Should I cut carbs?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    just cut out junk food - not good carbs
    pasta at restaurants is often covered in butter and high fat cheeses (too much)
    a plate is easy 1,000 calories
    do not eat fried foods for a while (ex: fast food chicken nuggets and french fries)

    at 1100 calories OP's problem is not eating too much.

    and I would be curious what you think "bad carbs" are...
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP I agree with others who have suggested that 120 may be too low for someone your height, 1100 cals/day is definitely too low, and that strength training/recomp is probably something that would help you achieve your goals (unless your goal is truly to reach an arbitrary number on a scale with little to no regard for preserving lean muscle).

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ihaterocks wrote: »
    Hi. I'm 131 lbs and 5 foot 6. My goal weight is 120. I'm currently eating about 1,100 cals a day because I'm a college student and I'm not all too active. I've plateaued pretty hard the last few weeks and I wonder if it's because I consistently eat too many carbs. I know I do. I'm a vegetarian so I find it hard to hit my protein goal. Could cutting bread and pasta help me break free of the flat line?

    Perhaps your body likes being at that nice healthy weight?
    I worry when a young woman says she's eating a tiny amount of calories (less than I eat as a menopausal woman of the same height), is vegetarian, and now wants to cut carbs.

    Perhaps doing some weight training would be healthier than further restricting your weight to get to a very LOW vanity weight?
  • Sarajvz
    Sarajvz Posts: 30 Member
    ihaterocks wrote: »
    Hi. I'm 131 lbs and 5 foot 6. My goal weight is 120. I'm currently eating about 1,100 cals a day because I'm a college student and I'm not all too active. I've plateaued pretty hard the last few weeks and I wonder if it's because I consistently eat too many carbs. I know I do. I'm a vegetarian so I find it hard to hit my protein goal. Could cutting bread and pasta help me break free of the flat line?

    Perhaps your body likes being at that nice healthy weight?
    I worry when a young woman says she's eating a tiny amount of calories (less than I eat as a menopausal woman of the same height), is vegetarian, and now wants to cut carbs.

    Perhaps doing some weight training would be healthier than further restricting your weight to get to a very LOW vanity weight?

    120lbs for someone who is 5ft 6in is still a healthy weight/normal bmi (19.4). Someone at that height can get down to 115lbs and still be a healthy weight/normal bmi. Just wanted to point that out, because there's people who are doing fine at that height/weight range, me included :)
  • Roony02
    Roony02 Posts: 46 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...

    How does protein cause a spike in blood glucose levels???
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited November 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    What ever you do don't completely cut out carbs! Still eat at least the recommend amount. Carbs are essential for body function, 40% of the carbs you consume go straight to the brain-that's what it runs on. Carbs are also easy energy for the body to digest. You could try switching out some carbs for protein in a meal, just try and consume more nuts or tofu or whatever preferred protien you enjoy. There is protien in rice and beans (eating them together ensures you're getting all nine of the essential proteins). Chicken eggs are a great source of protein, they contain all nine essential amino acids and the body absorbs 100% of it. Also, I don't know how much you exercising, but increasing your workout should help break the plateaue. You eat to keep functioning while exercising should be used to lose weight. And if you are working out great, remember that muscle weights more than fat. Hope this was helpful. :)

    That just isn't true. There is no need to eat carbs to get the minimal glucose required for bodily functions. Your body can easily make it from the protein you consume, or your muscles (not good). Most people only need about 30-150g of glucose per day (depending on your source). The body is easily able to make that. I know of a few people who consume virtually no carbs, and have done so for years, and they are fine and healthy.

    That being said, there is no harm is swapping fats or protein for bread or other starchy carbs. I wouldn't cut your calories any more. You are pretty close to goal and that's probably why your losses have slowed.

    Perhaps cutting carbs will help. Sometimes a change can kick start losses again. I find almost any change in eating (macros or calories) can get things moving again.

