Inches & Weight Loss 12-week challenge

I'm starting this from a previous post I did and generated some interests: First Weigh In and Measurements taken June 13 The Following measurements are what will be taken:
Bra Line
Natural Waist
Naval Line
Lower Abs
Left Thigh
Right Thigh
Left Calf
Right Calf
Left Upper Arm
Right Upper Arm
Left Forearm
Right Forearm

Our Goal is not only to keep track of the weight which is lost but the actual inches as we are all trying to tone up as we lose weight. Any who wish to join can message me and add me as friend just please put it in message why you are adding me. We will weigh/measure in each Monday and I will post the weight/inches lost of each participant on each Tuesday.


  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    I'll see if I can get a tape measure today and then I shall post my start weight and measurements to you. Great idea - bring it on!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Great, "see" you Monday
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I'll do my measurements Monday, then!!
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    I'll join you and post.
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    Ok, and so it starts. Weight today is 190lbs.

    Measurements are saved into a Microsoft Office Live account. If you can PM me your email address I will share it with you. I tried to copy it onto here but it went all skewy!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I don't have all of the measurements but this is what I have so far.
    CW: 186lbs
    Starting measurements Goal measurements

    Waist 37.0 on 06/13/11 Waist 32.0
    Hips 46.25 on 06/13/11 Hips 41.5
    Left Arm 15.0 on 06/13/11 Left arm 12.75
    Right Arm 15.5 on 06/13/11 Right arm 36.5
    Left Thigh 28.6 on 06/13/11 Left thigh 25.5
    Right Thigh 28.7 on 06/13/11 Right thigh 25.5
    Left Calf 17.5 on 06/13/11 Left Calf 14.2
    Right Calf 17.6 on 06/13/11 Right calf 14.2
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I just realized you have an updated list of measurements from the 1st page.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Ok girls I'll be tacking the info into my chart and next Tuesday I'll share everyone's loss for the week. Weight in pounds and overall inches loss. We have one person who joined who had a death in the family and I told her she can join us when she sees she is able to. Francine you have my condolences hun.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Each week I will list the participants in the order of which they loss %wise for that week. At the end I'll do an overall loss for the entire challenge and post the order of how we finish. So far it looks like we have about 8-10 participants waiting to make sure before I announce the list in case I recieve more mail during the night tonight for those behind my time zone.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    So you all know my biggest reason for starting this journey... and this challenge was so that would lose the unhealthy fat I had gained. Prior to my car accident I was into some heavy training for work purposes. I was once a dive rescue diver. I was in the peak of shape when I went from being able to exercise daily or at least 5 days a week to not being able to exercise at all. MFP has helped me tremendously in understanding exactly how I reached the point I have. My body prior to that accident was used to burning probably 1500-2000 calories a day in training alone... not including the cleaning and horseback riding and anything else I was doing for enjoyment like taking my son for bike rides or in line skating along the beach with him for "fun". I was always outside, always active. I knew at my peak when I was maybe 10% body fat I weighed 145. For a woman I was solid muscle, I wore a size 3-5 because of my frame. At that point they considered my ideal weight 130 ish. Me at 130ish well I looked anorexic. I actually forced myself to gain weight because I didn't like seeing my ribs or hip bones. As I gaind weight I exercised to shape my muscles. I by no means looked like a body builder. I wish Ia pics of me then LOL but I was very camera shy and about best I ever had was me in my wet suit :laugh: I want to lose weight but I want to do it in a healthy manner. I've had to learn an entirely new way of exercising due to my injuries from car accident. I encourage each person participating in this challenge if you have a particular thing that is causing you trouble in your effort share it...Some of us others may be able to share information. I for one can share what I know about exercises that are less stressful on back and neck injuries. Exercises that have helped me to build my core muscles back up and have allowed me to become as active as I am. Hugs all just wanted to share as I hope to encourage the rest of you to share.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story, and your optimism is amazing!! I find you and your accomplishments very inspirational
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I never had a weight problem and lost all my pregnancy weight with my first child. Then, some hard pregnancies, living where I wasn't happy, age and being too busy combined to slowing my metabolism and a slow gain over many years. I tried to start to get more exercise despite, fulltime work, fulltime parenting and a long commute but exercise alone didn't work. I started exercising even more intensely when I was laid off but again I only lost about 9 pounds and some of it came back. Then I saw the article from someone who had used MFP and started here. I have very slowly lost 27 pounds since late last August. I found that my long plateau was not really so bad because I found by keeping the weight off I still slimmed and solidified my progress. I learned how to maintain I guess. I have started to slowly lose again. I have been in school trying to keep job skills fresh and it has had its impact at the end of each quarter but I am done with going fulltime. I will not apply to any job that requires such a long commute again. I too want to not just focus on weight loss but I need to continue to lose. I want to be healthier and stronger. I am not sure if what I am doing for exercise will show in inches lost but I can tell I am slimming up. I am continuing to fit in smaller sizes. However I have a big way to go so I need to do it in a way that is sustainable over a long time for me. Maybe by taking more measurements I will see where I am slimming. I am intensifying my exercise and making some changes in my eating to hopefully lose the next 25 more steadily. So a challenge is what I am looking for right now. Thanks for sharing Stariera.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    As I am having issues with my computer, my oldest son got sick last evening and I am still recieving messages from people I will post a list of the participants in the morning.:wink:
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    This is a list of our participants:

