Fit for Future Families - June 2011



  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ sdavisneill - Thanks :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Okay guys, I`m being brave about it and `wingin`it here so please forgive me if I inadvertantly forget you or miss a comment.

    Ashley - don`t you live in Montreal? Isn't that the unofficial hotdog capital of the country??? (Sorry, but have to point out.....I just did it again.......although I really did mean hotdogs, not HOTdogs.....LOL What is wrong with me?? LOL)

    Good luck Carina - DH's cousin is an at home caregiver so I know what a change to the routine taking on a new one is. Sounds like you're settling back in.

    Welcome Johanna!!!

    Mission - I have the back thing too (although I never broke it...... I herniated the disc and have been slowly letting it heal vs surgery) and so I just do bits and pieces, but to be honest, my DH is my saviour (and I turned him into a garden nut at the same time) and does most of the big stuff....I'm getting stronger though and able to do more and more.

    Alisa - Personally I really enjoy working 6-4 (because it affords me the flexibility to take a 2 hour lunch if I have to or leave early when I want). My boss doesn't care as long as the work gets done....Hope your boss approves it. Waking up early sucks, but when you leave right after lunch, it's much better!!!!

    AFM: We're still planting...and probably have another day or two yet. We're doing a big family BBQ for Canada day since my inlaws are coming into town (stress city anyone??? For those who remember the holidays......) we're trying to clean guest room is still a disaster since hubs decided to pull apart the storage cupboard in that room to move the door and hasn't quite gotten to that point yet :noway: They arrive in T-11 days....Think I need to help hubs.....he's in the kitchen chanting "I don't want to cook, but we need to eat at home".....LOL
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey ladies - miss you! I'll catch up soon.

    Heading back to the gym on Friday, yahoo!

    Talk soon!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Ashley - don`t you live in Montreal? Isn't that the unofficial hotdog capital of the country??? (Sorry, but have to point out.....I just did it again.......although I really did mean hotdogs, not HOTdogs.....LOL What is wrong with me?? LOL)
    Montréal (or Québec in general) is full of “case croute’s” and chains like La Belle Province, but I never eat there. I haven’t had a hotdog since my grandmother told me what was in them while we were camping and heating over the fire when I was 9 (can you tell I was traumatized by this). I’ve not had sausages since then either, and thankfully DH feels the same way about them, he went to school in culinary arts and had to make gourmet sausages in school and hasn’t been able to eat them since. This coming from a man that makes fois gras for a living! Is it bad that I live in Montréal and my husband makes it for a living, but yet I’ve never had fois gras before:ohwell:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Yeah - have to say, I used to love hotdogs, but can't eat them now.........blech!!!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Well, I just got back from the OB. My day 3 blood test showed my LH at 3 and my FSH at 7. he said they are in perfect balance and that i'm being impatient.
    "you just had a miscarriage"
    I said "it was 5 months ago."

    He said that he wouldn't take any additional steps for a year, and since it shows I'm fertile, he wouldn't do anything until it's been 2 years with no conception. :(

    I started bawling in the office in front of him. :cry:

    How can I not "let it stress me" when i have to keep it on my mind every single day, so I know when to test for ovulation, DTD and wait for BFN every month. (roll eyes)

    I'm sorry for being a downer.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Aww Carina! Hang in there! That sucks that he wont do anything. If it makes u feel any better something encouraging to think about...I have a friend who miscarried last year and her and her husband tried for a year after (temping, OPK's, ferility monitors etc) and exactly one year after her miscarriage she conceived so sometimes as much as it sucks it takes time. Hope u feel better! Do something nice for urself today! **hugs**
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi ladies.
    My name is Courtney. I've been married 6 months on the 18th, but we've been together almost 6 years (and went to elementary school together, ha.) I have one bonus daughter who is 5. I lost about 20 lbs before my wedding. Once I knew I was in my dress, I started to lose motivation. I joined MFP in January but didn't start really using it until about March. I was off to a pretty good start.

