didn't even know it was chicken pox until they were almost gone. Like clockwork 2 weeks later almost all the kids in her DayCare broke out. Then, another 3 weeks later (on my birthday), she was covered in pox. I had taken the day off work to watch "Bridges of Madison County" and eat ice cream alone all day (I was a size 4 at that time, so eating ice cream was a HUGE treat!) . Instead, we watched cartoons and I shared my ice cream. // DS got all the chicken pox immunizations on schedule, then on the last day of school before winter break of his first grade, he said "my tummy tickles" and sure enough he had about a dozen pox on his abdomen and armpits. The next morning he was covered and DH came home with influenza. That was a rough winter break. I had to make food for DS that he could eat cold, and leave juice and Gatorade for DH because I was working retail at that time. We gave him his Christmas gift (don't laugh) a bowling ball, early, and I have the refrigerator dents to prove it. How can a "simple" childhood illness effect everybody in so many different ways !?!?!

    Welcome to everyone new, and hugs for everyone again today ! ! !

    I've been getting more than my fair share of hugs lately, so I'm feeling extra generous. :DB) It just started raining here, so I suppose my DH will get off the roof and head home early today. I have to go to the high school's winter sports meeting tonight, so I will not be shopping at Big Lots. Maybe next week. But I really did stock up on low fat granola and water enhancer drops last time I was there. I think the only thing we really need at home is bread (not really a need, but DH will just buy it if I don't, so I won't) and milk. Milk is on sale at PigglyWiggly for $1.49 with $10 additional purchase. Can't pass up a deal like that !

    Okay, enough rambling. I should get more work done.

    Hugs ! ! ! Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    damnit - 56 baby 56!!

    janetr - hope you're feeling btr
  • catoibin
    catoibin Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks Barbie for this quote - "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    I'm starting this journey again after doing what I wanted "at the moment." Just had my yearly physical and the Doctor gave me a talking to about my weight, pain in knees, and the higher than what I've had in the past blood pressure.

    Goals for October:
    - track food honestly to become aware of what I'm eating
    - Become accountable by stating my weight each month to this group.

    Starting weight today: 270.6

    Northern California

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    welcome new peeps - join in on the chat and you'll get support.

    I just noticed I'm on a 1180 day streak!! wowzers!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    welcome new peeps - join in on the chat and you'll get support.

    I just noticed I'm on a 1180 day streak!! wowzers!

    Yay! You are an inspiration :)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited October 2015
    Katla49- Only four blocks from your house!!!! Ahhh nooo.. Its a pretty little town! We ate at the only restaurant we saw, "The Inn Restaurant" and my middle son put his older brothers phone number on the bill when he paid it. Aww brotherly love. The waitress had long braids so he commented on how pretty they were and gave his older brothers phone number... We are doing our darndest to get the elder brother to acknowledge the opposite sex, but he is just happy playing with his cars....

    Today I had to attend the TOPS meeting because I had signed up a while ago to do a program. I called a friend after and confessed that I shall be taking a "leave of absence" from attending. I just feel anxious after my meeting, and its because I don't get a whole hell of a lot out of it.

    My husband said that I can still weigh on Wednesdays and he can be my cheering squad. Between him and you all, I shall get thru anything!

    I called a TOPS friend (one that I walk with on Mondays and Fridays), and vented to her about my feelings. That felt really liberating! I told her, as long as that weight recorder continues to not be supportive in the weight room, and also continues to lose and gain like a see-saw, I can't really be showing up. Today that same gal lost 6 lbs, (again) and I asked her straight up what she was doing during the week to have such a great loss, and she said, "I don't know". To me, if we are going to celebrate a "featherweight" of the week, give her the huge fruit and veggie basket, give her money, AND sing praises to her, she should "BE ACCOUNTABLE" and say how she lost it.

    My two bald eagles that live on a certain high tree that I see from my balcony are back. I don't know where they went for a month. Vacation? Yesterday I heard their squeaking and it did my heart good. Something I always look for daily. I know it isn't their Home Tree, but their Hunting Tree, but I feel blessed to have them close to look at. Some days they sit on the same branch, other days on different branches, which is like any human marriage huh? Some days one eagle is on a higher branch and its mate is below. I imagine one saying, "Oh you are making me mad, I just want to pee on your head". Other days when they are on the same branch, they look like one eagle and I swear I see one wing around her. So sweet.

    Back to the grind, and happy to be doing it with you all. The program I did today was on Self-Care. Its like when you are on a plane and the oxygen masks come down. You need to first put your mask on, before you can help any loved one. Practicing good self-care is like that. You need to nurture yourself, to be the best you, before you can help anyone else. My program talked about rewarding yourself with non-food things. For me, its playing a piano I see, or going for my walks. Some days its reading how strong each of you are in your journey's. Self care shouldn't cost money, just my time. It is something that keeps you grounded, and puts your life in re-alignment. It keeps you mindful and gives you the strength to care for others. For some its their faith. What do you all do for your own self-care?


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    hugs :)
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member