I'm a hypocrite



  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    4: I am a hypocrite
    - because I used to smoke and eat bad and now I am excited about eating better and losing weight and getting into shape.

    Heaven forbid you are actually taking care of yourself now!

    So they were rather you were eating unhealthly so that they feel better about their diet?

    Dont let them sabotage you, use the energy to work out harder, you will reap the benefits and feel better for it.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Just tell yourself ill do me and you do you.
    Because you are doing what is right for you and that takes making the best choices for you no one else and cheeky me would have said jealous much?!! lol
    Well done :smile:
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Why is it that the people who should support us the most, let us down the most? My favorite is when they ask you how you are doing it and then don't believe that all it really does take is determination, exercise and healthier eating.

    I am glad you are a hypocrite, there are lots of us here :bigsmile:
  • aggiecs
    aggiecs Posts: 27 Member
    You know why what you're doing is so important - hopefully one day they will too! Congratulations on your success! It really is hard to not want to talk about it, especially when it's working!
  • roxie_belle
    roxie_belle Posts: 45 Member
  • pacmanjack
    pacmanjack Posts: 866 Member
    Of course those words hurt, but be BIGGER than those words and use them to motivate you. Your ACTIONS are disproving their WORDS. Eventually they'll all figure that out... the jealousy will stop, and they'll see that you are doing it RIGHT.

  • jmartinbuyer
    Good for you,,,, keep up the good work and eating better to stay healthy is wonderful.
  • jmartinbuyer
    Good for you,,,, keep up the good work and eating better to stay healthy is wonderful.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Whoa...guess you hold a mirror up to them now that you got your stuff together and they don't like it. They liked the old complacent you that was just like them.

    You do know missery loves company don't you? which is why I can't have a decent relationship with my mom and sister.

    Just don't push it on them and tell them you are still the same just a bit healthier on the inside and out and you feel great and if they don't have anything positive to say it would be appreciated if they just stuck to other topics to discuss.

    Sorry they were crappy to you but we love you for making yourself better and hey! You just changed a tiny portion of the world's terrible fate and demographic of being so unhealthy so.

    Hugs to you and a big Whoop Whoop for all your efforts.

    Screw em!
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    Good for you!!!! Way to turn a negative into a positive. Keep doing what you're doing. Forget the rest. It's about you!!! Nobody else. My husband actually gives me a hard time some mornings about going to the gym!!! "you're killing yourself" "take a break" - we must do what's best and right for us. Congrats on the smoking and the weight loss!!! You rock~~~:flowerforyou: :drinker: :wink:
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    First off, I applaude you for all of your changes! Stopping the smoking and changing your diet are HUGE accomplishments! I know what you are saying though, I have the same things with co workers sometimes. When I see them grabbing a candy bar and huge bottle of pop I tell them about how many calories and sugars and stuff is in it and they are like "you have to die of something" I only was telling them because that was my problem, I never stopped to look and realize what I was putting in my mouth in a day. Just thought if I could get one more person to see that I could help them. But I don't do it anymore! When they ask how did you lose so much weight, I ask do you really want to know before I answer...lol. I started the change because my husband had a heart attack, I just don't want others to have to find out the hard way!
    Anyway, congrats and good luck in the future. And I agree, turn the negative into motivation to keep going! Sometimes I think people are just jealous because they would like to do the same thing but are afraid of failing if they try!

    I am going to try to say this as kindly as possible because that is how it is meant. You may think you're helping someone by giving them unsolicited advise on how much sugar is in a candy bar or a soda, but no matter how good your intentions are, please don't do it. Trust me, they KNOW. Smokers KNOW smoking is bad for them. Overweight people KNOW chocolate and soda are the enemy. They don't need you or anyone else telling them, unless they ask for advice and help. I realize your intentions are probably very, very good. But your methods are very, very bad and probably quite annoying. When someone says "you have to die of something", what they mean is "shut up and don't tell me what I should or should not eat". Share your successful tips with people who ask for your help. Your success is message enough for those who don't ask.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Yesterday I went out with my family.
    They noticed I lost weight, and aside from my brother everyone had only negative things to say.

    1: I am too skinny now
    2: I am scrawny on top
    3: I am trying to push my new "fad dieting" onto them
    - because I was telling them I am trying to eliminate sugar as much as possible because of the info I have learned over the past few months.
    4: I am a hypocrite
    - because I used to smoke and eat bad and now I am excited about eating better and losing weight and getting into shape.
    5: It's not going to last

    I was hurt, felt like the kid in the school yard who got picked on again.