    I went off BCP in February and we got our first BFP in April. Unfortunately, it ended up being a blighted ovum and I'm scheduled for a D & C Thursday morning :-( It has been an especially long month of blood draws, u/s and lots of waiting. I even found out that I have a pelvic kidney during this process! 0_o

    I stopped tracking first and then took off a couple of weeks from the gym (in those 1st few weeks). It felt sooo good to get back into the gym! (I haven't been this week though.) Hoping everything goes well, and I'm back on a schedule soon. I started tracking today.

    We definitely plan to continue TTC once we're given the go ahead - probably around August or September. I'm 31, so we need to get this show on the road! Anyway, just wanted to say hi and that I'm glad you have this group. I'd posted a bit in the pregnant group which is how I found you guys. Looking forward to getting to know everyone as I try to get a little healthier.

    Carina - I'm sorry that you're having a rough time with your OB. I've only been doing this for a little while and some of the things people, medical community included, have to say just sucks.
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    Hello everyone! I'm new... only my 2nd day on MFP. My name is Jen and I am 28 yrs old. Married, and TTC. Got married in Sept. 2010, and Aug 2010 I was diagnosed with PCOS. Came as a bit of a blow to me, although I really wasn't super surprised. I've always (ever since I was a teen and first started my menstrual cycle) been irregular, it just didn't show up until last fall as I had been on BCP for 5 years.

    So anyway, here I am... trying to lose weight, hoping it will help... been trying officially since Jan 2011 to conceive, but no luck thus far. Since January I lost 15lbs, but gained about 10lbs back... I am a big stress eater, and my husband was on medical disability from work for nearly 2 months, and the stress of him not being well, and $$ issues made it very hard for to stay on track. So today marks my 2nd full day of remaining in control of my food intake. And having discovered MFP 3 days ago, I think it was a divine intervention or some other act by a higher power. I feel motivated, and in control!!

    My short term goal is to lose about 50lbs. I hope that once I get there either my body will start cooperating with me and we will conceive on our own, or my doctor will be more willing to give me a prescription for Clomid. She has already told me she'd like for me to drop a bunch of weight first before we go on the Clomid. So we shall see what the future brings for us!

    Good luck to everyone and have a happy hump day!! :)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies!!! We are so glad to have u!

    Jen - u are in good company where the PCOS is concerned. There are a few of us who also deal with that

    Courtney- I'm so sorry for ur little angel baby- but the silver lining of that is you know I CAN get pregnant

    AFM- I'm soooooo sick of my job....I am stuck in a cubical all day and only get to socialize when I happen o have to leave my hole to go make copies or whatever....I'm starting to look at other job options that better fit my personality but unfortunately I have been advised NOT to take a job like Starbucks (although I would love nothing more than to sling drinks all day) bc it would look bad on my resume and I am only qualified to do super boring jobs.....

    I have been consistently going over my calories by about 400 everyday this week...I just look at it and think "well, at least I'm under 1800 for the day..." ugh...MUST GET ON TRACK!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Hiya!!! I've been MIA for a while! Super busy with life and work. So sorry, no individual responses yet. I hope to jump in soon.
    I haven't started my "new" workouts yet; I'm just trying to work anything into my schedule at this point. Still trying to get away from the 145-7 lbs mark. My weight hasn't moved in months! I know my lack of time and effort is the only to blame at this point...
    AF has come and gone, so OB appointment is Monday to talk about the next steps. You may recall, she wanted me to chart for one more month then start on Clomid...Now she wants to "check my ovaries" (whatever that entails) and get my hubby in for a SA before the meds. He still is NOT receptive to the idea, so we will see what happens. I tried to bring it up as delicately as I could and he still got an instant attitude about it... I really don't know what to do with him...(**eye roll) As if I like getting poked and prodded... and the bills have started to come in for the visits and tests, and I'm sure this is only the beginning of the journey.
    Work is getting crazy...I run a 4-week dance intensive with 140 students from all over the world that stay on campus and we are T - 16 days before the staff get here for training and 18 days before the kids are busting down the doors. You can only imagine the planning and everything that goes along with it. *insert smiley pulling out her hair* LOL So if I don't check in regularly, just assume I jumped the earliest flight to Hawaii to live!

    Hope the best for everyone!! ***HUGS*** (YAY 5:00p!! I'm outta here!)
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    Hey everyone! I posted over in the Pregnancy 2011 thread, and I was referred here, so I'm just going to copy over what I wrote there.

