Reached my goal weight (with pics :))



  • Further down the thread after you've gotten upset - people have started to back track - and say you look great - go by the first comments because they are the truthful ones.

    I think SOME MFPers are like little sheep and afraid to speak honestly. FFS...Well said this lady...^^^

    I have NEVER read a thread where nearly every one said the same as the first poster (me). Wondering what most ppl would have said if the first poster had said you looked healthy?
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    have you considered getting a second opinion from another doctor, or a nutritionist? good luck! :)
  • LynneVMc
    LynneVMc Posts: 2 Member
    You look great.Now when you build muscles they will really show!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    tbh, i think some people here are jealous. Shes still in a healthy weight range.

    Think its pretty sh1t how people will be rude to someone skinny a hell of a lot quicker than they would be if someone was fatter. Ive seen plenty of people with goal weights still in the overweight category with pictures to go along with it with no rude comments at all, so what gives anyone the right to start telling this girl she looks bad, or she looked better before all her hard work.

    way to p1ss on someones fire. Well done.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I do have to admit at first the photos were quite shocking, however, looking at your measurements and weight you are within your healthy range. Once you start building muscle I don't think it will be quite as shocking.

    My youngest son is long limb and has a long torso. He's tall for his age and most comment we get about him is that we should be feeding him If people only knew how much he consumed in a day they would be shocked. He is highly active and has .5% body fat, he's lean but has muscle. He is 8 yrs old and has a 6 pack, not because of a weight lifting program, he just is on the go, climbing, running, playing most of the day. Your body, with the knobby elbows and hips, remind me of his body shape.

    Please don't be discouraged by comments made and please post some more photos when you have started your muscle building.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Great job reaching your goal, you look amazing!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I can't believe how many people are sh!tting all over your hard work.
  • **moderator edited**


    :mad: Thanks. :mad:
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Well done on reaching your goal.

    You seem to have taken a healthy and sensible approach to your fat loss and have some solid future goals.

    I am wondering if you are being given such a hard time because the sight of an ectomorph body frame is far less common on here than an endo or meso. I pretty much guarantee that if you had put up two clothed "before and after" pics the response would have been different and far more positive. I guess your photos don't phase me as much as I have dated a model in my (rather dubious) past and you don't look that much different to her frame or that of her friends.

    This isn't a forum for 'models' it's a weight loss forum for achieving healthy bodies - for eating correctly and having a healthy frame and a healthy attitude to your weight - her 'before' clothed picture is of a slim woman/girl - not a before picture of someone that has a weight problem - and I don't believe she has a healthy attitude to her weight from the posts I've read and from her blog - to be that thin and not see it is a worry - she is 19, she should be enjoying life keeping fit and healthy of course - but the fact that she is adding herself to a forum which is supposed to be for overweight people to help them become a healthy weight - seems a nonsense to me.

    This is a forum for being become more healthy, NOT just for weight loss. Yes most of us here are to lose weight but that doesn't mean the site is just for us fatties.
    Should MFP kick off those who now are at normal weights/BMI?

    Maybe I can understand where she is better since I have had to put up with rude comments about my son being too skinny and do we ever feed him. I will not apologize for have a child with little to no body fat, who loves to run and climb, and be active. You should see what he eats in a day! He also knows when he's full and stops eating.

    I have NEVER felt ashamed to be part of this community, until now! Shame on a lot of you!
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Congrats on meeting your goal. I would say to gain lean muscle, you need to eat a consistent amount of protein. You have to make sure that you are feeding your body enough protein to repair any muscle damage you do while strength training so that it can repair and grow new muscle. Also, without enough calories for that muscle, your body will only wear your muscle away.... I love pilates for strength training because it helps build long, lean and tone looking muscle. Yoga is also a great way to strengthen muscle and build a great balance. Also any barbell or circuit training class is a great way to build muscle and to do it evenly throughout your body.

    Good luck on your indeavor. Feel free to add me as a friend :) I do a lot of strength training and have been able to build lots of muscle while still losing weight consistently.
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    Well done on reaching your goal.

    You seem to have taken a healthy and sensible approach to your fat loss and have some solid future goals.

