40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Hey Larry how was camping?
    I started contracting for work and even going out for lunch am better on calories than working near fridge :-)
    Does Caramel still post?
    Beeps it's getting cold here and warm gooey foods keep calling to me. I just want to bake in this weather.
    Hi to all! Drinking my water...
  • nh5nh5
    nh5nh5 Posts: 21 Member
    I've been on mfp quite a while and my weight has been up and down. Currently it's going down
  • nh5nh5
    nh5nh5 Posts: 21 Member
    And I did write a lot more than the above but it's not showing on the thread
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I am 40 ! Hi !
    I am 5'4" and weight around 57-58 kgs
    I just want to tone up a bit esp my hammies and that bit where my butt meets my thighs
    Exercise I do thai boxing classes 3-4 days a week , walk dogs and going to do some kind of weight work at the tiny gym at my work
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I lifted today.

    Am back on track with calories.

    I sure hope I catch some sleep tonight.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    nickpnh wrote: »
    Hey Larry how was camping?

    It's been pretty nice. Cool at night, and not overly hot during the day. I'm hoping to get back into my camping groove. Until we moved out to the farm 12 years ago, I camped every Wednesday and Sunday night. I have made a shelter {small house} out of tarps, and keep hauling "stuff" to fill it up.

    I did some more cobbing while I was down there. I changed the fire chamber on the Fox stove.

    Also made a couple of rocket stoves in cardboard boxes.

    You find out by doing, and I found out duct tape isn't enough support for that much mud. The first one I made had bad posture, but luckily, cob can be recycled.

    I used part of that mud on the one I made today. It will take up to a month for the cob to cure all the way. But after a week you can put small fires in it to help dry it out.

    I also found out my cousin has a small backhoe and is always looking for excuses to use it. So I might be able to finish the digging in good order. Since I hurt my back a couple three weeks ago, I have had to use the shovel sparingly. I have only dug enough to get the clay and sand used for mixing the cob.

    You guys have a good one,


  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited December 2015
    nickpnh wrote: »
    Does Caramel still post?

    She may on other threads, but it's been a while since she did anything on here. Her surgery was scheduled for a week ago today, with two weeks recovery time. I have been remiss in not sending here a PM to see how she's doing.
  • bonitasuet37
    bonitasuet37 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm Bonita. I'm 44 and have lost 45 lbs since March. Started on ww then switched to my fitness pal. Love this app.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited December 2015
    Heading to Florida tomorrow for a week to work a major chess tournament and throw in some vacation. Will get plenty of walking!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi my name is Cindy and I am 41, married no kids (and am not planning on them) but I love my Fur kids!! I have been struggling a long time, and have complications to my struggle like Gluten and hypothyroid, plus bad reactions to most grains. I am best off Paleo diet, for my health. Not as easy as it should be!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Bis & Tris=DONE! i'm wicked cranky today. my vacation ends in about 2hrs. I don't want to go back and am tempted to just say @%#& it and call out. >:(
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Hi, I'm 46. I've lost 13 lbs since January. I'm married and a SAHM to a 4 yr old girl. Also, an artist. I started lifting heavy last Fall & love it! Trying to be the best version of myself I can be!
  • lolawindon611
    lolawindon611 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Lola im 43 new to the group.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Larro, sorry for the auto correct to larry, tell caramel hi if you pm her. Alf, how's the foot? Beeps bringing it as always.
    Happy Tuesday!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »

    Sdereski, what is the name of your B&B?

    Have an awesome day!

    Long Beach Bed & Breakfast :)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning Cool kids. Welcome to all the new folks! Great to see you here.

    Cannot believe how quickly the days go by. I realized I had not checked in, in a few days. Was in the city, visiting with my youngest son and his family. Got some good cuddle time with baby Audrey. She is SO adorable! And, such a good, good baby! She has two teeth, which was a real surprise to her parents, as she was not cranky at all. Other than the drool, she really didn't exhibit any "teething" signs. :smile:

    I have not had time to do any workouts since last Wednesday! Gah! I so dislike when life gets in my way. I do curl tonight, but I don't count that as exercise.
    My eating has also been so-so. I am seeing a pattern. When I workout diligently, I eat better. When I let myself go, I let myself go all the way. Not good.

    Have a great day all!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Hello to all the new people! Still trucking along missed kickboxing last night due to work but off to kettlebell tonight!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    nickpnh wrote: »
    Larro, sorry for the auto correct to larry, tell caramel hi if you pm her.
    Happy Tuesday!

    Lots of folks call me Larry, so I didn't even notice it. Caramel says she is pretty swollen still, but can already tell she is happy in her skin. Which she has ten pounds less of.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Audrey sounds cute, sdereski!

    I like your nature photos better, larrodarro.

    gamerguy is right on his lifting, as usual.

    Hi Alf and furball!

    I lifted today. BOOM!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    nickpnh wrote: »
    Larro, sorry for the auto correct to larry, tell caramel hi if you pm her.
    Happy Tuesday!

    Lots of folks call me Larry, so I didn't even notice it. Caramel says she is pretty swollen still, but can already tell she is happy in her skin. Which she has ten pounds less of.

    That's tough surgery. I will have to get it done probably. I already have skin issues after the loss I've made and I still have lots to go.