
One of the tools that has helped me in my life journey is writing in a gratitude journal every morning.

Welcome back to those of you who have been posting on this thread and welcome to those of you who are joining us now.

The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

How did you do with your goals and resolutions for October?
What goals and resolutions have you planned for November?

Please sign your post with your name or an alias and a location (general or specific) so we can get to know each other better.

t116009.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington t0464.gif

October Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
*walk an average of 13,000+ steps a day (yes)
*drink 9 glasses of water a day (every day)
*finish organizing photos and other files on computer (finished photos and documents, but not music)
*meditate for 5-10 minutes a day four or more days a week (yes)

November Resolutions
*walk an average of 13,000 steps a day
*organize music files on computer
*meditate for 10 minutes a day four or more days a week
*answer a friend's e mail that I've put off too long

The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.



  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    :)Carol in NC.....Love your pics.A beautiful site! Ditto for the flip flops.....beachy for sure.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - once again, thanks so much for keeping us going each month. With my knee surgery, I've gotten out of my routine and feeling out of kilter. So for November:

    Water aerobics 4-5 days per week.
    30-60 minutes on stationary bike daily.
    Get sugar OUT of my mouth.
    Drink 9-10 glasses of water daily.
    Remember this is for ME, a life time journey, not a destination.

    I love our group of ladies and am so grateful to have found you. Have a super tremendous November all.

    Janetr OKC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thanks, Barbie! Will transfer goals in the morning... time to go change all the clocks!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks Barbie!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Becca – you are great in your way of looking at life

    Gloria - I’m on the East side of the SF bay… 30- 40 min from Oakland

    Kimses – good idea to plan… salad is always good, I always alternate drinks with water, too… do what you can, don’t beat yourself if you slide, but learn from it.

    Lisa – thank you for the Lecture --- I love the presentation!

    Terri – great job on dealing with the taco stuff!

    Lillian and others in cold weather already – wow ! it was 82 in my backyard today….

    Carol from GA – welcome – pop in anytime

    Karen from NY - Congrats!!!! That is a total NSV

    Michele – I am sorry about the rings, but so glad he wanted you in the conversation, and felt like he had to step up!

    Barbie – fun costumes!!!

    Mindy – Roasted asparagus is so easy!!! So I clean it put a tiny amount of oil on a pan, roll the spears in it, then sprinkle with the spices I like – garlic powder, pepper, sea salt, - maybe some Cajun seasoning… and put in a 425 oven for 5-7 minutes then turn and cook for 3 more --- less if the spears are really thin, more if they are thick.. FYI that is how I roast all my veggies… time adjusted for what they are…

    On Halloween treats – I have a friend who gives out wash off able tattoos as she has issues with the amount of sugar kids are getting – which always cracks me up as she regularly as 2 or more donuts for breakfast, but she is a size 1 or 2 so …..

    Heather – Prices in the states for homes vary tremendously !!! in the town I am in a 900 square foot apartment is about $1400 USD
    As for cake mixes I know folks who have never had anything else!

    Mary – Happy Birthday!!! Great pictures!!!

    Margaret - DH needs a new doctor right now – you can tell him I said so (like that counts for anything LOL)

    Terri – on embroidery what type of backing (stabilizer) did you use? It looks like the tension is uneven – but that could be the picture, but the top of the A and N are very thin…

    Thanks Barbie - I’ll update goals tomorrow – and I really really appreciate your gratitude encouragement.
    While I am not writing it down, I am telling Levi as we walk in the morning what I am grateful for…

    Last year for Halloween I had just 3 trick or treaters, and I expected more this year as we have had a lot of young families move in, but it is 8pm and I have had 39! Wow!! I give out full sized candy bars – so glad I have had enough – I mail boxes to the nieces and nephews each month and the boxes for Nov. are ready, but open to dump any left over candy in. Just 5 bars left. I do a couple of Christmas cookies that take candy and I buy that now, as back up for Halloween – it is usually on a good sale now, and then just store it until cookie making time.

