How did you know???

So finally I'm very close to my "ideal" weight "132" 40 y/o after losing 45lbs however... A part of me wants to keep going since there is more fat on my abdomen (not loose skin) I know, I know, I lift do cardio etc but is fat, time to rethink my "ideal" ???


  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    If is time to maintain LOL
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    I wasn't a number per se but the way my body looks. I still don't like the look of my body. There is more fat that I can cut.

    If you are a numbers person and are happy with the goal weight I guess you can stop. If you don't like the look of your body then keep going until you do. Only you can make that assessment.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    My weight is fine by the charts but for my own taste I still have too much of a belly. I was on maintenance for a while but wasn't happy so I'm trying to drop a few more.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    I'm still trying to figure that out myself, the dreaded belly fat is making me think I need to cut just a little while longer. I'm no help, I'm just in for the replies!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    edited November 2015
    A friend just told me last week that you really DO know when you're at your optimal weight and body condition. Even though I've recently reached my initial goal weight (set when I joined MFP), I KNOW I need to keep working on losing body fat. So I am re-assessing what that new goal should be.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    When I stopped losing weight eating at an amount I was content with..I stopped.
    I had lost 45 lbs, and probably can get more lean, but for me it was more time and discipline necessary for the payoff.
    I love how I can enjoy life, and do not make nearly as many sacrifices as I would have thought were necessary. I guess everyone has their own image of themselves they want to see. Ultimately you gotta be happy with yourself!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I just stopped when I got to goal weight. Maintained for a while, reassessed, nibbled off a few more pounds, maintained for a while, nibbled a few more off in a series of steps over 15 months.

    Partly as my original "ideal weight" target probably suited me best 30 years ago but partly due to changing fitness and body composition goals.

    There is a danger that continuing past your goal weight just leads to being a smaller version of the body you aren't entirely happy with. Your body does continue to change in maintenance and it can also take a while for both your skin and your self-image to catch up.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I got to the place where losing more required too much work - which I did for a while, but felt like I was neglecting other aspects of life to maintain it. I was happy enough with where I was at and now just focus on eating really well. I know how much I want to eat, how much I want to exercise, and what sacrifices I'm willing to make. Once you know those things, you will know you're where you should be.
  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    Too many people think you can get rid if the belly with diet alone. To get buff it requires exercise --cardio and strength training in addition to a healthy diet. Most aren't willing to give up what it takes to get there.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Most of the time people's "ideal" weight is based on look and not much else. We all do that.

    I have NEVER hit my goal weight of 180lbs, but was down to 190lbs, and I liked that weight. But the reality of enjoying life and balancing it with health, I have muddle around 195 to 200 pounds the last year +. It is where I am comfortable eating and exercising, and where my body tend to sit weight wise.

    That is now and who knows if I will get on a binge again to lose, or if I could maintain a lower body fat. I certainly don't look like that ideal I have of myself and I see of all those amazing bodies of people around here. But I can't say I am unhappy.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    BikeTourer wrote: »
    Too many people think you can get rid if the belly with diet alone. To get buff it requires exercise --cardio and strength training in addition to a healthy diet. Most aren't willing to give up what it takes to get there.

    Yep - unfortunately most people don't have the body of an athlete hidden under their fat.
  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    BikeTourer wrote: »
    Too many people think you can get rid if the belly with diet alone.

    You absolutely can.
    BikeTourer wrote: »
    To get buff it requires exercise

    Growing muscle requires weight training, that's true. But getting "buff" has nothing to do with losing a belly.

  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Since I'm as skinny as one can be (arms-legs) thanks to my apple shape, I'm sure 5 lbs more or less in this case LOL are going to make a BIG difference in my middle, I'm not looking for a 6 pack
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    But I want it "flat"... I'm almost there I can feel it
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,039 Member
    I'm getting close to the bottom end of my normal BMI range ... I'm not exactly sure when I'll switch to maintenance, but it will be at some point while I am still in my normal BMI range. I don't want to drop to underweight.

    One of my deciding factors were a few skirts which I haven't been able to wear in a long time. If I could wear those skirts comfortably, then I might go to maintenance ... I'm wearing one now!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    My last goal before I entered maintenance for the first time was 130. I couldn't make it there. I was struggling so gave up right at 133 and tried a recomp.

    Recomp was fun because I could eat a bit more, but too boring for me. I decided to cut a bit more so I could really bulk. It's really up to you. You can always take a maintenance break and get back at it. Just because you choose to maintain for a bit doesn't mean you can't go back to losing in a month or so. Might be a nice break for the holidays too.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    WOW great advice!!!
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I am sitting in a maintenance "break." I'm 133.4 and have been here for nearly 2 months. I have my calorie goal set at 1500...but I normally eat between 1800 and 2000 calories. I would love to get down to 128, but right now I just don't know that it's worth it...AND to be honest, my body is STILL changing: my stomach has tightened and legs have toned. Maybe I'm recomping and don't even know it...
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    My goal weight was 125 lbs and at 5'5", I thought that was a good goal, especially since that is what I was in college. However, I just slid on past that until I settled around 118-120 lbs. My body decided that was where it wanted to be. Now at a size 4 pants (never wore that size before), I still have this little belly pooch mocking me. My abs are strong underneath that layer of fat and yet it is stubborn. My trainer says I am doing everything right in terms of cardio and weight lifting so the only thing left is diet. My diet is actually good but I do consume more wheat/gluten and sugar than I should. My New Year's resolution will be to try and slowly eliminate the wheat and see how my belly responds.