    If any others are interested and not on this list please send me a message.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I am wanting to do it. Do you just want me to start on next Monday? I would love to be friends if we are not already.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Either way. No pressure here if you want to send me your current measurements or just wait till next monday that is fine.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Updated list of participants
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    7 yrs ago I was raped by my ex-boyfriend it was horrific, and he had posted it all on a blog of his on the computer. I went for councelling right after I had made a written statement to the police, my therapist informed me that the best way to move on was to forget about the incident as best as I can. This in turn screwed things up, because according to the police I was causing public mischeif and could be charged due to the fact my verbal statement doesn't match my written statement that I wrote 2 months prior. They had the information off of his blog but that wasn't good enough. About 8 months later i moved to a different city with a boyfriend we were meeting people and one of the friends that we be friended came over to drop off some books for my boyfriend at the time. I ended up being assaulted again, this time the cops interogated the crap out of me(which I expected) but they went on saying that it was something mutual and then I decided to feel guilty about it and cried rape although the perp did have defence wounds I fought the best I could. So since these two incidents I figured the best way to keep this from happening again(besides self defence classes) was to eat myself till no one would find me attractive enough to want to do it. I know that control is why they do it but I didn't understand at the time. I couldn't love myself or understand why someone would want to be with me due to this. I just felt dirty, I went from 130-270lbs in 5 years. I am now fluctuating between 186-194lbs and would love to be 135-140lbs. I am on this journey for myself and only myself, I love the support but I feel that this weight loss journey will defeat those demons and the guilt that followed along with it. I am hard on myself but over the last 2 years I have realized it wasn't my fault and that I am worth a lot. I do have ups and downs but that comes with the territory, I used to look at myself as a victim but figured out that is only letting the bad guys win. I am a survivor and will get to my goal weight whether it takes me 2 months or 5 yrs I can do it.

    Thanks for the support=)
    (sorry for the typos)
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Sugarbeans, wow... I'm so sorry that you went through that, and it's especially brutal that the very people who are supposed to be there to protect and defend were so awful about it. I can't imagine going through the assaults, and then having the police treat you so badly. (((hugs))) You are such a strong woman, and you're an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    It hasn't been an easy recovery, I will admit to that and I still have bad days, bad dreams but I just decided that I can either live my life to the fullest and not let them win, OR I can live the way I was and die from unhappiness and from an unhealthy lifestyle. Luckily I now have a great man you loves and understands me and I am not afraid to stand on my two feet and speak my mind. I am here for me and only me. My boyfriend, family and friends are assets that help support my new life and I am ready to come out of this fat shell.

    Thanks for the support and I really look forward to this challenge