    I did go for a cemetery hike today, it was great fun, very interesting, but I was surprised (as were the organizers) that there were 100 people there. It turned out that I knew 6 or so folks who also showed up. Weirdest one was a gal who I know and is a client – a client I really like – gave me the biggest hug and said she was so sorry--- just keep hugging me - finally I said so what are you sorry for, and she thought I had had a death in my family, I was happy to tell her no… but it was very interesting to see how much she cared. Made me think of the cog in the wheel quote, I had no idea she would be so concerned.

    October Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday - increase over 140 - would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 – hike, high school football
    W2- go to Angels Camp to visit a friend, high school football
    W4- dinner with Kyle, football, cemetery hike
    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol, I don't care if you just have the phone for a camera, you have a wonderful eye for what to take. I know you will be sad to see it go tomorrow but will have so much to reflect back on when you need to go to your peaceful place in your mind again.

    Mary, your pictures are awesome also. I agree that the one picture would be a wonderful card.

    Michele, most bridal shops have web sites that you and your daughter could be on the phone together and look at. Talk about what you like in the different styles, colors and just dream together. also tlk about what bridesmaid dresses would go well with her dress. When my Michelle got married, we found that her dress also had a matching flower girl dress. We did a lot of this over the internet together. You could also discuss your dress. Then while she is trying dresses on, have someone skype you so you can see her. My oldest daughter, the one I was so, so close to, found her wedding dress used while she was at college so I didn't get to see that moment. But I was the one who went around with Michelle and went wedding dress shopping with her. I understand how you feel but it can work out. Her friends will just have to help out.

    I was surprised, my serving on my chili was two dippers! That's what both Charlie and I put in our bowls at supper and then when I put the rest in a container to refrigerate, I counted the dippers left. It didn't taste as good as what I remember it to be. I think I always put a large can of tomatoes in it before. But it was good. I ate some veggies with it.

    Well Charlie's 250 piece bag of candy was sure not needed. We had about 30 kids. I made sure we offered it to the adults going around with the kids. Only one woman took us up on the offer but she had 6 small children with her. I think if I were in her place I would also. We have a dentist in town that takes all leftover candy, xrays them and then sends them to the troops wherever they may be. So I think that is where they may go Monday.

    Well all of Charies labs and xrays are on his electronic chart and the only thing they are showing is that he has inflammation somewhere. So we will see what either our family doc or the GI guy has to say on Monday. I hope they do call. It seems like doctors either don't have the time to call or just don't care. If they don't call on Monday, I will be calling on Tuesday.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    I hope you all had a good Halloween, Ladies.

    Barbie, thanks for getting us going on the new month.

    Margaret, I agree that it’s time for DH to ask for a different doctor. If no other reason than he has lost faith in her.

    Allison, is DFIL getting worse or does it just seem that way? He is so lucky to have you!

    Barbie, I took a shower and ran the warm water on my knee for a good while and that helped. It is starting to hurt a bit again as I walk on it now but will be in bed soon. I will try the ice if it still hurts tomorrow.

    Heather, the grands are darling. I hope they had a good Halloween.

    Mary, it looks like you are having a wonderful time!!!

    Teri, I think it looks great for your first project. Have fun with it.

    Gail, I guess you needed the sleep. Good to see you again.

    Linda, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Come often and join right in. It would help us get to know you if you tell us a bit more about yourself.

    Carol, great sunset pics!!! So glad you got to get away. Drive carefully going home.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We probably had around 100+ Trick or Treaters. They finished by 8:30 which is earlier than usual. This year I didn't see van loads dropping kids off which is the norm. I wanted to stay up a bit late because of the time change but I am about to nod off here. I didn't meet my goal on exercising but did on everything else. Will work on new goals for the month.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Happy Hallows Eve my friends,
    A quiet night here. DH opened up all three packages of candies I bought and is happily stuffing his skinny face as I sip apple chamomile tea. I can do this with a smile because of the wonderful influence of all of you.

    Barbie: Thanks for the beautiful quote that opens this month’s thread. <3

    Heather: I’m just head over heels in love with your DGC.

    Margaret: Very distressing to hear about the doctor's errors. I hope DH fires her.

