

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited November 2015
    Miriam - Aaaaahhhhhh! <3

    ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

    That refers to the Halloween pic!

    Barbie - so sorry you have to wear that torture apparatus! :'(
    My hip is still bothering me. Boo! Getting old sucks. :s

    Making Christmas pudding today.

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Yes Heather, getting old sucks, but it's better than the alternative.

    I went to the doctor today to have my heart checked. I feel fine and all, but my heartrate monitor keeps logging my pulse at way over what it should be. My max pulse often hits 220-240 bpm. At the end of a 40-minute jog I can have an average heartrate of 180 which is about 20 bpm over what my maximum heartrate should be at the age of 60. The doctor hooked me up to an ECG and put me on a stationary bike. And I biked like crazy for a good 45 minutes (with short breaks to take stable readouts). I was working way harder than I ever do when I'm out jogging and my pulse never went over 160. The humidity is so low up here and I was breathing so hard and fast that I ended up with a cough.

    But apparently there's nothing wrong with my heart, which is the good news. Maybe there's something wrong with my Garmin? Anyway, the doctor said I'm supposed to live normally and he wished he was as fit as I am. (He's a good-looking 40-year-old and is probably more fit than I am, but it was nice of him to say that.)

    So I'll be going to Lindy Hop as usual on a Tuesday night. :smiley:
    /Penny, hooray, back at the emoticon-object-026.gif if only briefly...

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny: Wonderful news that your heart is just fine! It sounds like your Garmin needs to be replaced or tossed. I don't use any monitors to see my calorie burns. I use a watch and time the exercise. It may not be scientific, but it works well enough for me. :flowerforyou:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    Sylvia I'm planing to watch it. It's right up my street, interest wise!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2015
    Penny-I would definitely look into getting your garmin checked. I bet you're glad about your doctors report, especially such a compliment!

    Margaret-thanks! And glad to hear that you and DH are doing well since he is on the blood thinner. We are still keeping you in our prayers.

    DJ - I hope your knee gets better! Especially so you can enjoy the dancing!

    Heather-I think we are all getting older. I'm sorry to hear about your hip giving you trouble. I am having trouble with my foot. I am hoping I don't have to get one of those boots like Barbie has.

    I went swimming this morning with my DS IL and a friend. We didn't swim is long is normal but it felt good after doing all that painting yesterday. Today I'm going to do the other side of the garage peek. Then we will have all of the outdoor painting done except the upper story of the house. My DH is just going to take them off and bring them in and I can paint them in the basement.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited November 2015
    Jake the rescue dog and my walking companion on our walk today.
    Everyone have a great day.
    Chris and Jake in beautiful 60F MA
  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member

    I so agree with your definition of insanity. I laughed when I read it because I too, was thinking of that same quote yesterday.

    We cannot do the same thing over and over again and expect to reach our goals of losing every last pound and maintaining our weight for life. We have to implement a long term healthy eating and exercise program that works for us.

    There are very few thin people who can eat anything they want. Most people, who do maintain their weight, stick to the program that they've created that works for them and to me, they are to be admired.

    It goes back to the math. We require a certain amount of calories each day in order to create a deficit to lose the weight we wish to lose. Hopefully, most of us will set up a program that consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner with two snacks mid morning, mid afternoon. Once the weight is lost, all we have to do is add enough calories, still with healthy eating in mind, to maintain our goal weight.

    Instead of feeling like I am being denied of things like a brownie. I tell myself that I have already ingested my lifetime quota of brownies, cookies, etc. and it led to excess pounds!

    ❤️ Susan
  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member


    I have a son named Mike who was born In1983. I am sure we are not alone with a name like Michael! Adorable dog and beautiful scenery!

    ❤️ Susan
    Boca Raton, Florida
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, sorry about that awful boot. Mary, sorry your foot hurts too. Sorry Heather's hip hurts. sometimes getting old is just no fun, but it is still better than the alternative!

    Signed the adoption petitions this morning! Will have a court date by the end of the week and a hearing in about a month! Yippee!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris - Love the picture of your little puppy dog! What a beautiful area to walk in.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Chris - Love the picture of your little puppy dog! What a beautiful area to walk in.

    Mary from Minnesota
    I am very fortunate that this is the town that I work in, Gloucester, MA and this is just one of the lovely places we get to walk every work day.

    Chris in MA

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Becca – Thanks for sharing another bra shopping story. I appreciate the laughs ! ! !

    Minday – Sorry about all your stress. I hope it continues to be good news.

    Joyce – Hugs for your daughter and the phone payments.

    Hooray Kirby !

    Sylvia – Never be embarrassed by something you created. Just because it isn’t AAA in your eyes doesn’t mean it isn’t beautiful to someone else. Anything handmade is a treasure, and you deserve to proudly put your name on anything you wish.

    Becca – My DH won’t dress the part, but he will act silly, and he doesn’t care how I dress, so I have been known to be a little “different”. Life is too short to wear boring clothes. OMG ! I told my daughter that the day that we celebrate as her birthday was really the day the aliens landed on the roof of our house and swapped her for my birth baby. I really was convinced she was an alien for many years (yet she is SO much like me, it is undeniable).

    DJ – Thanks! We don’t need another TV, but it’s always fun to win stuff. We like likely use it to replace something else, and donate whatever we don’t continue using.

    Barbie – your foot splint doesn’t look much different from the boot I wore when I broke my foot, except a little less coverage. I was rarely ever able to sleep in mine, but I did learn to walk without a limp, to start facilitating the healing process. I hope you have great luck ! ! !

