Challenge Group (New Members Welcome!!!) June 6th-June 12th



  • tbever
    tbever Posts: 173 Member
    MON –Miles: 3.5~ Ounces of Water: 48
    TUES – Miles: 3.75~ Ounces of Water: 56
    WED – Miles: 3 ~ Ounces of Water: 32
    THU – Miles: 3 ~ Ounces of Water: 64
    FRI – Miles: 1 ~ Ounces of Water: ??
    SAT – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: ??
    SUN – Miles: # ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Total Miles: 14.25/21
    Total Days Meeting Water Goal: 0/7

    We went camping over the weekend, and honestly, I didn't track any water or food!! I did do a short one mile walk on Friday! Got some miles to get in today!!
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    MON –Miles: 3 ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    TUES – Miles: 1 ~ Ounces of Water: 88
    WED – Miles: 2 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    THU – Miles: 3 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    FRI – Miles: 2 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    SAT – Miles: 2 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    SUN – Miles: 1 ~ Ounces of Water: 120

    Total Miles: 14/21
    Total Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7

    Sorry I totally flunked the walking challange:grumble: Something I really need to work on.
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    Failed miserably! Here's hoping to better success with next week's challenge(s)!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    MON –Miles: 4.5~ Ounces of Water: 60 (guessing as I did better this day than Tues)
    TUES – Miles: 1 ~ Ounces of Water: 56
    WED – Miles: 4.7 ~ Ounces of Water: 68
    THU – Miles: 2 ~ Ounces of Water: 24
    FRI – Miles: 2.7 ~ Ounces of Water: 32
    SAT – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 16
    SUN – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 24

    Total Miles: 14.9/21
    Total Days Meeting Water Goal: 0/7

    Not good!!! But am glad I did this challenge to be more aware of my water intake. Will continue to try to up it! As for miles, I am now on Week 7 of c25k - full runs each day. Can start trying to increase my pace to try to reach that 3.1 point. Excited for this weeks challenge!
  • bbahmer377
    bbahmer377 Posts: 36 Member
    MON -- Miles: 3.5 ~ Ounces of Water: aprox. 95 oz
    TUES – Miles: 3 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    WED – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    THU – Miles: 1 ~ Ounces of Water: 85
    FRI – Miles: 5 ~ Ounces of Water: aprox 80
    SAT – Miles: 5 ~ Ounces of Water: at least 100. I stopped counting haha :)
    SUN – Miles: 4 ~ Ounces of Water: at least 100. SO MUCH WATER! (haha for me at least)

    Total Miles: 21.5/21
    Total Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7

    Ahh! I didn't think I was going to make it on the miles! But yayy! Good job everyone that participated in the challenge!! :)

    Are we having another one this week?! I really hope so, I loved this!
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    MON –Steps: 0 (that I counted) ~ Ounces of Water: 30
    TUES – Steps: 3600 ~ Ounces of Water: 84
    WED – Steps: 2000 ~ Ounces of Water: 100
    THU – Steps: 6000 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    FRI – Steps: (no idea, got my pedometer tonight, though!)~ Ounces of Water: 130 (I was sick--all I did was drink water and tea all day)
    SAT – Steps: 10,150~ Ounces of Water: 90
    SUN – Steps: 3200 ~ Ounces of Water: 97

    Total Steps: 24,950/14,000
    Total Days Meeting Water Goal: 6/7

    I decided that since I don't really walk regularly, I'd try to count my steps (without a pedometer <_< >_> ). But then I got a pedometer! Saturday was a big day because I was at work--I had like 9000 steps in about 4 hours!!
    I think it equates to about 12.5 miles this week. Considering the first couple days I only counted what I could remember to count, and i Friday I was sick all day and didn't do anything, I don't think I did too bad.
    I'm actually surprised at my activity level. That's a lot of steps! Especially Saturday....
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    MON –Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 64
    TUES – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 64
    WED – Miles: 3.4 ~ Ounces of Water: 72
    THU – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 72
    FRI – Miles: 1.6 ~ Ounces of Water: 72
    SAT – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    SUN – Miles: 1.6 ~ Ounces of Water: 64

    Total Miles: 6.6/21
    Total Days Meeting Water Goal: 1/7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I apologize for the delay. Since Im late posting the challenge this week, I made it a little simple. Good Luck! :smile:

    Here is the link:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Yesterday was a crazy day, didn't have a chance to post
    MON –Miles: 3 ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    TUES – Miles: 6.75 ~ Ounces of Water: 104
    WED – Miles: 0 ~ Ounces of Water: 100 ish
    THU – Miles: 3.5 ~ Ounces of Water: 128 ( was really thirsty!)
    FRI – Miles: 4.35 ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    SAT – Miles: 4.75 ~ Ounces of Water: 85
    SUN – Miles: # ~ Ounces of Water: 86

    Total Miles: 22.35/21
    Total Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7
    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:
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