weight loss and its effect on a relationship



  • texasrebel83
    texasrebel83 Posts: 40 Member
    I would sit down with her and have a talk. She may be feeling left out, you have this new way of life and she may be feeling a little jealous. Try to find something in common, go kayaking together, pick up a sport, start Insanity/P90X/etc. together.

    With my husband, I didn't push the issue, if he asked questions I answered, but I didn't nag him about joining me, I wanted it to be his choice.
  • HeatherMarie1174
    That has to be extremely difficult - my husband is super supportive ... I just wish he would walk with me in the evenings. But ... he does work out in the heat all day along so I guess when he comes home, he would rather stay in the air conditioning. I can't blame him for that ... but other than that, he told me I looked good before I started losing. I, of course, didn't see it, but I am starting to ... and he is still telling me how good I look. Hopefully he can handle me when I get to my goal weight ... and keep up because I will constantly be on the move!!!
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    My husband has been very supportive, but now that I've lost 60+ lbs and I'm looking good, more active, etc. he is getting jealous of me. He said that he wants to lose weight because he doesn't want me looking better than him. I told him that if he wants to lose weight it should be for himself and not just to look better than me. I want to support him, but it is hard when I know the only reason he is doing it is to one-up me.

    Good luck sweetie :smile:
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I WAS that wife.

    And I feel horrible about it. When my husband started to lose weight, get healthy, and exercise nightly I started to feel incredibly insecure and alone. I no longer had a partner in crime. I was ashamed that I was eating cookies/chips/whatever when he was busting his *kitten* in our living room doing P90x. I was afraid I was losing him to exercise and fitness and that he's leave me for someone who was hot and not put up with his fat, whining wife.

    I wasn't ready to get on the fitness train so I did everything to sabotage his. I'd complain that he spent all his time exercising. I'd complain that we weren't eating at our favourite restaurants anymore. I would insist that he would share garbage food with me, in a distorted effort to get him away from the exercise regimen.

    I was jealous. Really jealous. Watching him exercise meant that I would have to face what I had done to MYSELF over the years. We both packed on a rediculous amount of weight. He was doing something about it. And I wasn't. And that was hard.

    Stick through it and be continue to be positive. Don't take it personally. She just feels left out as I did. Insist that she work out with you. She'll probably say no, she's too tired, doesn't feel like it, but ask her anyway. I know my husband did. He never uttered a negative comment back even when I was being a complete *****, and I love him for it.

    Just keep pressing on. She'll come around. I know I sure did. :D
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    In the past my husband would get extremely worried about my efforts because I'd keep a notebook and write everything down and when I'd gain weight anyway (due to an undiagnosed medical condition) it'd make super frustrated. But now that it's all sorted out and my notebook is digitalized and I was able to explain that my food diary isn't just to keep me from eating too much, but also to stop me from eating too little, that it's to keep me in a healthy range, then he's been really excited for me. His concern always has been for my health, his mom is a compulsive non-eater and so whenever he saw me on some sort of similar (but nowhere close) behavior it would freak him out. Once I figured out that was his trigger, and was able to assuage those fears, then we haven't had a problem. He's been very supportive and he's happy to see me not drop several pounds a week or he'd be worried again, instead it's one a week on average. At least every day though he pulls me in for a hug and kisses me and tells me how beautiful I look and how skinny I'm getting and that he's so proud of me.

    I suggest a good heart to heart. I doubt your wife is having the same issues my husband did, but a good heart to heart is important. This behavior could get absolutely toxic and it's suggestable to head it off before it gets to that point.