    DJ: Take care of that knee. Have you ever tried one of the elastic braces from Walgreens? I wear one on my left knee during exercise and find it really helps provide stability and inhibit swelling.

    CarolNC: You’re killing me with the beach pictures. I’m overdue to dip my toes in the ocean. So glad you had a restful getaway. B)

    Mary: Happy birthday!!! What a sweet DH you have. The surprise getaway looks like a lot of fun, and you are so deserving after all the hard work you’ve been doing on the house.

    Janet: I’m sure Jack will do a make up for missing anniversary and birthday. Enjoy the time with your visitor.

    Michelle: Security by Vince! Impressive.

    Kim: Your friend at the cemetery hike is probably representative of many people whose lives you have touched in a positive, loving way. I’m so glad you got validation of what a special person you are.

    I’ve been experimenting with the new electric pressure cooker. Tonight I made a shrimp and vegetable paella, but couldn’t get all the water to absorb. :# However, it was soooo delicious. Love anything with saffron. Tomorrow I’ll do a coq au vin. As for cake mixes, rarely if ever use them. I don’t bake much anymore, and when I do it’s with an eye toward clean ingredients. I do like to have a couple boxes of quick corn bread handy as an occasional treat for DH.

    Time to start turning back the clocks. Take care, friends. Stay strong. We can do this. :):):)

    Colorado Foothills
    Goals for October with results
    • Burn 2300 calories per week in the gym (came up short by 300 calories one week)
    • Eat mindfully (80%)
    • Meditate 3x per week (done)
    • Call someone once a week just to check in (50%)
    Goals for November
    • Burn 2500 calories per week in the gym
    • Eat mindfully
    • Catch up with backlog of unread magazines
    • Meditate 4x per week
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2015
    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow. Done!
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength. Done, through yoga, spin class and horseback riding as well as walking the dog.
    3. Have fun every day. This is important to my over-all success and I've managed to have fun every day, although not all day every day. :noway:
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more! Done! the longer I work at this goal there natural it becomes and the less I wish for soft drinks or drinks that contain alcohol.
    5. Eliminate alcohol. 99.9% done. I have had a celebratory sip once or twice. :embarassed:
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly. Getting plenty of sleep most of the time. :bigsmile:

    October has been a good month. November is going to be a bigger challenge because we'll be travelling and will be guests in DDIL's parent's home for Thanksgiving week. I expect that I'll have much less control over food than usual while we are there. I will do my best each day to be a good guest, and to stay within my goals. The second challenge for both November and December is that our days get shorter and shorter. I crave light & need it to maintain a good attitude. Thank goodness for daylight temperature lights!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    morning ladies~Happy November!!!!
    going to do some cooking today.... and go see DFIL...will check in later...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited November 2015
    Morning all... we got the fence up at the warehouse yesterday! And I finally have some pictures I can show you... Off to get the writing done, now that it's November... :smiley:

    November Goals:
    • Weigh less at the end of November than I did at the end of October.
    • Take care of myself first!
    • Log every calorie every day.
    • Keep my calories under 1500 every day.
    • Write 50,000 words in November for NaNoWriMo.
    • Get the RV storage lot ready for ribboncutting Nov. 16 (while taking care of myself!)

    Lisa in West Texas


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    Lisa~ great job, lots of work... hopefully direct income to you both and worth every penny....
    made hash browns,fried eggs and brown sugar toast and tea for Tom, I had a eziekel cinnamon raisin english muffin and tea..
    think I might whip up some bacon and potato soup for Tom, to heavy for me...
  • samm8911
    samm8911 Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning everyone! I just discovered this group and it looks great. My name is Soraya, I'm 53 and am originally from the New York tri-state area but I´ve been living in Spain for the past 16 years. I love the November gratitude quote. I also set monthly goals for myself on the first of the month so it's nice to find myself in like-minded company. Mine are the following:

    -Tomorrow I start an online meditation program (Deepak Choprah and Oprah guide a free, 20 minute meditation session for 22 days) and another month-long course. Im looking forward to both so I'm planning to get up an hour earlier each day to be able to do them in a relaxed way without feeling like I have to stuff them into my already full day. The real challenge lies there, in the getting up earlier.

