Where are the 5"4 ladies at??



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Also 5'4. Started at 167 down to 150.4 right now. Lowest I've ever been was 127 and honestly it was too skinny. I carry all my weight in my lower half and at 127 I looked super bony up top then. But we all carry our weight differently. I'm aiming for 130 I think. But I was pretty happy when I weighed 135 in all honesty. I've also been having some medical issues do sticking with my current plan has been a lot easier knowing that it's helping me not feel like death warmed over!

    I'm shaped the same. I just started touching 127 on a good day recently and it's about the thinnest I can get. All bony up top!
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    ✋✋5'4 23 year old nursing student! :) Started at 250.2 down to 224.4! Working on it!! Feel free to add! Love watching everyone melt! :)

    Amazing! Keep up the good work.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I'm just curious about your ages. I'm 5' 3.75", 53 years old. My goal weight is 146 (about 25% body fat). The last time I was anywhere near 125-130 was when I got married at 24yo.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm just curious about your ages. I'm 5' 3.75", 53 years old. My goal weight is 146 (about 25% body fat). The last time I was anywhere near 125-130 was when I got married at 24yo.

    I'm turning 30. The last time I ever weighed 125-130 was probably the 5th grade. I hit 150 in middle school and was between that and 180 ever since. I've actually never been slim.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited October 2015
    I'm just curious about your ages. I'm 5' 3.75", 53 years old. My goal weight is 146 (about 25% body fat). The last time I was anywhere near 125-130 was when I got married at 24yo.

    I'm 25 yrs old. The last time I fell into this weight range I was 19. However, even though my weight is about the same I wear smaller clothes now than I did at 19.
  • lizzylovestocook
    lizzylovestocook Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started at 179 about 5 yrs ago on ichange logging everything I ate everyday . I started using MFP when quite a few of the ladies from ichange switched over . I am currently using both programs . I weigh 148 now but was down to 145 in the summer . Would like to get down to 142 , I know that's probably more than I should weigh for my height but at 64 I'd be happy with that . I just want to stay healthy and keep my cholesterol and blood sugar under control .
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm almost 5'4. I was up to 163 at one point. Been down to 128. Currently 151....ugh. Goal is 130. Anything less is too much for me. Don't want to lose my curves! Lol
  • LeeMay63
    LeeMay63 Posts: 36 Member
    edited October 2015
    I'm 5'4" and 140 lbs,GW 115 lbs. On 1000 calorie,healthy eating diet. Only problem is, I'm not a big fruit and vegetable eater,so it's hard to lose weight.Will keep trying though. Glad ya'll are here and nice to meet all of you. Oh,and I'm 52 yrs. old.
  • brandyshopperj21
    brandyshopperj21 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I am between 127 and 132 lbs. so when I am being really good ad eating clean I get to 127/128 and when I'm being more carefree am around 132.

    I would love to get to gw of 120 but I can't seem to ever get lower than 125. Must be a plateau - I'm starting to just accept it
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    I'm just curious about your ages. I'm 5' 3.75", 53 years old. My goal weight is 146 (about 25% body fat). The last time I was anywhere near 125-130 was when I got married at 24yo.

    I'm your height. I'm 20
  • bvaoifi5
    bvaoifi5 Posts: 5 Member
    I started mine about a 5 weeks ago but I recently got back from a week long vacation where I cheated big time.. Lol but I'm right back on the wagon! 30lbs to go.
  • bvaoifi5
    bvaoifi5 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, Im new here, Im 5'3.5 :) I am currently at 187, ( lost 5 pds my first two weeks, 3rd week ends tomorrow) I would like to get to 140, it's tough, I've been trying to lose weight for years with no success, but then I've always had them tied to a goal, like going on a vaca or something..... NOW Im doing it cause I want to, and cause I want my back to stop hurting so much..... My goal is by spring, I can do a flip on the parallel bar, nothing drastic, just a simple flip. LOL
    I'm the same height and weight as you & your struggle sounds identical to mine! Lol. Hang in there! Feel free to add me!
  • NokiKoo
    NokiKoo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 133. I want to get down to 110, because that is the weight I felt the healthiest at.

    Until I was 25 my highest non-pregnancy weight was 105. I always thought I was too skinny and needed to gain a few pounds. When I managed to get up to 110 and felt great. Had more energy and liked the way I looked more.

    Then I got up to 125 in what seemed like no time for no explainable reason. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with lupus and RA. The medications they put me on caused me to balloon up and didn't help my symptoms. I got off the medications at 145lbs and haven't been able to get back to that 110 I felt so great at since! My symptoms are mostly managed by eliminating food triggers from my diet, but I just know getting the extra weight off will relieve a lot of the strain on my body!

    I turn 30 in January and would be so happy to be down to 120 by then. That's where I was last summer; life got crazy and I stopped being strict about my diet.
  • juneeharrison
    juneeharrison Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5.3" newbee feel free to add me don't have many friends x from bonnie Scotland currently weighing in at 91kg
    Hi this is my first post. So here goes... I am 5'3 1/2 69 years old female from South Australia. I started my weight loss 6 months ago with MFP at 94.5kg. My first goal is 80kg only 400g to go! I like reading everyone's posts.

  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Here! Started at 180. Currently at 140. At this point, I'm mostly trying to get in shape, but I could probably stand to lose another 10 pounds.
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    Hi all :) I'm 51 years old and 5'4", too! Started my journey here on MFP in July 2014 at 369lbs. Today I'm 243.6lbs with a 125lbs loss so far! WOOHOO!!! I don't even truly know what I want my goal to be since I've never weighed below 200lbs yet in my whole adult life. I figure IT'S ALL GOOD now as long as it's going down down down!! However, I am currently stuck on this horrible plateau and it's irking the devil out of me GRRRRRRR!!!! >:)
  • kacotugno86
    kacotugno86 Posts: 35 Member
    Also 5'4 here! I am 164 lbs and looking to drop down to 135-130. Is this w good weight?
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 402 Member
    I'm a touch taller, at just over 5'5" ☺️. Currently 181 lbs or so, would be very happy at 145-150. Main aim is to reduce body fat - it's over 40% now, and I don't like being the consistency of double cream!
  • _BewitchedBelle
    _BewitchedBelle Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5"4! Just started using this app minutes ago. Hoping it becomes a great tool in my weight loss journey which is just starting today. I would rather not say how much I weigh right now but I am hoping to lose about 100 lbs. we all have to start somewhere right? I wish you all great luck and success!
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I'm just over 5'4". Started at 150lbs at the end of July. Currently 132lbs. Aim for 120lbs. Would like to be 126lbs by Christmas.