weight loss and its effect on a relationship

Does anyone feel that their weight loss is effecting their relationship; positively or negatively? My wife has always been very self conscience or her weight and I, on the other hand, didn't really care too much. Now that I have lost lots of weight and she hasn't, I find there is a lot of resentment towards me, "not buying any good foods when grocery shopping", "spending too much time exercising", "wasting my time because I won't stick with it", etc. Not once I have I gotten a "you look great" or "good job" Does anyone else experience this with their significant other?

It's very frustrating!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    A lot of people have this problem. Try to get onboard. I she won't maybe go food shopping with her and choose the things you want. She is feeling bad about herself but if she doesn't want to change then she will have to get over it. You don't want to be unhealthy just to keep her happy.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I am so sorry it is causing stress in your relationship. My husband has been super supportive, but I do my best not to let my habits or gym time get in the way of us spending some good time together. Try and see what you can do to make her feel that she is as important to you as ever.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    While neither my husband nor I are more than a little overweight, we both needed to lose a few pounds. I know he gets tired of me talking about feeling fat but has been very encouraging to me as I have lost a few pounds and actually has started working out more too and decided he's going to try to lose a few pounds.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Wow, that is not cool. I would have a good heart to heart with your significant other.

    Good luck.
  • alexmommy
    alexmommy Posts: 76 Member
    Have you tried to plan exercise you can do as a family? Trying to get my husband to do something as simple as go for a walk is a pain in the *kitten* so I don't even ask. But if I plan a trip to the zoo, or to a local metro park for an afternoon, I get him to exercise without putting it out as exercise. Its just fun family time with our 2 year old. Maybe she just doesn't feel she can do it. Its more mental than anything, try really talking to her about it.
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    Last time my boyfriend was like that. He got frustrated when I wanted to exercise and he wanted to work out. When I brought him to my personal trainer with me, he turned it into a competition and made me feel bad. But this time around he is a lot better after I told him his negative comments made me stop last time. I find guilt works best when dealing with these situations lol.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I'm sorry your going through that. When I was with my ex husband i had that problem he would always bring home junk and then get mad when I refused his 10pm chocolately snack offer... He hated that I was working out would tell me things like my friends say your doing this so you can leave me and attract other guys....well no that wasn't it I left him shortly after cause he was cheating on me....But my husband now is awesome we started insanity together last night. Maybe you can find a way to get her involved or encourage her to join you. good luck hun :(
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I have to say my husband has been very supportive of my weight loss. When I told him I wanted to join WW his response was ok, as long as I have enough to eat and Im not eating tofu.
    Is there any way you can get her on bored with you. Maybe if it was something you did together it would change how she feels. Im sure it hurts that you are working so hard and not getting the support that you need. Maybe tell her the affect her negativity is having on you.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    My God has been super supportive too. But he is skinny.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I am sorry to hear that. I think a heart to heart aka a come to jesus meeting is in order. You need to let her know that by acting the way that she is you feel that she is trying to make things harder for you and ask her if thats what a good partner would do to another. She is probably at least a little jealous and let her know being petty and resentful is goint to hurt your relationship......is that what she wants? Also make sure you let her know you are not getting in shape to attract someone better that could be in the back of her mind.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    That doesn't sound very supportive at all :( I'm sorry. I'd talk to her and explain that you're doing this because you want to live a longer life with her and your children.

    My DH has always been supportive. I've been very lucky.