    -Log every calorie every day no matter what ( too easy to do a quick add when I mess up; it's never realistic)

    -Stick to my food plan (and within my allotted calories) for 80% of my meals

    -Write for 30 minutes 3x/wk

    -Walk for 30minutes 3x/wk

    Nice meeting you all, and here's to November goals! :smile:


  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Good Morning. Just figured out how to search for my October goals so I could reflect.
    Here they were for October:
    -Stay positive at work, don't succumb to the DRAMA
    -Log every day
    -Keep at the C25K training without overdoing it.
    -B.P. normal and md says i can stay off the meds
    -improve my bad cholesterol number by end of october

    Well to review, I haven't been overdoing with food when stressed by work DRAMA, but I am still being affected by it. I want to look into this more. I have logged every day and I have experimented with C25K without hurting my feet or knees. As for my medical numbers, I will know when I visit the doc the end of this week. I am a little scared that I have not made it but I will deal with it and not treat it as a failure, but an ongoing journey. Here are my November goals

    November Goals:
    *explore why I allow drama at work to affect my feelings of self worth, why I allow it to stress me out!
    *log every day and be physically active every day
    *B.P. normal and stay off the meds, cholesterol lower and stay off meds if possible
    *lower salt intake
    *handle my expectations about Thanksgiving, it's not about a perfect feast, its about being with my people!

    Happy November, and here's to all of us supporting each other.
    Karen from NY
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michelle, when my son got engaged, we gave him the diamond out of a ring that had belonged to someone in DH's family and they chose a setting they liked to place it in. Looks very nice. I was invited to go wedding dress shopping with my DDnL and her mom and was always made to feel a part of the planning.

    Carol from GA

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited November 2015
    Thank you Barbie!
    Katla, which daylight temperature light do you use?
    Kim 82 in the East Bay? Oh how I miss Bay Area weather ;)
    October Intentions recap:
    Just for now: listen 5 seconds after speaker stops - actually did this a couple of times and it's magical!
    Today: Log like Mary MSH, every bite lick or sip whether over, under or sidewise! 99%
    October: walk at least one more step each day til daily average is 10K. Oops. We'll keep this for November.

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD who wants to feel good NOW.

    Smile then listen
    Today: Log like Mary MSH, every bite lick or sip whether over, under or sidewise. . . and plan to keep it under!
    November: walk at least one more step each day til daily average is 10K.
    How? Meet Joe and the pups at the park for lunch walk once a week.
    Walk Tumble at least a little around the yard when you get home from work.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited November 2015
    Thanks Barbie for continuing thread.

    Remembering to bookmark by highlighting the star by the title.

    October Goals.
    Take care of myself first (borrowing from Lisa)
    Continue to eat many fruits and veggies
    Continue to cull
    Walk daily
    Contact a friend daily in some form call, e-mail
    Stop to enjoy something beautiful everyday
    Work on finding a choir to share my love of singing

    Did most of my October goals. Cleaning out clutter did take a back burner with everything that is happening.

    Will continue to eat many fruits and vegetables.
    Watch portions better.
    Exercise daily be it a walk or one of my many fitness videos
    Continue to touch base with friends and ask about their lives
    In that vein not to get so caught up in DH health issues that it is all I can talk about
    Continue to stop and enjoy something Beautiful everyday
    Continue in new choir and see how it goes


    Quote: Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good afternoon all.

    Didn't get to sleep until 2.30 last night. :'( I know it's my fault because I succumbed to a lovely nap while DH was at football. Every time I closed my eyes I started thinking about my rental. :sad: So I carried on reading. I am sooooooo tired now.

    Wrote some difficult stuff today, which may explain my aching back and legs and my down feeling, but then again it may not. Want to put the dahlia to bed and get the daffodil bulbs in. Just feel like curling up in bed.

    Thank you, Barbie for the new thread. Can't think about goals. :'(

    Love Heather UK