    Good luck.

    sorry, but the bolded part is just not true. If OP is truly eating 1100 calories a day, how is cutting carbs and continuing to eat at 1100 going to result in any faster weight of loss?

    1100 calories at 30% intake of carbs vs 1100 calories at 15% intake of carbs is not going to make a difference.

    It has been true for me in the past. A change in macros or calories seems to often result in sudden losses for me. A whoosh.

    Please note that I did not guarantee that a change in macros or calories (maybe more in this case) would kick start losses. I said "perhaps".
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...

    How does protein cause a spike in blood glucose levels???

    It is generally a smaller spike and over a longer period of time. Protein can be converted to glucose but it isn't as extreme as a BG spike from carbs.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    If someone says carbs are essential - then ignore everything else they say cause it's just not true. The body can make carbs from other food.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    What ever you do don't completely cut out carbs! Still eat at least the recommend amount. Carbs are essential for body function, 40% of the carbs you consume go straight to the brain-that's what it runs on. Carbs are also easy energy for the body to digest. You could try switching out some carbs for protein in a meal, just try and consume more nuts or tofu or whatever preferred protien you enjoy. There is protien in rice and beans (eating them together ensures you're getting all nine of the essential proteins). Chicken eggs are a great source of protein, they contain all nine essential amino acids and the body absorbs 100% of it. Also, I don't know how much you exercising, but increasing your workout should help break the plateaue. You eat to keep functioning while exercising should be used to lose weight. And if you are working out great, remember that muscle weights more than fat. Hope this was helpful. :)

    That just isn't true. There is no need to eat carbs to get the minimal glucose required for bodily functions. Your body can easily make it from the protein you consume, or your muscles (not good). Most people only need about 30-150g of glucose per day (depending on your source). The body is easily able to make that. I know of a few people who consume virtually no carbs, and have done so for years, and they are fine and healthy.

    That being said, there is no harm is swapping fats or protein for bread or other starchy carbs. I wouldn't cut your calories any more. You are pretty close to goal and that's probably why your losses have slowed.

    Perhaps cutting carbs will help. Sometimes a change can kick start losses again. I find almost any change in eating (macros or calories) can get things moving again.

    Good luck.

    sorry, but the bolded part is just not true. If OP is truly eating 1100 calories a day, how is cutting carbs and continuing to eat at 1100 going to result in any faster weight of loss?

    1100 calories at 30% intake of carbs vs 1100 calories at 15% intake of carbs is not going to make a difference.

    It has been true for me in the past. A change in macros or calories seems to often result in sudden losses for me. A whoosh.

    Please note that I did not guarantee that a change in macros or calories (maybe more in this case) would kick start losses. I said "perhaps".
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...

    How does protein cause a spike in blood glucose levels???

    It is generally a smaller spike and over a longer period of time. Protein can be converted to glucose but it isn't as extreme as a BG spike from carbs.

    actually it is nearly identical according to this ..
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Bob314159 wrote: »
    If someone says carbs are essential - then ignore everything else they say cause it's just not true. The body can make carbs from other food.

    Well if you want to be technical, your body doesn't make carbs, it makes glucose. ;)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited November 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    Great link. And he further addresses it in a subsequent article, in which he addresses critics and clarifies issues raised in the first article (and Krieger is an objective, balanced researcher, not one of the anti-carb crackpot zealots like Mercola or Taubes).

    Yes, protein is also insulogenic.
  • Roony02
    Roony02 Posts: 46 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    What ever you do don't completely cut out carbs! Still eat at least the recommend amount. Carbs are essential for body function, 40% of the carbs you consume go straight to the brain-that's what it runs on. Carbs are also easy energy for the body to digest. You could try switching out some carbs for protein in a meal, just try and consume more nuts or tofu or whatever preferred protien you enjoy. There is protien in rice and beans (eating them together ensures you're getting all nine of the essential proteins). Chicken eggs are a great source of protein, they contain all nine essential amino acids and the body absorbs 100% of it. Also, I don't know how much you exercising, but increasing your workout should help break the plateaue. You eat to keep functioning while exercising should be used to lose weight. And if you are working out great, remember that muscle weights more than fat. Hope this was helpful. :)

    That just isn't true. There is no need to eat carbs to get the minimal glucose required for bodily functions. Your body can easily make it from the protein you consume, or your muscles (not good). Most people only need about 30-150g of glucose per day (depending on your source). The body is easily able to make that. I know of a few people who consume virtually no carbs, and have done so for years, and they are fine and healthy.