    The only change that my weight loss/gain ever really makes is in our sex life.
  • TaekwondoRobbie
    I get the exact same thing. My wife tells me constantly I am wasting my time ... spending too much time training and eating properly. She NEVER says you look good .. great job .. never pays me any compliments. Makes me feel bad sometimes.
    Argues with me to get me to stay home from the gym etc .... not cool ...
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    My boyfriend weighs less than me and is very physically fit. He was a state champ in swimming so I always felt he could have someone better looking. Before I started losing weight he told me that he would love me no matter what; if I gain 10lbs or lost 10 he would always love me. He had told me that he was concerned about my health and diabetes because his mom's friend passed away not too long ago from it but stressed that I was beautiful the way I was. I soon agreed that my health was an issue and began to lose weight while I was off at college. When I returned home 21 lbs lighter the relationship itself didn't really change because he loved me the way I was before but he was so proud of me and he couldn't stop saying 'look how skinny you are!'
  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    I can imagine how hard that is, and I bet its a bit discouraging. But, she is doing it for the same reason that everyone else may get down on you about losing weight. She is intimidated and she's jealous. Intimidated by how successful you are with this and also that you found the drive to do it. She's jealous because she probably wants to lose weight too but hasn't found her way to doing it yet. Hang in there. Maybe sit her down and explain to her why you are working on losing weight (health, being around longer, etc). You've done nothing wrong, try to get her involved and such. On the other hand, if she's not on board, that's her problem. I'd definitely tell her to keep the remarks to herself though.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I hear ya. For years my bf has complained about my weight and saying I should do something about it. When finally do, all he knows how to do is whine, and cry. He also complains that I don't buy enough snack or "good food". I haven't gotten any "good jobs" or "you look wonderful" either so don't feel too bad. IDK why they act this way, but it sucks to have the person you care about act like this. You're not alone.
  • evenidomhnaill
    My husband is supportive he is on a healthy eating and workout routine at the minute it does sometimes bother me that he seams to drop weight in a heart beat and I struggle with every half lb but thats the way it goes. I know when he reaches his target i'll be so happy for him and he will be cheering me on until i reach mine some time in the distant future. I would find some way to gently hint that what she is doing is hurtful, I would also suggest you going shopping either with her or for her maybe if you buy mainly healthy stuff she might also loose weight and be less hostile. I would say she is just projecting how she feels towards you
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I think sometimes it's harder for a woman to be supportive, only because women typically have more body issues than men. You said yourself that her weight bothers her, but you never really cared that much about yours. It makes sense that she would be feeling insecure. But it is not acceptable for her to behave this way. She can't treat you badly because you're trying to better yourself. She needs to be supportive of you getting healthy and doing something that makes you happy.

    I agree with the person who suggested inviting her along for exercise. If you typically go hard at the gym, maybe you could dial it back a notch once in a while and go for a brisk walk with her, making sure not to go faster than she can handle. On weekends, see if there's somewhere active that you guys can go to have fun and spend time together -- hiking in a park, or kayaking, or dancing lessons, something like that. (Of course, make sure to do things that she wants to do too. If you always do stuff that YOU want to do, that will lead to resentment too.) And talk to her honestly about how you're feeling. Tell her that you love her and you think she's beautiful the way she is, and you would appreciate it if she were more supportive of you on this journey. Remind her that she has no reason to be threatened by your wanting to work out, that it is no reflection on how you feel about her. If she gets on you about the groceries, tell her that she's more than welcome to buy a treat if she wants it, and you won't bug her about it or eat her treats. (And then follow through with that! No nagging, and no stealing!)

    If none of that works, ask her what's really bothering her, and don't take "nothing" or "I'm fine" for an answer. Maybe she's resentful of your time, or maybe it's something else. If she's willing to talk to you about it, then you guys can work through it without resentment.
  • frostke
    frostke Posts: 21
    That's kind of what happened to me. My long time boyfriend is in the process of losing 100lbs. In the past year he's lost 70lbs and and only has 30 more to go. Seeing that made me start to really dislike myself. We were both very overweight (needing to lose at least 100lbs each) and he definitely took the initiative and made a major lifestyle change. In my eyes he's now this very buff attractive fit guy and I'm just his lousy fat girlfriend. I lost a lot of self esteem through this and almost got to a point of hating myself well, really, I DEFINITELY hated myself. No one should ever have to go through that. There were nights I would spend crying either alone or to him about how lousy I felt about myself.

    Seeing that and reaching rock bottom really gave me the motivation to work on myself now. The fact that he's been so successful is really been GREAT motivation. He understand my abilities and is very supportive. While it was one of the hardest unspoken road bumps in our relationship, I'll hopefully be turning it into something great.

    I hope everything works out for you. :)
  • asudheimer
    asudheimer Posts: 82 Member
    You said yourself that she is insecure with her weight, and that's basically all that it amounts to is insecurity. Maybe she's afraid you won't find her attractive anymore or that you will cheat? It is her own self-confidence that makes her act that way, and she is trying to hold you back so that you don't lose interest in her. What are you doing to help the situation? I noticed on your profile you said your motivation is to be a better Dad & Teammate, and to be happier, what about to be a better husband & to have a long healthy and happy marriage? You took her for better or worse as your spouse, so try to understand this may be one of her worse moments and encourage her to do activities with you, ask her if she will run the marathon in October with you, invite her to exercise with you so that it's not taking time away from your relationship. She will feel better about herself and will encourage you more than. :)
  • TerriMama23
    My husband has been great through the whole process ... we talked about the surgery (lapband) before doing it .. he wanted me to be doing it for the right reasons not for him ... cause he married me heavy and loved me just the way i was ... i told him it was what i wanted so he agreed and said than ok do it ... and now a year and a half later he is so very proud of me ... he tells me almost every day how proud he is of me for sticking with it and how great i look .. i have lost a total of 128 lbs and i feel great ... hubby hasnt changed one bit ... he is always there for me ...