Working towards a goal....getting below 300

MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
edited November 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a 32 year old male. 5'11 w/ high blood pressure. When I went to the doctor at the beginning of October I weighed 388lbs. My doctor flat out told me that I needed to lose weight, and start exercising. He told me I was young enough that I could get this weight off without having to have surgery, but I needed to start now, not later. It was the wakeup call I needed. He gave me the basic outline of a diet and calorie goal, and I have stuck to that since that day. I take in approx 1200-1250 calories a day.

About 2 weeks in I bought an exercise bike. When I first got on I could barely do 5 minutes without being out of breath. Now I can do 15 minutes on near the highest resistance setting and feel great afterwards, and am averaging under 5 minutes a mile. This morning I did 15 minutes and 3.3 miles. I do around 30 minutes on the bike a day, one session in the morning before work, and one after dinner. I never miss one, no excuses.

The hard work is paying off....when I was last at my doctors my blood pressure was way down from where it had been, and he is hoping that if I keep losing weight I can eventually get off the medication all together.

Weight 10/06/2015 388 lbs

Weight 10/15/2015 374 lbs

Weight 10/23/2015 364 lbs

Weight 10/29/2015 358 lbs

Weight 11/02/2015 353 lbs

I still have a long way to go. 350 is my first mini goal, but getting under 300 is the first big goal. It's been hard work, but I actually enjoy working out now and I've learned to control what I eat even if I have a treat every once in a while.

I always worry that eventually the weight is going to slow down coming off... and that will be the toughest but I plan to keep working hard to keep taking it off. I feel so much better than I did even a month and a half ago.

The other big key I think is that I do not drink pop at all anymore. I was drinking pop on a daily basis before. Now it's water and nothing else pretty much. Milk with cereal if I have some that's it.

300 by January seems doable at this point if I keep plugging away as I have been. Thoughts?



  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    That's a really aggressive goal.
    I'm 6'4" and started was mid 400s. I'm also mid 50s. I didn't make radical changes because I didn't think I could make them stick. So I eased my calories down and eased my activity level up. In 22 months I have lost around 115 pounds and I am continuing to steadily lose. I figured I'd been gaining for 25 years and it would take a while to lose.
    Your radical changes may work great for you and I hope they do. But realize this has to be a permanent change in lifestyle. You can not return to the way you were living before. If you do you will gain back.
    My advice is give yourself some grace and find something sustainable long term. If your current plan works long-term great. If you decide to go a little slower pace fine. Just keep going!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Way to get it! Remember, its normal to drop a lot of weight at first, but it will slow down. Average at your size is going to be about 2 pounds a week, so don't get discouraged.
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I know it will eventually slow down. That will be the first real test. I do think though that I have conditioned myself that this is a lifestyle change. I look forward to working out. I don't have the cravings for fast food like I used to, I don't miss not drinking pop.

    300 by January is really aggressive, I may not make that, but I feel that I'm at least on the right track. I feel what I'm doing now and what I'm eating I can maintain.

    My wife has been great in making really healthy meals for us so that has been a big help as well.

    Will keep plugging away. Hoping to be under 350 next Monday when I weigh myself again.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    It takes time, but you are on the right path!!
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    weight check-in today. 340.8 on the scale. Think I need to eat a bit more since I upped my workouts. I know that eventually its going to slow down some as I get more fat off of me, but 7 pounds in a week is a bit too much.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Options is a wonderful group if you'd like extra support and ppl with similar goals.

    Great job...keep it up :smiley:@alanerceg
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Wow great job! If you continue at about 5 pounds a week U think you will get to about 310 by New Years. That's still aggressive. Generally you only want to lose about 1% of your body weight a week, which is about 3.5 pounds a week for you.

    Keep up the good work! Sometimes you loose a lot in a week and then it stabilizes. But 7 pounds is a lot. And if you lose too quickly then you might have loose skin/stretch marks to deal with.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    Now that you've got the pop/junk food and calories/portions under control, maybe concentrate on macros and nutrients to be sure that you are properly fueling your body. With that aggressive weight loss, make sure you are getting enough protein, fat, and vitamins to keep your skin healthy, your hair from falling out, your bones and muscles strong, etc. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is health, not simply weight loss. Well done for really committing to this new way of life! Take some progress pics to post in the Success Stories thread!
  • juliebowman4
    juliebowman4 Posts: 784 Member
    I just want to offer you a cheer!
    This gal from Canada thinks you are doing just great!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    My only concern is that your calorie level is so low. If you eat that few calories, your body will adjust to that level and you will never be able to eat more than that without gaining. Are you willing to spend your life on 1200 calories a day? As an alternative, I suggest checking out the group Eat More to Weigh Less. It teaches you how to lose slowly by shaving 15% off the number of calories you need for the day so you are able to continue losing and eat a lot more. Congratulations on all you have done and good luck!!
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    edited November 2015
    I am going to try and focus on eating more, especially since I've been working out more than I had been. Trying to find that balance is tough. Trying not to focus so much on the numbers, but it's hard. Going to try and up to 1350-1450 or so with the workouts im doing, if not maybe 1500. I'm just not as hungry as I used to be I guess?

    ..yesterday was a good bit below what I should normally eat even with me trying to eat more to get to my calorie goal. Earlier in the week though I was between 1300-1500 most days so I did try to eat back some of my exercise calories.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Generally speaking I think the lowest for men is supposed to be 1600 bc if you need to drop calories as you adjust you can't. 1800 to 2000 if you are doing intense workout. Be takings multi and get enough protein n fat.

    Great job!
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    The 1250 that I started on was on the recommendation of my doctor, though that was before I started working out. Going up to 1500 at this point probably would not be a bad idea. I do take a multi vitamin every day, and try to keep my protein intake up.

    Appreciate all the advice and encouragement.
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Weigh in again this morning as it is Monday. Scale said 331.6, I always round up so I say 332. Still 8lbs or so since last week. I did up my workouts again, but thought I was eating more to compensate. Still feeling great though.
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    Great work!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You're doing great! You're right that the rate of loss will eventually slow down, but just stick with the plan and you'll see amazing results!
    SW 301
    CW 183
    GW 150
    17 months
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    Great progress!! You should be very proud of yourself!

    I think you are right to up your calories a little at a time so you don't lose too fast. Also, be sure to eat back at least a portion of your exercise calories to fuel those workouts.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    alanerceg wrote: »
    The 1250 that I started on was on the recommendation of my doctor, though that was before I started working out. Going up to 1500 at this point probably would not be a bad idea. I do take a multi vitamin every day, and try to keep my protein intake up.

    Appreciate all the advice and encouragement.

    Is your doctor aware that you've lost 8 pounds per week for seven weeks? I wonder if he gave you a low target of 1250 because he assumed you wouldn't be perfectly compliant and would actually eat at least 1500, which is the recommended minimum for men.

    I congratulate you on your weight loss, but do think you should slow it down.
  • stazed657
    stazed657 Posts: 19 Member
    Well done on the loss! That's amazing! Just make sure you are taking enough calories as you are upping the activity! Good luck for the rest! I reckon you'll make 300 for the new year!