Lose 5lbs+ in June!! YES WE CAN!!



  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    So checking in mid week. How is everyone doing? I am at a stand still right now it is weird because last week when I couldn't get to gym all week I was down a pound this week I have been to the gym and even mowed lawn one night after the gym and have gained that pound back. I'm sure part of it is due to TOM coming soon but it is rather frustrating just when I think I am moving in the right direction again it back tracks. I will keep plugging away. My weekends are spent camping right now so I don't have internet access to log which makes me nervous but it hasn't been bad so far.
    Hope everyone is on track for Mondays weigh in:smile:

    Sorry that you are feeling frustrated. I understand however, since I am having an issue with my scale...it likes to go up and down ( 3 lbs) from day to day. This is extremely frustrating! TOM is not for a while, yet I know when that comes we'll be talking 5-6 pounds from day to day. I've changed the battery so we'll see what the morning brings....Have fun camping and we'll see what Monday brings.
  • irunn2doorz
    Name/ real name: irunn2doorz/Brea

    Goal weight on June 30: 171

    06/01: 176
    06/20: I'm heading to South Korea on the 23 or 24th (I gotta check) so hopefully I'll be 173 by this point
    06/30: ...I'll buy a scale to take with me to Seoul and hopefully it will say 171!
  • antoniella05
    06/13: 137 again
    06/20: 136
    06/27: 135

    Let's do this!!!!!!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Thursday checkin! I'm doing well with exercise. I've done one day of strength training, two days of c25k, and 1 day of intervals. The diet has been fair. Not enough veggies and too many nuts, not enough protein, but calories okay.

    My goal for the weekend is to grocery shop and get veggies and meat! And maybe not replenish the nut selection this week. The scale is...the scale. But I think I look better...less wiggly. I'll take it.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Thursday check in. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday did treadmill and elliptical. Yesterday did C25K week 3 day 2 and strength training. Tomorrow will be my rest day. Saturday and Sunday I'll probably do C25K and strength training. I don't think I'm going to loose anything this week. Scale isn't budging. Oh well, I tried. Maybe next week.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Thursday check in. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday did treadmill and elliptical. Yesterday did C25K week 3 day 2 and strength training. Tomorrow will be my rest day. Saturday and Sunday I'll probably do C25K and strength training. I don't think I'm going to loose anything this week. Scale isn't budging. Oh well, I tried. Maybe next week.

    We're twins! Yes. Next week. Definitely next week for us.
  • NicoleYoung80
    NicoleYoung80 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys! I am totally new to posting on the forums but I need some encouragement! I am STUCK at my current weight and am really wanting to lose the last 15-20 that I have sticking on me! So I am jumping in to this weigh in challenge...

    Name/Real Name: NicoleYoung80/Nicole

    Current: 150 lbs
    Goal weight by June 30th: 145 lbs

    6/13: Goal- 149
    6/20: Goal- 147
    6/27: Goal- 145
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I won't be checking in on Monday because I'll be in Vegas eating a ridiculous amount of food and drinking lots of alcohol. I'll be back to weigh in (dun dun DUN) next week.
  • northernlite
    So I have a new goal this week! Eat LESS SUGAR. I did some quick calculations and more than 25% of my food calories are coming from sugar! :( 63 g of it is artificially added too. Boo, time to wean myself off. Whose with me?

    I'm with you! Totally with you! Decided to try a 3 meals a day, no sugar, no snacks plan for this challenge and guess what - losing weight. To combat that "I need food" feeling, I've been drinking homemade (so no sugar, no caffeine) tea with a squeezed lemon and Splenda, keep a bottle of it with me in the car for "emergencies". Couple of pounds down since Monday. I am SO - don't even know the word - baffled, optimistic, relieved? Just hoping this won't turn around somehow! So you go, girl!
  • supermom4abcd
    supermom4abcd Posts: 151 Member
    Name/ real name: supermom4abcd/DeAnn

    06/01: 149.7
    06/06: 149.7
    06/13: 148.6

    This week's NSV: wearing a pair of shorts...yes shorts...two sizes smaller than what I wore last summer. They are a bit loose, but I'm not complaining. :)
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Name/ real name: Dyiaane/Diane

    Goal weight on June 30: 122

    06/01: 127
    06/06: 125.5
    06/13: 125
    06/30: Leaving for vacation on the 29th so thats my goal date- Will weigh in on the 28th.
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member
    WeekTwo Check In

    Goal Weight for June 30 183

    6/01 193.9
    6/06 193
    6/13 188
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Name/ real name: Chancie/Angie

    Goal weight on June 30: 157

    06/01: 162
    06/06: 163.3
    06/13: 162.4

    Almost back where I started)
    Just a quick question - I may have overlooked it (and sorry if I did) but I still don't see last week's chart yet? Anybody know what's going on?
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Name real name is kristen

    goal weight for June 30th is 186.0
    6/01 196.0
    6/06 195.0
    6/13 194.5

    I am hoping to have a better week next week !
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    Name/real name: Mommyoftwins05/Jenn

    Name/ real name:

    Goal weight on June 30: 135

    06/01: 143.3
    06/06: 142.2
    06/13: 140.7
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Name/ real name: skittybang / Sam

    Goal weight on June 30: 190

    06/01: 197.0
    06/06: 193.9
    06/13: 195.0 - boo!!
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Name/ real name: kamk/Kami

    Goal weight on June 30: 135.0lbs

    06/01: 136.8lbs
    06/06: 136.2lbs
    06/13: 136.2lbs no change:( but is better than going back up:) I will take it.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Goal weight on June 30: 134

    06/01: 139
    06/06: 139 (I need to get off this plateau...friday I was about 137....I need to move the scale in the right direction!)
    06/13: 137 whoo hoo...maybe finally moving from this plateau!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Name/ real name: Chancie/Angie

    Goal weight on June 30: 157

    06/01: 162
    06/06: 163.3
    06/13: 162.4

    Almost back where I started)
    Just a quick question - I may have overlooked it (and sorry if I did) but I still don't see last week's chart yet? Anybody know what's going on?
    I actually didn't get one posted. I had a crazy week last week with the end of the school year for my son and my Husband's grandma is in the hospital in the process of passing on. I will get something posted this week...even if it is just a link to spreadsheet. I am sorry again!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Goal weight on June 30: 129.9 ( I just want to make it out of the 30's)

    06/01: 135.4
    06/06: 134.2
    06/13: 134.2 (at least I didn't gain)