low carb anyone?



  • Annatheb1
    Annatheb1 Posts: 19 Member
    MarcieAvaJ wrote: »
    There's a great book called "Crack the Fat Loss Code" by Wendy Chant, a body builder. Body builders know that to build muscle and keep your weight in check, you've got to eat protein (aka low carb, low sugar), and you've got to carb cycle, to keep the body slightly confused so it won't adapt and slow down metabolizing. She gives a great explanation (scientific yet entertaining) of how to get started, and how to see results quickly.

    Thanks for the tip Macie!
  • Annatheb1
    Annatheb1 Posts: 19 Member
    ckeiling wrote: »
    Three months ago I was taking the following meds for diabetes: 3 shots of short acting insulin, 1 shot of long acting insulin, and two pills. (Novolog, Lantus, and Janumet) After 7 weeks of low carb eating, I have lost 14 lbs, and the only diabetes meds I am taking now is 1 pill and 1 shot (Janumet and Lantus). My doctor is thrilled and so am I. I have an appt to get bloodwork, and then we will begin lowering my high BP meds if we can. I am so very happy with the results. I stick to about 40-50 healthy carbs a day, from veggies or nuts and some full fat dairy. I feel so much better already. I had reached a point that all I wanted to do was eat and sleep. Now I am making it through my work days and even have enough energy to cook at night and do a couple chores. I also have been reading in the Daily Low Carbers group and finding some good tips.

    That's is awesome! I am so happy for you. Hopefully we will be off these meds for good soon!!
  • Annatheb1
    Annatheb1 Posts: 19 Member
    I lost 40 lbs originally with a low carb diet. I frequented reddit.com/r/keto for information. Its a decent community with support and tips on how to succeed with a low carb diet. I fell off the wagon and gained 20 of my original loss back. Carbs are a real pain to kick but the energy and the lowered scale numbers are good motivation to be in control of my intake. Best of luck to you! You're not alone.

    Thanks white smoke. It's hard not to backslide. That weight sure comes back fast. Weekends and nights are the hardest times for me
  • sweetsriracha23
    sweetsriracha23 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm also a low-carber, doing a combo of keto and warrior diet (intermittent fasting). I'd love some low carb buds!

    I have PCOS, but I've already lost about 66+ pounds and my PCOS symptoms are basically under control. I've never had success losing weight with any method but low carb.
  • Annatheb1
    Annatheb1 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm also a low-carber, doing a combo of keto and warrior diet (intermittent fasting). I'd love some low carb buds!

    I have PCOS, but I've already lost about 66+ pounds and my PCOS symptoms are basically under control. I've never had success losing weight with any method but low carb.

    I also have pcos and definitely this is the best diet to keep it under control :-)
  • midge_m
    midge_m Posts: 1,085 Member
    I'm on both fast and slow insulin plus metformin. A month ago I was seeing readings of 500+ (!) On my sugars, but I've been able to skip some of the fast insulin because the way I am eating is really positively affecting my blood sugar. Food really is medicine. I have a long way to go but I'm really encouraged by the changes.

    By the way, I am not doing anything hard , or crazy. Just trying to keep meals to 30g or less and snacks 15 g or less. I'm sure I'll refine it as I go but for now it's working!
  • Annatheb1
    Annatheb1 Posts: 19 Member
    midge_m wrote: »
    I'm on both fast and slow insulin plus metformin. A month ago I was seeing readings of 500+ (!) On my sugars, but I've been able to skip some of the fast insulin because the way I am eating is really positively affecting my blood sugar. Food really is medicine. I have a long way to go but I'm really encouraged by the changes.

    By the way, I am not doing anything hard , or crazy. Just trying to keep meals to 30g or less and snacks 15 g or less. I'm sure I'll refine it as I go but for now it's working!

    That's great l am glad it's helping you! My meds were cut in half after losing just 20lbs. Thanks for the tips. I need all the help l can get.
  • brit1970
    brit1970 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me hun, I'm doing keto and have lost a stone since beginning of September....I try to stick to 20 g carbs 0 sugar and 60-70g protein and 100g of carbs....I feel fab energy levels are better than ever and I'm never hungry....been gathering info over last 10 weeks so if I can help just ask.....would never go back to sugar or carbs now.....
  • mbutner
    mbutner Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me! I'm not diabetic but I'm doing low carb because it's in my family history so I don't want to get there. I have been on it off and on several times but this time I'm not going back. This way of eating works for me and keeps me full. I just started 11/4 and have lost 7 lbs so far. I do less than 20g carbs, 85 to 95g protein, 100 to 118 g fat. I'm never hungry doing this. Always looking for recipes and snack ideas! I usually tend to stay with the same stuff right now but I want to branch out with foods so I don't get bored......
  • Annatheb1
    Annatheb1 Posts: 19 Member
    mbutner wrote: »
    You can add me! I'm not diabetic but I'm doing low carb because it's in my family history so I don't want to get there. I have been on it off and on several times but this time I'm not going back. This way of eating works for me and keeps me full. I just started 11/4 and have lost 7 lbs so far. I do less than 20g carbs, 85 to 95g protein, 100 to 118 g fat. I'm never hungry doing this. Always looking for recipes and snack ideas! I usually tend to stay with the same stuff right now but I want to branch out with foods so I don't get bored......

    I am trying to shake it up also. I tend to eat the same food. Would love some new ideas. :-)