Awkward Moments at the gym?



  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    A mentally challenged woman once approached me completely naked in the locker room and asked me to help her put on her bathing suit......
    What do you say to that?
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    I have a good one. One time when I went the the place was packed. I wanted a treadmill, but they were full, so I jumped on an elliptical waiting for one to open. I saw someone getting ready to get off, and a bunch of people eying it, so as soon as they got off, I ran and jumped on. The only problem? The ***** didnt bother to turn off the machine!! The gym was loud and packed, I couldnt hear it, so I jumped on and flew off. I had the choice of making the walk of shame out of the gym or just keep going, so I just kept going. I kept looking for the person who did it (boy did I have words for them) but never saw them reappear. So embarrassing!

    It's so hard to figure out the next plan of attack to ease the embarrasment.. what to do... act like nothing happened or take the walk of shame out the front...

    There is absolutely nothing you can do to diffuse the situation when you get caught "staring" you turn away immediately and it looks like you actually were staring... or you can continue to stare back and hopefully they'll turn away immediately. With my situation, I tried my best to make known I had a chest strap on... my sweat soaked shirt with the cold a/c and fans didn't help with the hard nipple look... I'm sure she thought they were hard from rubbing them.....AAYYYYY.... oh well
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    For some reason the treadmill seems to help release gas in me. Luckily, the gas takes the up elevator instead of down! The other night I let out a belch that was as good as any frat boy after chugging contest!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    There are two types of ellipticals at my gym, well ofcourse I like the newer model where you're higher up (as are the foot pedal thingies) well getting off a little shaky after pushing myself one day I caught my foot on one of the pedals/bars and fell slat on my butt. Ofcourse it was also peak hours when I did this!!
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    I was in the middle of my workout on the elliptical when a fart slipped out.. instantly i thought it would help if i coughed.. maybe it would cover up the sound.. then i realized it had already slipped out and if anyone was going to hear it, they already did.. I had no idea how loud it was becuase i had my headphones on.. I was so emberassed!!
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    I once seen a guy sweating so badly on a machine that he was completly drenched and he had to mop up the sweat on the floor because of the giant puddle he left. I wish I could work out like him but no one wanted to use the machine after him.
  • cgcortezrn
    cgcortezrn Posts: 26 Member
    Was on the elliptical watching the mini TV attached to the machine with my headphones plugged in. A scary movie was on at the time, I found myself so into the movie that when the "ghost" popped out it scared the S**t out of me, I screamed, and almost fell off the damn thing. Everyone stopped and turned around laughing. I hadn't realized how loud I screamed cause my headphones were on.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    AWKWARD but totally amazing moment.

    Game 4 for the Red Wings against the Sharks.
    Obviously, if we didn't win this game, we were eliminted.
    There were a TON of people at the gym this night.
    Well as the minutes rolled down, we were all cheering as we scored more!
    Then finally, WE WON!
    Now, let me tell you, a lot of things happened in the 10 seconds after the game ended.
    First, I threw my arms in the air (while sprinting on the elliptical).
    Fell off the elliptical (gravity is NOT your friend.)
    Got lifted off the ground by the guy that was on the elliptical next to me,
    and pulled in for a weird hug-dance-yell-fist-pump motion that I didn't think was possible to accomplish while vertical.

    Finally analysis:

    Hockey: bringing strangers together in a sportly-hood embrace. [:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I was in the middle of my workout on the elliptical when a fart slipped out.. instantly i thought it would help if i coughed.. maybe it would cover up the sound.. then i realized it had already slipped out and if anyone was going to hear it, they already did.. I had no idea how loud it was becuase i had my headphones on.. I was so emberassed!!

    I did exactly the same and looked at the guy next to me in accusatory fashion and just mumbled''...dude...''
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    AWKWARD but totally amazing moment.

    Game 4 for the Red Wings against the Sharks.
    Obviously, if we didn't win this game, we were eliminted.
    There were a TON of people at the gym this night.
    Well as the minutes rolled down, we were all cheering as we scored more!
    Then finally, WE WON!
    Now, let me tell you, a lot of things happened in the 10 seconds after the game ended.
    First, I threw my arms in the air (while sprinting on the elliptical).
    Fell off the elliptical (gravity is NOT your friend.)
    Got lifted off the ground by the guy that was on the elliptical next to me,
    and pulled in for a weird hug-dance-yell-fist-pump motion that I didn't think was possible to accomplish while vertical.

    Finally analysis:

    Hockey: bringing strangers together in a sportly-hood embrace. [:

  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    We've all had them! You're lying if you say no! I have two to add to my growing list...

