What has surprised you most about your weight loss journey?



  • mae3599
    mae3599 Posts: 29 Member
    suprises are my clothes are getting looser n slimmer even i ate in normal portion within 1200 calories per day... i could not done this without mfp apps :) good luck to everyone here
  • I'm surprised that my breasts and stomach is not going anywhere. Granted, I've only lost 16lbs so far, but I am upset those two areas are the same. What's even more disappointing is that I'm heading these areas may be the last to go. What a bummer.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    How much I hate getting, "health advice," from people that don't know what the duck they are talking about.

    "I can't believe you orders a burger with no bun and still got the fries, that's ridiculous and you're going to gain weight again."
    "You need to change your ab routine because your abs are going to get use to that routine and you're going to start gaining fat in your abs."
    "Don't lift that much, it's going to make you bulky."
    "You should be on 20g of carbs a day not 100."

    The fact that ANYONE is telling the person in that avatar what to do...boggles the mind.
  • sodapoppin28
    sodapoppin28 Posts: 66 Member
    Surprising how much soda made me fat, I use to love it now I hate it.
  • blkandwhite77
    blkandwhite77 Posts: 281 Member
    How excited an accomplished I feel when I hit another work out goal. I always said I don't work out. I'm not a fitness type person. When I changed my mentality, and decided anyone can work out and anyone can be a fitness person if they just do it, then it opened up a new wonderful world to me. Today I didn't exercise to rest my very sore legs and all day I was so bo
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 661 Member
    That I simply can't eat the way I used to without feeling sick. Whenever I overeat (like Halloween), I just have a stomach ache. It's not even fun anymore. I never thought I would be one of those people.

    I caved and ate a chocolate cake donut and got the worst headache! It's true, your body just doesn't know how to handle it anymore! Ha!
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    that the NSV are just as important as the scale victorys - times like now where i havent lost in 3 weeks - the little nsv here and there are really helping me push on
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    One of the biggest surprises for me was that you don't have to actually kill yourself with exercise to lose weight. I think that was the single biggest obstacle for me. When I finally decided it was time to change, I asked for a treadmill and had it in my head that I was going to have to spend hours on it while doing heavy workout videos every day. And I did practically kill myself in the beginning, and the first 20 pounds pretty much fell off but I was really not happy and did not enjoy it.

    It wasn't until I realized that I had to change the way I ate that it really clicked for me. Now I don't see exercise as a chore anymore, it's actually something I can do or not do and weight loss isn't dependent upon it. I actually enjoy my treadmill now more than ever and do still walk daily but realizing that the weight I had to take off was completely dependent upon the food I consumed and that it didn't really matter what I ate, just how much of it. What? LOL Now I do exercise to get more food to eat :) And I never have to see Jillian Michael's face ever again on my TV screen if I don't want to. Ugh, how I hate workout videos. So much.
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    Several things:

    1. I'm always cold.

    2. I'm always getting advice I never asked for and don't need.

    3. My new lifestyle and weight make people VERY uncomfortable. I get judged, criticized, and called names by people I never expected would react that way.

    4. A simple free app made it so easy. I can't believe I didn't pay a dime and barely changed what I eat and have lost 66 lbs. on my own.
  • dianaiku
    dianaiku Posts: 96 Member
    That when I eat the right foods I can actually eat quite a lot so I hit my minimum. sometimes I am not even hungry but I am 500 calories below my minimum so I get to eat something tasty and still lose weight. That 2000 calories is actually too much food to eat in a day even though it is a "standard guideline". That losing weight on dieting alone is hard work with little to show for it.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    ar9179 wrote: »
    How much I hate getting, "health advice," from people that don't know what the duck they are talking about.

    "I can't believe you orders a burger with no bun and still got the fries, that's ridiculous and you're going to gain weight again."
    "You need to change your ab routine because your abs are going to get use to that routine and you're going to start gaining fat in your abs."
    "Don't lift that much, it's going to make you bulky."
    "You should be on 20g of carbs a day not 100."

    The fact that ANYONE is telling the person in that avatar what to do...boggles the mind.

  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    How much I hate getting, "health advice," from people that don't know what the duck they are talking about.

    "I can't believe you orders a burger with no bun and still got the fries, that's ridiculous and you're going to gain weight again."
    "You need to change your ab routine because your abs are going to get use to that routine and you're going to start gaining fat in your abs."
    "Don't lift that much, it's going to make you bulky."
    "You should be on 20g of carbs a day not 100."

    Ask those people to show you their abs. That should shut them up.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    How effing cold I am all the time... Down to my bones.

    Me too..unless I'm trying to sleep, then I'm like a furnace...

    I understand the logic behind losing weight and feeling the cold..but clearly my body is confused! In our office I am probably the lightest person there now and I am boiling hot when one of the ladies who is only a teeny bit heavier than me is complaining of being bitterly cold. It's a major source of contention in an otherwise nice office of women.
  • Khovde07
    Khovde07 Posts: 508 Member
    The fluctuations! I knew I had eaten a lot of salt over Thanksgiving so my weight jumped quite a bit in a few days. But yesterday I drank about 3 liters of water and today I was down 1.5 pounds! It's amazing what an effect water has!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Several things:

    3. My new lifestyle and weight make people VERY uncomfortable. I get judged, criticized, and called names by people I never expected would react that way.

    I really think it's because those people have decided they don't want to make the hard efforts in their own life and want to feel good about that but seeing you reinforces that they DON'T feel good about it. You are visual "salt in their wounds" and force them to acknowledge that if you could do it, they can too...but they have to want to.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    krithsai wrote: »
    How much I hate getting, "health advice," from people that don't know what the duck they are talking about.

    "I can't believe you orders a burger with no bun and still got the fries, that's ridiculous and you're going to gain weight again."
    "You need to change your ab routine because your abs are going to get use to that routine and you're going to start gaining fat in your abs."
    "Don't lift that much, it's going to make you bulky."
    "You should be on 20g of carbs a day not 100."

    Ask those people to show you their abs. That should shut them up.

  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    that 3 week diet thing sounds like hoo-ey. anything that 'costs' you is total hoo-ey. So many ppl have tried all kinds of diets and if they did lost wieght it wasn't sustainable. I have sworn off using anything that costs me money for books, tapes, etc.
  • froggyfreak330
    froggyfreak330 Posts: 3 Member
    Hmmm I think its the differences I've noticed pretty early on. The increase in energy, I don't feel hungry and like snacking between meals, just how much better I feel overal and I haven't even lost that much weight yet.
  • froggyfreak330
    froggyfreak330 Posts: 3 Member
    Hmmm I think its the differences I've noticed pretty early on. The increase in energy, I don't feel hungry and like snacking between meals, just how much better I feel overal and I haven't even lost that much weight yet. Oh and how simple it actually is. I put it off for so long because it seemed like more trouble than it's worth. I'm never going back to my old habits.

  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    Losing weight is easy. Losing bf and sparing muscle not so much.