    Hey everyone. My fiance and I are going to be getting married in a little over a year or so, and we want to try for children as soon as we are financially ready for it. I've had PCOS and hypothyroidism since I was 8, which haven't helped my weight issues at all. Because my thyroid levels are erratic, I can't be medicated for it, so I'm trying to fix the weight issue in hopes of helping even other things out. As of right now, I don't menstruate at all unless it's forced by medication, and I really worry about fertility drugs/IVF. So, hopefully, I can drop enough weight to help me get healthier in general and maybe be able to conceive naturally.

    I had a question about weight and TTC stuff, if anyone doesn't mind answering. Like I said, I have had weight issues since my PCOS/hypothyroidism kicked in around third grade. As such, I didn't go through puberty correctly and have never had a period that wasn't medicinally induced. Has anyone had any experience with not menstruating/ovulating because of weight? I know I have more than just weight to worry about, but it's all interconnected.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this thread and thought I'd say "Hi." I'm not actively TTC; however, my husband and I may decide to start at the end of the year. As you can see from my signature, I have a lot of weight to lose, though I am on my way so far.

    In terms of TTC, we are waiting to ensure I lose as much weight as I can (in a healthy way) prior to TTC, but balancing that with the fact that I'm 36 years old (37 next January 2012). The reason we're absolutely waiting for me to lose weight is not about vanity (although I would love to be as close to goal as possible). I have had a history of unexplained preterm labor: I went into labor at 23 1/2 weeks in April 2009 (we lost our daughter) and then went into labor in January 2010 at 30 weeks, with my son (he's doing AMAZING and is now 16 months old). There has been no explanation for the preterm labor and I was heavily monitored during my second pregnancy. Cervical issues have been ruled out and my water never broke either time; doctors seem to have no clue why. After hours and hours of research, I read some recent studies about inflammation in the body and the connection to unexplained preterm labor; having a high level of body fat (or generally being unhealthy) can cause inflammation in the body. I can only imagine that being closer to goal weight will give me a fighting chance in a future pregnancy.

    I wish everyone good luck in their journey of TTC!
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi All -

    I am Losing Before TTC. I've had some progress, but in April got close to my goal and everything started going the other direction. I've been trying to get back on track but got sick (and ate), then found out my blood disorder is back (and ate more). So, my emotions have been all over.

    Both my hematologist and my preconception counselor recommend that my platelets be much higher before I start TTC. So i decided that I definitely want to be below 180lbs before then, so when it happens hubby and I can *celebrate*.

    Look forward to getting to know you guys more and good luck!!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Heya guys - I was out of commission today with a monster migraine, but I see a lot of new faces :) I'll try and say hi to everyone, but for now...heading to bed!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi all! Welcome to all the new folks. I hope your stay here is as short (or long) as you want it to be. Haha!

    I"m not logging today, but all the food I packed is healthy, so I'm not going to worry too much about it. Strawberries and blueberries on mega sale at my grocery store--I'm going to pull a Veruca Salt and probably turn into one, considering the number of them I am eating! (Willy Wonka reference for anyone lost.)

    AFM: I don't even know what cycle day it is, and I'm enjoying it. I had a mini purging of the wardrobe and closet in the last two days. It feels liberating--a sense of control when parts of my life feel out of control. I still fit into all of them, but I threw away the ones that are not fixable and old, am donating all the ones that just don't fit or I always put it on and then take it back off and say "I'll wear it some other time", and packed up a few that I just couldn't bear to get rid of, but don't want to wear now. Two were dresses with tags still on them. Sigh...but my guilt over spending the money and not wearing it isn't getting me anywhere--time to stop paying closet rent for those dresses and free them up for someone else who might actually use them. I hope so, in any case. At least I get a tax break on the donation. Loving the free space in my closet! Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing anything like or anything--I can't go that far (but sometimes I wish I could!).