    That being said, there is no harm is swapping fats or protein for bread or other starchy carbs. I wouldn't cut your calories any more. You are pretty close to goal and that's probably why your losses have slowed.

    Perhaps cutting carbs will help. Sometimes a change can kick start losses again. I find almost any change in eating (macros or calories) can get things moving again.

    Good luck.

    sorry, but the bolded part is just not true. If OP is truly eating 1100 calories a day, how is cutting carbs and continuing to eat at 1100 going to result in any faster weight of loss?

    1100 calories at 30% intake of carbs vs 1100 calories at 15% intake of carbs is not going to make a difference.

    It has been true for me in the past. A change in macros or calories seems to often result in sudden losses for me. A whoosh.

    Please note that I did not guarantee that a change in macros or calories (maybe more in this case) would kick start losses. I said "perhaps".
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...

    How does protein cause a spike in blood glucose levels???

    It is generally a smaller spike and over a longer period of time. Protein can be converted to glucose but it isn't as extreme as a BG spike from carbs.

    Exactly so I certainly wasnt suggesting they give up protein too
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Roony02 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    What ever you do don't completely cut out carbs! Still eat at least the recommend amount. Carbs are essential for body function, 40% of the carbs you consume go straight to the brain-that's what it runs on. Carbs are also easy energy for the body to digest. You could try switching out some carbs for protein in a meal, just try and consume more nuts or tofu or whatever preferred protien you enjoy. There is protien in rice and beans (eating them together ensures you're getting all nine of the essential proteins). Chicken eggs are a great source of protein, they contain all nine essential amino acids and the body absorbs 100% of it. Also, I don't know how much you exercising, but increasing your workout should help break the plateaue. You eat to keep functioning while exercising should be used to lose weight. And if you are working out great, remember that muscle weights more than fat. Hope this was helpful. :)

    That just isn't true. There is no need to eat carbs to get the minimal glucose required for bodily functions. Your body can easily make it from the protein you consume, or your muscles (not good). Most people only need about 30-150g of glucose per day (depending on your source). The body is easily able to make that. I know of a few people who consume virtually no carbs, and have done so for years, and they are fine and healthy.

    That being said, there is no harm is swapping fats or protein for bread or other starchy carbs. I wouldn't cut your calories any more. You are pretty close to goal and that's probably why your losses have slowed.

    Perhaps cutting carbs will help. Sometimes a change can kick start losses again. I find almost any change in eating (macros or calories) can get things moving again.

    Good luck.

    sorry, but the bolded part is just not true. If OP is truly eating 1100 calories a day, how is cutting carbs and continuing to eat at 1100 going to result in any faster weight of loss?

    1100 calories at 30% intake of carbs vs 1100 calories at 15% intake of carbs is not going to make a difference.

    It has been true for me in the past. A change in macros or calories seems to often result in sudden losses for me. A whoosh.

    Please note that I did not guarantee that a change in macros or calories (maybe more in this case) would kick start losses. I said "perhaps".
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...

    How does protein cause a spike in blood glucose levels???

    It is generally a smaller spike and over a longer period of time. Protein can be converted to glucose but it isn't as extreme as a BG spike from carbs.

    Exactly so I certainly wasnt suggesting they give up protein too

    Even if protein doesn't spike insulin as high as, say white bread, it doesn't really matter. Your body will still cycle between lipogenesis and lipolysis. And a persons blood sugar will naturally fluctuate.