    I am wondering if you are being given such a hard time because the sight of an ectomorph body frame is far less common on here than an endo or meso. I pretty much guarantee that if you had put up two clothed "before and after" pics the response would have been different and far more positive. I guess your photos don't phase me as much as I have dated a model in my (rather dubious) past and you don't look that much different to her frame or that of her friends.

    This isn't a forum for 'models' it's a weight loss forum for achieving healthy bodies - for eating correctly and having a healthy frame and a healthy attitude to your weight - her 'before' clothed picture is of a slim woman/girl - not a before picture of someone that has a weight problem - and I don't believe she has a healthy attitude to her weight from the posts I've read and from her blog - to be that thin and not see it is a worry - she is 19, she should be enjoying life keeping fit and healthy of course - but the fact that she is adding herself to a forum which is supposed to be for overweight people to help them become a healthy weight - seems a nonsense to me.

    This is a forum for being become more healthy, NOT just for weight loss. Yes most of us here are to lose weight but that doesn't mean the site is just for us fatties.
    Should MFP kick off those who now are at normal weights/BMI?

    Maybe I can understand where she is better since I have had to put up with rude comments about my son being too skinny and do we ever feed him. I will not apologize for have a child with little to no body fat, who loves to run and climb, and be active. You should see what he eats in a day! He also knows when he's full and stops eating.

    I have NEVER felt ashamed to be part of this community, until now! Shame on a lot of you!

    MFP is a weight loss and health site - not just to lose weight as you say - but neither is it a place to promote anorexia or eating disorders - I would be ashamed encourage someone to lose weight who is already at the low end of their ideal weight range - if you read my earlier post you will also understand I have been in the too thin catagory as well as a 'fatty' as you so nicely put it - I'm 5'5 and at my lowest as an adult I weighed 7st - and yes - I thought I was overweight! I became seriously ill as a result of being so underweight.

    I took the time and trouble to read her blog before I commented - and it seems to me that she has other issues but is focussing on her weight as a means of control - and this worries me as a mother of three daughters and five grandchildren - weight is important because it's important to be healthy - but I would be ashamed to condone such weight loss - when it is obviously not needed.
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Well done on reaching your goal.

    You seem to have taken a healthy and sensible approach to your fat loss and have some solid future goals.

    I am wondering if you are being given such a hard time because the sight of an ectomorph body frame is far less common on here than an endo or meso. I pretty much guarantee that if you had put up two clothed "before and after" pics the response would have been different and far more positive. I guess your photos don't phase me as much as I have dated a model in my (rather dubious) past and you don't look that much different to her frame or that of her friends.

    This isn't a forum for 'models' it's a weight loss forum for achieving healthy bodies - for eating correctly and having a healthy frame and a healthy attitude to your weight - her 'before' clothed picture is of a slim woman/girl - not a before picture of someone that has a weight problem - and I don't believe she has a healthy attitude to her weight from the posts I've read and from her blog - to be that thin and not see it is a worry - she is 19, she should be enjoying life keeping fit and healthy of course - but the fact that she is adding herself to a forum which is supposed to be for overweight people to help them become a healthy weight - seems a nonsense to me.

    This is a forum for being become more healthy, NOT just for weight loss. Yes most of us here are to lose weight but that doesn't mean the site is just for us fatties.
    Should MFP kick off those who now are at normal weights/BMI?

    Maybe I can understand where she is better since I have had to put up with rude comments about my son being too skinny and do we ever feed him. I will not apologize for have a child with little to no body fat, who loves to run and climb, and be active. You should see what he eats in a day! He also knows when he's full and stops eating.

    I have NEVER felt ashamed to be part of this community, until now! Shame on a lot of you!

    I completely agree. I think it's really sad when a group of people that are used to being judged or feeling self-conscious would jump on another person just because that person is not of the norm on this site. Being your normal for you weight shouldn't be something that we look down on. What? You can't have goals if you are thin? I think it's a sad day when people who are used to being scrutinized would "bully" up on someone, and in my opinion it is just to make themselves feel better or justified.

    I think we are all here to get support and to meet our goals, and regardless of if we agree with everyone's reasoning or their goals, that doesn't mean that we should be judging other people or putting them down (even if it is in the form of concern). I think it would benefit people more to support them with kind words than to be judgmental and hard on them, which in my opinion would only make them feel worse about themselves and wouldn't help AT ALL.