    Oh, and he's even changed his own diet and is started to lose weight as well.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Have you considered seeing if she'd like to be included in your weight loss journey? I'm not sure if the offer has been put on the table, but maybe find out if she'd like to eat healthily and exercise along with you? It could be that she's feeling excluded from that part of your life, and you supporting her in it might help things.
  • cjpblue
    cjpblue Posts: 16 Member
    Men never resent their wives looking sexy. They appreciate it when we put forth the effort to be appealing, but it is different for women. Before, when my husband would diet and I wouldn't I resented it too. I felt like I was a failure because I didn't fit the mold of a stereotypical wife. I wasn't lighter then my husband and with him getting smaller I was becoming more of a failure everyday, and why would a man want to stay with someone who is a failure. It is amazing how much we can beat ourselves up. This time I started the effort to lose weight and after I had been going for awhile then he started working towards his goal. He treats me like I'm sexy even when I know I'm not which helps me a lot. It is so much easier to stick to my diet when I feel attractive and sexy. He knows this and never complains about me getting my nails or hair done or buying some new clothes. It is hard on her because she is afraid she might lose you, and when peoples lives change sometimes they do grow apart. Shower her with as much love and romancing as you possibly can and see if you can bring her fears that you no longer love her under control. This is all just my opinion so take it for what it is worth and good luck! Whatever you do, don't go back on the positive changes you have made in your life. Don't bring yourself down--help bring her up.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    Duh.. Hellooo? Your women are feeling insecure, unattractive and VERY worried that you're doing this to attract a NEW and MORE attractive, sexier woman. I mean, did you look like this when you got married/involved? My guess is that you didn't.

    You need to step up your game to make her feel desired and important and reassure her that you're doing this for YOU, for your families (so that you're healthy and get to stick around as long as possible), and for any other reason OTHER than to look good for another woman. Not that you mind other women looking.... because then, they can be jealous of the hottie on your arm (your WIFE).

    Invite them to join you; offer to teach them what you've learned; ask them to add healthy foods that they like to the list; etc. but most importantly, don't push. The hidden message in there will be that "you're fat", "you're out of shape", "you're not sexy anymore" if you do and I'm sure you already know what that leads to.

    Many times (but not always) the psyche of women is a jumbled emotional mess. Trust me, as one, I know. Ha. And just as many times, we know we're being irrational but don't know what to do about it or how to make it better. That's when you guys need to understand to step in and automatically reassure "What can I do to make you feel better?" "How can I help?" "What do you need me to do?". These are the things women are looking for when we're feeling low, insecure, unwell, or stressed out.

    I hope this helps and best of luck - you guys look great!! :-)
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Hi...I too am sorry that your relationship is having an "insecurity" situation right now. You have been doing great working on your health and she is worrying about it(speaking from experience) While the ideal situation would be for her to come out of her insecurity and be supportive, the reality is, its hard to be happy and insecure at the same time. If you want this to truly iron out, check yourself, are you spending time with her, making her feel good, or is everything about you and your weight loss journey?? Its okay to let her know that you feel unsupported but at the same time...she may be feeling the same way. Best of luck.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    My guy has been very supportive of me on this journey. I am sorry your wife is struggling. I used to be that person to myself. The person that said it won't last, things will go back to where they were, why exercise it is not going to matter tomorrow ....

    blah blah blah yeah that was me. :embarassed:

    Maybe just maybe a heart to heart could set her at ease? Tell her how you feel and ask her for her input. Don't be disheartened by her opinion, be encouraged by it to help enlighten her about your journey. Reassure her that every step of the way she is a big part of that because she lives in your heart ... which is getting healthier and stronger only to love her more every day. :heart:
  • kumarprabhat
    kumarprabhat Posts: 116
    I guess there is a pattern here:
    1. If wife works out a lot (and husband does not), husbands are more or less supportive - obviously, they could be lured by increasing degree of "hotness" in their counterparts. :smile:
    2. If husband works out a lot (and wife does not), wifes do tend to have a negative approach towards it. I don't know whethere they see anything positive coming out of it or not, but surely see it as a waste of time or "attention to them" compromised.