    And @nvmomketo situation isn't exact the same as others. IIRC, they do have a medical issue. And for those with medical issues, it can provide another variable that needs to be addressed within the bounds of the energy balance equation.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Roony02 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    What ever you do don't completely cut out carbs! Still eat at least the recommend amount. Carbs are essential for body function, 40% of the carbs you consume go straight to the brain-that's what it runs on. Carbs are also easy energy for the body to digest. You could try switching out some carbs for protein in a meal, just try and consume more nuts or tofu or whatever preferred protien you enjoy. There is protien in rice and beans (eating them together ensures you're getting all nine of the essential proteins). Chicken eggs are a great source of protein, they contain all nine essential amino acids and the body absorbs 100% of it. Also, I don't know how much you exercising, but increasing your workout should help break the plateaue. You eat to keep functioning while exercising should be used to lose weight. And if you are working out great, remember that muscle weights more than fat. Hope this was helpful. :)

    That just isn't true. There is no need to eat carbs to get the minimal glucose required for bodily functions. Your body can easily make it from the protein you consume, or your muscles (not good). Most people only need about 30-150g of glucose per day (depending on your source). The body is easily able to make that. I know of a few people who consume virtually no carbs, and have done so for years, and they are fine and healthy.

    That being said, there is no harm is swapping fats or protein for bread or other starchy carbs. I wouldn't cut your calories any more. You are pretty close to goal and that's probably why your losses have slowed.

    Perhaps cutting carbs will help. Sometimes a change can kick start losses again. I find almost any change in eating (macros or calories) can get things moving again.

    Good luck.

    sorry, but the bolded part is just not true. If OP is truly eating 1100 calories a day, how is cutting carbs and continuing to eat at 1100 going to result in any faster weight of loss?

    1100 calories at 30% intake of carbs vs 1100 calories at 15% intake of carbs is not going to make a difference.

    It has been true for me in the past. A change in macros or calories seems to often result in sudden losses for me. A whoosh.

    Please note that I did not guarantee that a change in macros or calories (maybe more in this case) would kick start losses. I said "perhaps".
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...

    How does protein cause a spike in blood glucose levels???

    It is generally a smaller spike and over a longer period of time. Protein can be converted to glucose but it isn't as extreme as a BG spike from carbs.

    Exactly so I certainly wasnt suggesting they give up protein too

    well if it spikes insulin it should be avoided right, or are you revising your statement?
  • anicamwagner
    anicamwagner Posts: 4 Member
    Bob314159 wrote: »
    If someone says carbs are essencial - then ignore everything else they say cause it's just not true. The body can make carbs from other food.
    I'm sorry if you don'tdon't understand the physiology of nutrients and their jobs. Carbs are important, body can make energy from protein (gluconeogeniuses) but it also means your taking away important amino acids from other bodily functions like keeping muscle healthy and other structers around the body. I wouldn't recommend cutting carbs out 100% (want to cut a few go for it) because she's a vegetarian and its a little harder to consume all of the amino acids to stay healthy on a meat restricted diet.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    ihaterocks wrote: »
    Hi. I'm 131 lbs and 5 foot 6. My goal weight is 120. I'm currently eating about 1,100 cals a day because I'm a college student and I'm not all too active. I've plateaued pretty hard the last few weeks and I wonder if it's because I consistently eat too many carbs. I know I do. I'm a vegetarian so I find it hard to hit my protein goal. Could cutting bread and pasta help me break free of the flat line?

    carbs don't cause plateaus.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,952 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    ihaterocks wrote: »
    Hi. I'm 131 lbs and 5 foot 6. My goal weight is 120. I'm currently eating about 1,100 cals a day because I'm a college student and I'm not all too active. I've plateaued pretty hard the last few weeks and I wonder if it's because I consistently eat too many carbs. I know I do. I'm a vegetarian so I find it hard to hit my protein goal. Could cutting bread and pasta help me break free of the flat line?