    First... I was passing by a trainer and his client, while the trainer was taking his measurements. The Trainer yells out a little too loudly "Ya know, when you drop a dookie you instantly lose 5lbs!!" Of course I happened to hear and looked their way just in time to make eye contact with them... awkward for all 3 involved.

    Second... I always have my HRM on, and it's always sliding down. I pull it up multiple time during my training sessions. Well today, was no different and I was in my zone as usual. I don't pay attention to anyone while I'm there and often look around without noticing I could possibly be looking in a direction of someone else in my line of sight. Part of my ritual after pulling my HRM chest strap back up is pressing the sensors back onto my skin by rubbing both sides simultaneously... at that instant I was staring off into the distance and happened to catch a glimpse of someone and at that very moment she happened to look back. It's already weird when you're not actually staring at someone then you notice you're looking in their general direction and they happen to look back and now you're wondering if they thought you were staring. Now imagine this with the added action of rubbing the contacts under your shirt!!! AWKWARRRDDDDDD!!!!!

    So forum... what are your stories???? I know you all have some good ones!

    I was once on the treadmill and an older woman (like 60ish) started running beside me... HER BOOB POPPED OUT! Also my HRM is constantly sliding down too. I always wonder what ppl are thinking when I am adjusting it under my shirt. lol.

    Rofl! What did the old lady do?
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I was running on the treadmill at a pretty good pace jamming out with my beats when I lifted my arm to adjust my headphones and brought them back down, I pressed the emergency stop button. The treadmill stopped dead in ITs track, I flew forward, knocked my air out. Thank goodness it was sunday morning and I'm hoping no one saw.
  • SavannaN
    SavannaN Posts: 148
    The first time I went running on the treadmill, I closed my eyes for just a few seconds and didnt realize how slow I was going in comparison to the machine, and fell off. IT was pretty bad at the time, and left almost
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    I was on the treadmill and there was this guy on a weight bench, his crotch facing me and he apparently didnt have any undies on and his "baby bird" was looking right at me, lol.
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    I was on the treadmill and there was this guy on a weight bench, his crotch facing me and he apparently didnt have any undies on and his "baby bird" was looking right at me, lol.

    Lmao. Baby bird huh. Poor guy. I would make sure I had a hawk to show off if I was going around commando!
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    1. I tripped over the metal holders that cover the cords to power the machines just last week (I didn't fall, but just laughed at myself!)

    2. Tried the stairmill/master machine for the first time last week and seriously almost tripped a couple of times

    3. Speaking of tripping, I am so uncoordinated whenever my feet are not planted into a part of any machine (like a bike or the elliptical). I fall over my own feet just walking on the treadmill!

    Just gotta laugh it off :o)
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    AWKWARD but totally amazing moment.

    Game 4 for the Red Wings against the Sharks.
    Obviously, if we didn't win this game, we were eliminted.
    There were a TON of people at the gym this night.
    Well as the minutes rolled down, we were all cheering as we scored more!
    Then finally, WE WON!
    Now, let me tell you, a lot of things happened in the 10 seconds after the game ended.
    First, I threw my arms in the air (while sprinting on the elliptical).
    Fell off the elliptical (gravity is NOT your friend.)
    Got lifted off the ground by the guy that was on the elliptical next to me,
    and pulled in for a weird hug-dance-yell-fist-pump motion that I didn't think was possible to accomplish while vertical.

    Finally analysis:

    Hockey: bringing strangers together in a sportly-hood embrace. [:

    I think this is my favorite story!!! Haha!

    Hockey/stranger related story: I live in Denver and went to the Wings/Avs game this past January. Well, my friend was late, so I was in the lobby watching the game on the big screens instead of in the arena, cause I had her ticket. (GGRRRR!) Anyway, I'm watching, also talking on the phone to my dad in Michigan... Wings are down like 3-1 or something... and this random guy also in Wings gear just walks right up to me, gives me a hug and said something like "it's gonna be okay!!". Definitely the most hilarious thing I've had happen wearing my Wings gear. =)

    Gym related story: Ummm. I don't know if I really have one. I embarrass myself in front of my trainer all the time, but I work out at her house, and we just laugh about it as it's happening... sadly no really good stories to tell.
  • tejoman
    tejoman Posts: 12
    My gym has an infrared sauna. Odd things usually happen around there, but one time I walk in lateish at night (8 or 9) and theres a guy in there buck naked...
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    Loved reading about all of your awkward moments!

    I think the worst thing I did was put my panties on backwards before I ran out the door for step class then kept wondering why they kept doing the crawl; only to find out when I got home:tongue:
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    I was on the treadmill and there was this guy on a weight bench, his crotch facing me and he apparently didnt have any undies on and his "baby bird" was looking right at me, lol.

    Lmao. Baby bird huh. Poor guy. I would make sure I had a hawk to show off if I was going around commando!