    I had to share because i have it all bottled up inside and cant say anything to anyone because I might begin my uncontrollable preaching again.

    I got up this morning and rode 9 miles on my bike, ate my oatmeal, and entered my info into MFP.
    I will be converting their bad energy into motivation. From now on when anyone asks how I am doing it I will just say I am eating better. I will never ever again share the details of what I have learned and how much this web site has helped.

    I'll show them and the world that i can do this !!

    First of all, I LOVE the profile pic! That's great!! :D
    Secondly, dont let the negativity of others get you down! People are generally afraid of change. They are seeing a different you and it's probably hard for them to understand it. (Trust me, I get the same type of comments from my family, including, "You look sickly." and "You dont look good." and "You are too thin." and on and on. And Im NOT too thin or sickly. Im healthier than Ive ever been! (I quit smoking about 15 years ago too.)
    Third, don't give up on sharing what you have learned and being an inspiration to others!! We are not islands. We need people. Just keep in mind that they might not respond the way that you hope at all times. In fact, my family is so rude that they dont wait for me to share anything about my fitness; they come right out and say it without provocation! LOL It's ok. Im a big girl. I can take it. Im pretty mouthy too. hehe ;P

    Congratulations on your positive transformation!! And good luck with future interactions with the family!! :D
  • Hixena
    Hixena Posts: 24
    I know the feeling. When people ask me how I have lost weight I just say I run 3 times a week. I don't bother telling them about cutting out wheat, circuits twice a week, and calorie counting, because no one wants to hear it's hard work. It just makes them narky.

    definately! as one of the smaller ones in my circle of friends i started putting on weight to a point where it put me in the overweight category and thought im doing something about this now not later, i met up wth friends for lunch told them how id lost 8lb and how (mfp exercise etc) hoping for some sort of encouragment and all i had was a table of silence back at me, until one finally broke the silence by talking about how she was so drunk on the weekend blah blah blah, how rude! i put it down to jealousy that i was doing something about my weight and they sadly dont have the courage to even try. people can be so mean and negative. Congratulations on your weight loss and not smoking!!! :) i have been a non smoker for 5 months now :)
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    There is a saying something along the lines of "Success is the best revenge". Good for you to channel that negativity into motivation. You are not being a hypocrite, you are making a lifestyle change. Unfortunately, change is very threatening to many people.
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    I think most of us experience that at some point. First off, Congrats---Way to go in taking the steps you need to be a healthier you! They're jealous and unfortunately I've always noticed that people like that WANT you to fail, but these are the exact people that will piss you off and make you push forward and keep going! All you can do is encourage them to change, and if they don't want to, they won't. It just sucks people can't just be happy for you and support you. :smile:
  • NuevaNatalia
    NuevaNatalia Posts: 72 Member
    LOL. They called you a hypocrite? Do they even know what a hypocrite is? It's someone who pretends to be what he is not. You are not secretly smoking but then giving the impression publicly that you are not a smoker. You've just stopped smoking. You've changed your lifestyle for the better. You'll find that with losing weight, you'll be losing friends but will replace them with better friends.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Mdbondurant
    Mdbondurant Posts: 104
    WOW - now if that is not frustrating!! Let's remember that "LOVE" doesn't say such things, but "JEALOUSY" does! Keep up the great work!!

    I too have quit smoking (9 years ago) and it was one of the hardest things I ever did. I also changed the habits of associating with "smokers" I didn't stop seeing them or talking to them, I just quit hanging out in the "smoking section" Good luck and know you have friends here to encourage and discuss your lifestyle changes with!

    ~Michelle from TX
  • TriumphantLife
    TriumphantLife Posts: 56 Member
    You ROCK! and you have plenty friends here to tell you how awesome you are!!! Keep up the good work.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    You are doing such an amazing thing! Don't let anyone bring you down!! You are not a hypocrite by any means... You have just found a better path to take, called health. Keep going! You're an inspiration! They should realize that too!
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    Yea, don't worry about it too much. I've experienced something similar - but I believe that it's because people are not use to me being smaller then what I was - and trying to be healthier. Unhealthy eating and living was a way of life 12 months ago. Now a lot has changed.

    Give it some time and be true to your goals and things will get better.

    Congratulations on your successes. You are always encouraged and free to share your accomplishments here with us. We're always anxious to hear more!

    Congrats again!
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