    If she were in the obese range, you wouldn't see people talking "down" at her, and if there was someone doing that, those people would be shunned...
    Just thought I'd put this out there because I don't think body image is anything to mess with for ANYONE!
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    As a small framed, petite girl myself I would LOVE to look how you do in your before picture. I congratulate you for reaching the goal you set yourself but, please get some muscle on the go and get your smooth stomach back! Having your bones poking out can cause health issues, not only with weighing too less but muscle and skin it there to protect your precious bones. If you fell....there's nothing cushioning your little ribs! Take good care of yourself! I don't want to sound mean, just concerned
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    I noticed your shoulders and pecs are more toned in the 2nd picture and I wondered what your BF% is? Maybe that's something you should pay attention to..., rather than the scale #? Since you're slim to begin with, losing fat isn't necessarily the direction you want to take if you want to look more toned. My daughter looks very similar to you [5'6", 127 lbs, size 2 or 4] and after years of crying "I'm fat!", but not wanting to have what she calls 'man arms', so avoiding strength training, she's finally figured out that rather than trying to 'lose weight' and concentrating on the scale numbers, she needs to tone and build muscle in order to make what she's got look better. That might actually mean a small weight gain of muscle. Seems to me you've already figured that out. Good luck!

  • Fawnie
    Fawnie Posts: 67 Member
    when i look at your after picture it scares me.
    you looked just fine before, & you should of worried about 'toning' up then

    oh and by the way..
    i wouldnt ever be jealous of someone that looks like that....whats wrong with you people

    sticks & stones my friends. sticks & stones
  • I agree; you looked better before *in my opinion*, but as long as you're not hurting yourself, my opinion doesn't count ;)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    In fairness to the people who didn't post positive comments about this girl's photos I don't think they did so out of jealousy or spite, just concern. No one wants to see anyone on her harming themselves on here. I guess the "after" photo may seem to be extreme if you are not used to that type of frame.

    However, the assumption that someone is unhealthy based on their size is flawed (outside of the obvious extremes such as obese / emaciated.) For example, someone may be on the chubby size yet be in perfect health and have an amazing cardiovascular ability (fat but fit) Alternatively someone may have a "normal" size and weight yet be deeply unhealthy due to excessive smoking or consuming high levels of hydogenated fat etc.

    You cannot tell that someone has an ED simply by the way they look. I guess the fear is that this applies to OP given her slender frame. However, I have spoken to a number of ladies on here who on the outside seem to be at "normal" weight / appearances but struggle deeply with binging, throwing up, purging and so on. An ED is ultimately determined by your relationship with food, your emotional state, difficulties and feelings of self worth that brings etc. In other words, not how you look.

    I admit I have not read this girl's blog but I see no reason to doubt what she says in her posts on here about the level of calories she consumes, the amount of cardio she does and so forth. She seems to have done it the right way, is happy and healthy. Good luck to her.

    I can understand the concern. I do not feel in this specific instance it is warranted.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm incredibly envious of your teeny little waist, in both photos. It's not your size that concerns me in your after, it's the bones, especially around your shoulders and clavicles. I'm glad you're planning on doing strength training. You're just going to look even MORE incredible. Just don't get hung up on the scale or "goal weight" because it's likely to go up as you gain muscle. And be sure to get lots of protein. :flowerforyou:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    I just wanted to suggest getting your BMI checked by a health care professional. Generic BMI calculators are not always the tool for measuring true body fat because everyone's body composition is different. According to your height and weight a generic BMI calculator may say your at 18% body fat but you could be a lot less. For example if I put my height and weight in generic calculator it will give me a 37% body fat. I actually had my checked out by a health care clinic and they put me on a machine that measures true body composition and I'm actually only have 27% body fat. They said my body is very muscular even though I'm obese. I would suggest this to anyone focus on body fat %.

    I still wish you luck in your healthly living journey:flowerforyou:

  • YOU SAID .... in my opinion it is just to make themselves feel better or justified. THEN YOU SAID...

    I think it would benefit people more to support them with kind words than to be judgmental and hard on them.

    Hypocrite! So in general terms, I said what I said to make myself feel better? Right OK. Thats not supporting or kind words....
This discussion has been closed.
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