Fail Week. Share your shame?



  • jsreddblaze
    jsreddblaze Posts: 15 Member
    Wine is my demon!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    This was a total fail week. Probably gained a pound because of all the bread and English muffins I ended up eating in the last 8 days because of PMS.
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm just taking the pressure off myself until January with the next month containing not only Christmas but mine and my dads birthdays too, there's gonna be a lot if cake and I can't afford the gym either until iys all paid for etc :') trying to eat healthier but not really trying to achieve anything huge between now and then
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I have been bulking but still my surplus has not been enough. I've been ravenous. I had a binge on Friday that all started with a pop tart. Anyway, besides the crazy binge, I burned the roof of my mouth on the pop tart and now I'm basically ill it hurts so badly.

    Stupid poptart.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    edited November 2015
    Fail week already and it's only Monday! Ate over 2000 calories yesterday on anything and everything I could find. Just looked at the calendar and realized it's about to be shark week, so maybe that's why. I was hoping/planning on doing really well this week until thanksgiving day and eating at maintenance for my mini vacation. Well, off to a rough start and thanksgiving isn't even here!
  • queenbekks
    queenbekks Posts: 58 Member
    Love this! I needed the laugh. I've been super busy and probably under eating until mid afternoon.... then for the past week, I've gone full werewolf every night. One day pizza, one day wings, one day beer... Oh well, back on the wagon... until Thanksgiving :)
  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    Fail week already and it's only Monday! Ate over 2000 calories yesterday on anything and everything I could find. Just looked at the calendar and realized it's about to be shark week, so maybe that's why. I was hoping/planning on doing really well this week until thanksgiving day and eating at maintenance for my mini vacation. Well, off to a rough start and thanksgiving isn't even here!

    Love the "Shark Week" one yet!

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Fail week already and it's only Monday! Ate over 2000 calories yesterday on anything and everything I could find. Just looked at the calendar and realized it's about to be shark week, so maybe that's why. I was hoping/planning on doing really well this week until thanksgiving day and eating at maintenance for my mini vacation. Well, off to a rough start and thanksgiving isn't even here!

    I'm with you. Was going to start saving calories for Thanksgiving today... yeah right TOM started yesterday and today is the worst day of it and I was just starving today and ended up 800 calories over maintenance again. But usually my appetite disappears on day 3 so I have hopes that I can at least make up for it by Thanksgiving (although yeah no calories will be banked for it).

    But this has been pretty much 2 weeks of fail.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    This thread is the best I've read on MFP. I have found honest to goodness real people. Thank you for the afternoon support. As I was reading I was eating 4 pieces of Starburst Halloween candy. That's it, the last of it, thank goodness. Have a wonderful week and only eat what's delicious on Thursday!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Haven't hit the gym in 1.5 weeks. Thinking of making it a deuce and moving on.
  • emmargest
    emmargest Posts: 20 Member
    OOOH gosh it feel so good to know I'm not the only one! Today I bought some popcorn to bring to a friends house for a "comfort food" potluck (the premade stuff with cheese on it) and ate almost all of it. Which, ya know, it's popcorn, right? NBD? NOPE. almost all of my calories.

    Absolutely not worth it. I would so much rather be drinking some wine right now.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yup, I blew it today too. Frustrating. Oh well, time to start over tomorrow.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I don't feel so bad, I thought it was only me or maybe it is the time of year when getting exercise in becomes difficult whilst eating ourselves silly. My weight stayed the same, so I was happy. Back on track this week, before going off on a mini vacation. I am hoping that I drop at least one pound.
  • shaunroberts
    shaunroberts Posts: 94 Member
    Same story for me for the past few weeks. Monday to Wednesday an hours worth of cardio a day, eating healthy good quality food. Get to Thursday and find I've lost the will. Eat what i want upto 2600 calories (my plateu calories) and some days eat surplus. Do no workout. Get to Sunday and think 'do you remember how hard you worked to loose all the weight!?!?' Back on it Monday. Rinse and repeat.

    I've plateaued for the past month. I don't mind as I'm a healthy weight and BMI but would like to loose another 5lbs.

    Just bought some free weights to mix things up a bit........yes yes I know I said I hated weight lifting!

  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Definitely fail week for me. Major fail. Many delicious things were involved. Pizza, beer, cookies, etc. Not that any of those things are bad. I just ate too much of all of them. I have to get it together. My clothes are...well...let's say they're not getting any looser. :s
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Didn't feel like going to the gym last night so I skipped it.
    But I did go at 6am this morning to make up for it :)
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    edited November 2015
    I had some potato chips with my hotdog today. I won't be doing that again! I could feel the grease sitting my stomach. I have not had any chips in weeks! Chips were my constant go to snack when hungry. I figured up the calories for that little bit of chips I ate and the calories are pretty high for the tiny bit of food you get. They were not worth the calories!
  • ShrinkingKerrie
    ShrinkingKerrie Posts: 338 Member
    I went for petrol and bought a sharing bag of chocolates which I ate myself because I was having a *kitten* day and I was pissed off!
  • Wacekmama
    Wacekmama Posts: 9 Member
    Oh yes. Mom was making homemade Rolls today for the big family dinner on Thursday and THREE of them went in my mouth in less than a minute, slathered in butter. Didn't even realize what I was doing until I was ripping the fridge door open like "HULK NEED MORE CARBS!!!!"

    Dude, self, what are you doing??!! Stop it!

    So, now I have enough calories left to have like a half cup of chili and 6 grapes for dinner. Sigh.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited November 2015

    That was a fun scene in my head. Thanks for the laugh!

    That's exactly how I feel when I get started on carbs. I call it a feeding frenzy, I circle the island in my kitchen and snag innocent unsuspecting food as I swim by.