    carbs don't cause plateaus.
    Also, instead of seeing what you can remove from your diet, try seeing what you can add to your life. Add some exercise. Plain and simple, get more active...
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    What ever you do don't completely cut out carbs! Still eat at least the recommend amount. Carbs are essential for body function, 40% of the carbs you consume go straight to the brain-that's what it runs on. Carbs are also easy energy for the body to digest. You could try switching out some carbs for protein in a meal, just try and consume more nuts or tofu or whatever preferred protien you enjoy. There is protien in rice and beans (eating them together ensures you're getting all nine of the essential proteins). Chicken eggs are a great source of protein, they contain all nine essential amino acids and the body absorbs 100% of it. Also, I don't know how much you exercising, but increasing your workout should help break the plateaue. You eat to keep functioning while exercising should be used to lose weight. And if you are working out great, remember that muscle weights more than fat. Hope this was helpful. :)

    That just isn't true. There is no need to eat carbs to get the minimal glucose required for bodily functions. Your body can easily make it from the protein you consume, or your muscles (not good). Most people only need about 30-150g of glucose per day (depending on your source). The body is easily able to make that. I know of a few people who consume virtually no carbs, and have done so for years, and they are fine and healthy.

    That being said, there is no harm is swapping fats or protein for bread or other starchy carbs. I wouldn't cut your calories any more. You are pretty close to goal and that's probably why your losses have slowed.

    Perhaps cutting carbs will help. Sometimes a change can kick start losses again. I find almost any change in eating (macros or calories) can get things moving again.

    Good luck.

    sorry, but the bolded part is just not true. If OP is truly eating 1100 calories a day, how is cutting carbs and continuing to eat at 1100 going to result in any faster weight of loss?

    1100 calories at 30% intake of carbs vs 1100 calories at 15% intake of carbs is not going to make a difference.

    It has been true for me in the past. A change in macros or calories seems to often result in sudden losses for me. A whoosh.

    Please note that I did not guarantee that a change in macros or calories (maybe more in this case) would kick start losses. I said "perhaps".
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Roony02 wrote: »
    As above don't cut them out completely it all depends on the type of carbs you're eating. Things like pasta and bread (especially white) are simple carbs. So firstly try switching to brown/wholegrain and cutting down where you can. Things like having oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast as it is slow release so will keep you fuller for longer. Its about keeping your blood sugar levels as normal as possible without creating peaks and troughs throughout the day. This is what makes you feel hungry and lethargic and encourages eating more sugary foods for energy. This gives you an idea of what I mean.

    so OP should avoid protein too because insulin spikes?

    No, as far as I'm aware it's only high sugar foods that create such high spikes
    protein causes a similar spike...

    How does protein cause a spike in blood glucose levels???

    It is generally a smaller spike and over a longer period of time. Protein can be converted to glucose but it isn't as extreme as a BG spike from carbs.

    actually it is nearly identical according to this ..

    This link appears to largely discuss insulin spikes. I said blood glucose does not spike as high with protein as with carbs.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    There are many theories on why people plateau, but "eating carbs" isn't one that I've seen from people who know what they're talking about. It's unlikely that eating carbs is the cause of your plateau or that eliminating bread and pasta would end it.

    I know plateaus suck. I went through it and it was really super-frustrating to be doing everything right and have my weight loss slow to a crawl and then stop. That, "But I'm doing everything right!"'s hard. I was told to take a long break from dieting, so I did and that worked for me. Other people have found that changing their exercise or calorie cycling (or other things, I cannot remember them all) worked for them.

    Different strokes!

    Is it possible that you're at a good weight now and your body just doesn't want to lose because it would be too thin? Are you sure that you're on a healthy plan? 1100 calories for a young person just sounds so low! I'm thinking there is a chance that you've been over-zealous with the weight loss and your body is rebelling. I don't know! Just seems possible. Have you seen a doctor?