    Michele – More Hugs! Since my DD has been “engaged” more than once, I admire the guys who bought her the ring over the guy who didn’t and just made her ask for mine. That guy NEVER had a job, and I just didn’t want her to settle for him, and I was secretly happy when she ended things with him. Our children know how to hurt us deep to our core without them realizing it. I hope you can learn that it isn’t personal. More Hugs for you ! ! !

    L O V E the 7 witches of menopause ! ! !

    Here was my big “ah-ha” moment last evening: Supper was finished and DH and I were just talking about our day, or plans, etc. My hand found a bag of granola that I think DS left in the living room next to my chair (yes, I could have been sleep-eating again, but I ‘m sticking with blaming it on DS right now). After a few moments I noticed that I was mindlessly putting little bites in my mouth. So, I consciously got up, measured it into a bowl, added yogurt, and savored it while watching Scorpion after DH went to bed. That was a HUGE accomplishment for me, and I think I strained my shoulder patting myself on my back. Today starts a big-time low cal couple of days, to jump-start this loss again. Protein shake for breakfast, fruits and veggies and lean protein with NO white carbs, until I reach my 1200 calories, and not logging exercise so I don’t eat back my calories earned. Then, when my body has the hang of the jump-start, I will slowly return to eating back my exercise (I don’t do much anyway, but I want to keep my muscles and joints as healthy as possible). Dedicated to enter one-derland with my co-worker ! ! !

    Something crazy just happened to my computer, so I have to log out and back in again, so I"m going to send this before it is too late.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! ! Terri in Milwaukee
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2015

    Signed the adoption petitions this morning! Will have a court date by the end of the week and a hearing in about a month! Yippee!

    Congratulations! This is a big step in the right direction. :heart:
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Finally a quiet moment w doggies in the sunshine. Doing well today. Loving doing the challenges on my FITBIT. I never would have gone out for a second dog walk yesterday if I hadn't been committed to making that step goal.

    Chris I love Jakes dockside pic

    Heather..must have missed the UTI outcome? Or did the generalized Ill feeling localize to your hip? I had bursitis in my hip and ignored it just got worse until I went to PT. Boy those girls there stretched me so far it felt so good! And they made me learn to use ice which I had previously been to stubborn to try. Also worked very well. I hope it doesn't linger. Is Christmas pudding rum soaked fruit cake?

    Sylvia the flower bowl is stunning! Just like what they show at our local art museum. The FULLER MUSEUM in Brockton Ma..it's strictly all handicrafts. Like weavings pottery glassblowing and whimsical creations. Check it out online..I don't know how to provide a link sorry.

    Miriam Hooray!

    Barbie sorry about the boot! Is it the same kind they give you for plantar fasciitis? I have one of those that I had to wear at night. It was ridiculously hard to fall asleep in and every night I undid the straps in my sleep. That being said, bw the cortisone injections..three in all and the limited amount of boot time I did manage I have been PF free for over a year. Working as a cashier now standing eight hours doesn't hurt my feet so much..I think bc they provide awesome gel mats..but I do get stiff in one ankle every night..it works out during the day tho. Sorry your having to deal w this.

    Penny I'm so glad you have a strong ticker! What is a Lindy Hop? And what classes do you teach?

    DJ I know you love to dance but err on the side of caution and give that knee more of a rest! Ice it gir! BTW my asparagus was to die for! I had to stop myself from eating the whole pound and save some for tonight's meal!

    WelshLady. Welcome! Don't worry! I have struggled to keep everyone straight in my mind tho I love them all I have been afraid to post comments to the wrong person...I have just been on for 90 days and lost 18 pounds the healthy way for the first time in my YOYO life! I finally figured ou only TODAY what works for me is to post replies at the bottom of every page bc I can just scroll up to double check people's posts with out deleting my reply in progress. Some of these gals have really got it figured out and write their posts on a separate document I think and then copy and paste bw windows...I could do that on my desktop I think but in my comfy chair I use my iPad and I can't figure out how to highlight on the touchscreen. On my list of things to learn. They even have those adorable emoticons? I love them!

    Becca too funny! I used to tell my kids salmon was pink meat! They loved it until they found out!

    Lisa and Mary you too have me in awe. Your soooo productive and brave! I would have had to wear a depends if I had to be at the top of that ladder and not hold on w both hands! Yikes!

    Pip congrats on your DH, DS and you completing the marathon. Your commitments and capability are inspiring.

    Off to work. Be thinking of you all.

    Boston Mindy
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    The big drawback to living beside a church- funerals. I got back from the lawyer's office and there was not any place to park within three blocks of my house! I have been waiting for the crowds to clear out- it is a gorgeous day in the 70s and I had PLANNED on doing some yardwork at 10 when I got home so I could get a lot done before the girls get home. It was a well loved person in town and evidently there is a post graveyard lunch being served. It just feels disrespectful to go out and pull weeds or dig in my yard, so I don't. So here I am, almost three hours later, waiting to go out and work in my yard.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce - What about a ferris wheel erector set? I only mention it because I have wanted one of those.

    Mia in MI
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Jake the rescue dog and my walking companion on our walk today.
    Everyone have a great day.
    Chris and Jake in beautiful 60F MA

    Very cute!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Beautiful day this morning for a walk in NE Ohio!


    Cheri unseasonable warm NE Ohio (and I'm NOT complaining)