What are five staples in your kitchen?



  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Boneless skinless chicken breast
    Green leaf lettuce
    Granny smith apples
    Amooza mozza cheese strings
    Tortilla wraps
  • mehmig
    mehmig Posts: 55 Member
    Coconut oil
    Grass fed beef (we get a half steer every year)
    Fresh fruit and veggies from the CSA
    Mineral water
  • chicken breasts
    low carb wraps
    egg whites
    stone ground mustard
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Eggs, greek yogurt, berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries - when in season), apples, and peanut butter.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    Dang, just 5?

    Mine would be- zuchinni, whole wheat pasta, chicken stock, tilapia, olive oil
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Veggies (lettace,carrots, cherry toms, bell pepper, green pepper.
    Soy milk
    Dannon/Yoplait greek yogurt
    La tortilla 50 cal fiber wraps
    Chicken breast
  • xelapw
    xelapw Posts: 12
    1. Olives, 10 cals each
    2. Feta 70 cals per ounce
    3. Eat natural bars 225 plus cals but great on swimming days
    4. Free from bread - high in cals but great again on swimming days
    5. fruit - bananas, strawberries, raspberries, peaches (or is that a cheat?)
  • eggs
    greek yogurt
    green beans
    protein shake

    that was hard!!
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Diet Coke (not gonna lie, I hate plain water)
    Eggs/Egg whites
    Laughing Cow
    Turkey bacon
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Only 5? Besides my spice rack...

    Frozen veggies (for when you just don't want to deal with fresh or run out before pay day)
    Bison (I suppose I should have meat on here somewhere. Omnivore, om nom nom)
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Only 5 is soooooooo hard!

    Sweet potato
    Spinach leaves
    Chicken breast
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Whey Protein
    Non-Fat Powdered Milk
    Peanut Butter
    Whole Wheat Bread
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    -Brown Rice
    -Spike (zero calorie, msg free, low-sodium AMAZING spice blend)
    -Frozen veggies
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    -olive oil
    -peanut butter
    -chicken breast

    (staples in this case being the 5 things that prompt me to go to the grocery store if we are out).
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    1.any kind of fresh greens
    2. sweet potatoes
    3. rice milk
    4.any kind of fresh fruit
    5. herbal tea (even my bf starts to panic when we run low on herbal teas lol)
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    My top 5 staples ( in no particular order)

    meat(fish, poultry and red)
    plain Greek yogurt
    eggs(whole and whites only)
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    greek yogurt
    egg whites
    cottage cheese
    fruit (mainly blueberries to go with yogurt and pineapple with the cottage cheese)
    hummas and veggies (ok those are 2)
  • Fruits
    Organic chicken&turkey
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I'm a single guy in his 20's so I have the following:

    1. Cereal (Kashi Go Lean right now)
    2. Milk
    3. Orange juice
    4. TV dinners (Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, or Smart Ones)
    5. Cookies and beer
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