    I realized that for the last few months I've been accumulating things...compensatory emotional spending, I think, to make up for things that I don't have that I want in my life. ("Well, if I can't have a baby right now, I'm going to get this thingamabob because I want it). Well, I finally hit that point where I finally said "HEY--THIS ISN"T HELPING AND IT AIN"T WORKING. (Duh!). So I"m trying to reign myself in and go in the opposite direction, back to my more intentional way of living--more simple, less things, more people. Finding ways to recycle, repurpose, and reuse before I just go out and buy something else because I think I need it. We'll see how it goes. The wardrobe "decluttering" felt good. The closets and kitchen drawers better watch out!

    Now if only I could do some more "decluttering" of my hips and thighs....

    Anyone else know what I'm talking about?
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    Good day!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!!

    rhichi - my doctor had told me that there is a definite connection between obesity, hormones problems, and problems with fertility. not everyone who is obese has problems, but it seems if you are all out of whack in that area, that sometimes, yes, it is weight related. but on the flip side, i have a friend who is maybe 110lbs soaking wet, and she was diagnosed 2 years ago with PCOS. so you just never really know!

    fitterpam - hope you're feeling better today. migraines suck. I get them too so I feel for you. Sending you get well vibes. ****

    kah78 - OMG That's what I've been realizing I've been doing!!! Made me cry as I was reading what you wrote. Too many things I want in my life, and I am tired of waiting for it to happen (because in some cases I've been waiting a real long time), and have definitely been over spending on stupid, meaningless things. I started decluttering but then my husband was put on medical disability with a suspension on his license, and it threw me for a loop in all aspects of my life. He's back at work now, and I am slowly working on things again. I KNOW WE CAN DO IT!!! *high five*

    AFM - I have been lazy today. Have had a half headache all day... just barely there. kind of aggravating me a bit and making feel sluggish. Had a wonderful workout last night. I felt SO GOOD when I got home from the gym! Here`s hoping tonights workout is just as good! Gotta get ready for work now. Hope everyone is having a splendid day!

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey ladies - wow - so many new faces! Happy to see you all and welcome to the group :)

    Karen! I do that! Nuts.... good for you for noticing the habit and breaking it! I have a hard time picking up and that stuff.

    Also, I'm not sure this is working for me. When I try to follow the calorie count I am starved and then I binge. And for me to lose weight on my petite frame I've learned I need to be very strict with my calorie allowance.

    I'm toying with the Weight Watchers idea. A lot of fruits and veggies are free so I wouldn't lose 80/1200 calories for an apple, you know? I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    Hey ladies! So i have a question. Feel free not to answer. I'm jusy curious and will understand if no one wants to share.

    I for one am an open book..

    Other then healthy eating/ excersizing what are you ladies doing to get pregnant?

    Last year I did 4 rounds of clomid and didn't respond at all. I was also 50lbs heavier and not watching carbs AT ALL. I was also NOT getting my own cycle.

    Now that I have lost weight i can tell that my cycles are beocming better...

    I am trying to decide if I should try the clomid again or just continue my meal plans and excersize in hopes that my body does what it should on its own.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi all, not checked in for a while so apologies for anything I've missed.

    Welcome to all the new faces, sorry you all seem to be having such tough times, I really hope that it all starts to pick up for you from here.

    Karen, your post really rang bells for me. I think I was aware that was what I was doing but hadn't really let myself think about it too hard. Funnily enough I recognised it with DH when he was so devastated about not being able to have a dog. Think it might be wardrobe clearout time for me too. I did it sort of half heartedly a few months back but wasn't really ruthless enough.

    Luki - the dance group sounds brilliant and very stressful. Good luck with it!

    Pam - hope the migraine goes quickly, been there too and I know how awful it can be.

    AFM - pretty good news really. AF turned up exactly on cue and was pretty much the first real period I've had in about seven years (forgot about the unpleasantness of cramps). I'm tentatively excited as I still don't know whether there might be any longer term complications from being on depo so long - does anyone else know much about this?

    Exercise has being going well too, been up early most mornings to swim for 20mins then after work I've been doing my usual curves circuit and then 35mins on the cross trainer (elliptical). I've been too tired to post most of this week after all that! My dance class started up again this week so that makes me happy. Hoping my new burlesque moves will help me to get pregnant too Katy :wink: :blushing:

    Happy nearly weekend to you all!
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