    I pray and wish I am wrong here and that it is not a general trend. It's just a personal view and no offense meant to either gender...
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    The first time I lost weight. I felt wonderful and felt that my boyfriend was going to love this. Well, he didn't.. he would get mad when he would make something with lots of calories and I wouldn't eat it. He would always say "you can have a little bite". After all the fights over food and being tired of the fighting I gave in. I gained all plus 100 pounds back and he was happy again and I was miserable. We are no longer together and I have lost all my weight. I also found out why he was so unhappy, he liked big women. Hang in there but you have to do what you have to do to stay healthy. Good Luck!
  • kumarprabhat
    kumarprabhat Posts: 116
    @muth3rluvx2: great insight. Totally agree. I guess I need to do my bit more for my "Sexy" one... :tongue:
  • kimslim68
    kimslim68 Posts: 3
    Gosh, I understand my husband lost a great deal of weight a few years ago and he looked great. Everyone was telling him all the time and he was proud of himself. Rightfully so, but I was jealous. I am sure that I was not as encouraging as I should have been to him. I did not tell him that he wouldn't stick to it or anything, but I wasn't a cheerleader for him either.

    That is ashame because he did gain it back and if I had been more encouraging like he is with me maybe he would not have. I know that I would eat and purchase things that he wasn't to eat to maintain, but I didn't consider his needs.

    I believe one blogger said better than I when she said that men never resent their wives looking sexy. I agree I know all women no matter how secure their marriage worry about their husband straying. "Why would he want to be with fat me when he looks good and can get a thinner woman?" I feel very secure in our marriage, but those thoughts did enter my mind a few times over the years. If I really am honest it is because I didn't think that I deserve him, not that he was even tempted to stray.
  • nurse_carolyn
    You said it "you have lost weight and she hasn't." She is probably feeling jealous and this might make her feel a bit depressed. This may be why she is lashing out at you, out of her own frustrations. Try and get her on board with a program herself and once she starts to see progress in herself she might ease up on you. I hope that helps, I wish you well.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    My husband has been very supportive and has even started to slowly change his eating habits. He needs to loose about 30 lbs. I do try to make sure he has his favorite food even if I do not eat them. I want him to know I still love him even though I am loosing weight. If he wants a pizza, I get the kind he wants then a healthy one for me. Find ways to "exercise" together that seem like they are not - take a romantic walk, go dancing, etc. I also agree that she feels insecure and maybe fees that you are looking so good you may leave. Find ways to show her you still love her just the way she is - send her flowers, take her out for a special dinner, etc. You may find that she will jump on the health band wagon like my husband is slowly doing.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I think I know what's happening here. She is scared. She is afraid that if you continue to lose and she does not, you will leave her or lose interest in her. I have felt sorta the same way recently. My husband has had great success, while me--not so much. I do not resent him. I truly am happy for him, but I do worry that he will look at me and think "I can do so much better than that". Think this might be part of what's going on??
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can imagine that is very frustrating. But try to remember that it is likely a combination of fear (that the new you will think she is not good enough) and jealously (that you have accomplished something she has not yet been able to). As frustrated as you are, she is probably equally so, but for different reasons. Give her love and assurance and focus on how much better you feel and much healthier you are. But don't let her derail you!! Once she's is sure that the new you is not a threat she will likely relax and might even follow suit. Good luck to you both!
  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    My boyfriend... well, ex boyfriend now, hated that I was losing weight.
    He's always been... uhm, bigger, I guess. His BMI is like the top end of overweight, almost obese. But I never forced him to lose weight or even suggested it, I was 100% happy with him.
    Before I started losing weight, I was just a bit overweight and he would always say that I could do with losing some weight but I never did, but you don't tell your slightly overweight girlfriend she needs to lose weight when you're almost considered obese!
    But anyway, I started losing weight (for myself, not him) and he didn't like it. It made him feel self conscious and he blamed me for that, saying it was my fault for losing weight.
    In the end, he broke up with me 3 weeks ago. Because I lost weight. I can't help but find it funny.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    The previous times I lost weight I did so by myself, this time we are doing it together and it is much easier as we work out together and eat the same things, plus we can bounce of each other if we are frustrated or struggling.

    Weight loss is such a life changing journey I think you have to walk that road together as at the end of it you will be different people otherwise.