Can't stop eatting cookies



  • dkingdom1
    dkingdom1 Posts: 60 Member
    I hear you. I really do. I could've written that exact same post as you. Everytime I go to an event at school and there is a plate of cookies, I end up eating 8-9 of them! 2 weeks ago I had 8 and yesterday I had 9 (plus trail mix too). Monday I'm not even sure how many I had. I know how "exciting" it feels to have a plate of cookies in sight and to just gorge on it because nobody else really takes any. I know that it gets to the point where the Cookies are the highlight of the day, even when they shouldn't be. I know that, when you try to spend the last couple of days not going over on calories, that the Cookies are the only things on my mind. And I know that having just 1 or 2 of them isn't worth it if you are trying to keep a "budget", so you say forget it and have a ton. But then again I know that I shouldn't beat myself up for it, but then again, Iacknowledge that something *might* be wrong. I can't give much advice, but I want to say thank you for writing this thread. (:
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I've always been in the "enjoy all the food you can within your calorie limit" boat. But 5-8 cookies at 210 calories a pop is almost a whole day of calories for someone trying to lose weight. And in my experience those cookies don't keep you full.

    Sometimes, and I know I'll get flogged for this, when I notice I can't stop eating something, I don't start. As in eat none. Like say, at a party, people have good chips and salsa out. I'm a "I could eat Chips and Salsa all day everyday" kinda girl. But if I'm watching my weight, I know that those things will be a trap - I'll have one, it will be good, I'll want more. If I don't have 1, I don't know what they taste like, and I eat the carrots instead. Or I eat before I go to a party and not eat anything - just get a vodka/soda and sip it...

    I noticed I had an issue with eating the free food in our department at work...even though I'd log it, it made it so I couldn't eat much more later, so I just told myself free work food was off limits. If I didn't bring it in, I didn't eat it. Problem solved. It works. If don't start, I don't over eat.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    My answer would be both which would mean eating as much cheesecake as my calories allow for

    Those who can eat the most cheesecake and still lose weight wins! :) I ate two pieces on Thanksgiving and two the next day and I'm still down .9 pounds this past week. I win!

    If you want to be successful (at least from my experience) it comes down to making allowances for things you want without going overboard. Making good choices all around but not being overly restricting.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I do not work at Subway but I love those damn cookies!! Sometimes I go there for lunch just to also get cookies. I've had to develop self control. Like Rabbit said, if I eat a bunch of cookies I won't have calories left for meals. Just log every cookie you eat and have it in your head that you can't go over your calorie amount. Once you see that number get high from the cookies you will be more inclined to stop eating. I usually eat one with lunch and save the other for later, but almost for sure I end up needing to work out on those days because I run out of calories!
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    When you want to lose weight more than you want to eat another cookie, you will stop.

    I suggest you stop and log each cookie before you eat it and really look at the numbers. Then decide if you still really want the cookie.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Pick your favorites, or the flavors you would like to have most that day, and limit yourself to 1-2 per day. Look at the calorie count -- that is a LOT of calories to be spending on just cookies, especially if your goal is to lose weight. Those cookies are delicious but you really should start working them in, especially since you work at Subway they're not going away! ;)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    I agree with taking just a bite out of one and throwing the rest away. You will still get the feeling of the cookie in your mouth and stomach, but in the end you might only wind up having 2 or 3 cookies in total rather than 8. I'll do that a lot, take a bite out of something and throw the rest away.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    I do not work at Subway but I love those damn cookies!! Sometimes I go there for lunch just to also get cookies. I've had to develop self control. Like Rabbit said, if I eat a bunch of cookies I won't have calories left for meals. Just log every cookie you eat and have it in your head that you can't go over your calorie amount. Once you see that number get high from the cookies you will be more inclined to stop eating. I usually eat one with lunch and save the other for later, but almost for sure I end up needing to work out on those days because I run out of calories!

    Logging and sticking to calorie goal has helped me stop overeating 10 high calorie cookies (and candy and other high calorie foods) at a time. Running out of or being over calories at 1pm sucks!!

    Subway cookies are delicious! It would be difficult for me to resist if I were around them all day. Does Subway allow you to have that many for free? If not, maybe save the money you spend on the cookies for a new outfit or something you really want.

  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Don't start eating cookies as soon as your shift starts! Allow yourself to have one or two at the end and really take the time to enjoy them! I bet rushing to eat 6 is not much pleasure anyways
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    I agree with taking just a bite out of one and throwing the rest away. You will still get the feeling of the cookie in your mouth and stomach, but in the end you might only wind up having 2 or 3 cookies in total rather than 8. I'll do that a lot, take a bite out of something and throw the rest away.

    I take one bite and toss. I scoffed at that idea at first but one bite can be better than nothing. It is very wasteful but my trash can has an unlimited calorie allowance unlike me!
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    I ate 2 oatmeal cookies from firehouse subs yesterday thinking they might be around 120 calories each, I was in shock when I logged them last night and realized it was 500+ calories!! Log before you eat and you might think twice before putting them in your mouth if weight loss is truly your goal.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    And also think of what you are NOT going to be eating because of those cookies...still want them? Keep your goal in mind ;)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    My sweet tooth is ridiculous you don't even know. I could eat an entire cheesecake if my stomach could take all that volume

    So what?

    What do you want?

    Cheesecake or weight loss?

    I'm just saying when I start to eat something sugary like those cookies its hard to stop at that moment. And also I did hit a plateau of weight loss somewhere around october, I hadnt lost a pound in like a month even though i was eatting 1200 calories everyday. I ate 2100 calories for a week just to see if it would fix that problem, but i found it difficult to get back on track. I have reduced my intake of cookies to 1-2 a work day these last 5 days. But its harder to ignore the cookies then it was when i was dietting and i dont know why.

    I think that's normal. Dieting has an obvious benefit from not eating things -- you lose weight. For a lot of people it gets harder when the benefit is just staying the same. It's a mental game you have to work on.

    Beyond that, it's about habits. If you don't eat the cookies or see it as an option, it can be easy not to (although if you feel deprived you might end up caving spectacularly or just deciding it's not worth it). If you get back in the habit of doing it, it may be hard to control.

    I found this after I did a bike trip. I'd been in a nice pattern of eating only at meals (if I had a sweet it would be as dessert immediately after a meal and would function as part of the meal). As a result, I wasn't hungry between meals and it generally did not cross my mind to eat the food that's always available in my office break room. During the bike trip I was riding 50-100 miles a day, so was also eating all day. When I got back to my regular life I wanted to keep eating all day and I had to suck it up and feel deprived for a few days until I got back in my eating only at meals habit, and then I was fine again (and could include the occasional sweet or dessert with no problem in moderation).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Personally, I find it more helpful and I have fewer out-of-control moments when I focus less on what I'm cutting out of my diet and more on what I need to put into it. Counting my calories, getting enough veggies in my day, trying to reach 90-100 grams of protein daily, watching my micronutrients, etc naturally leaves less room for sweets (though I still make room for them) without the added stress. I used to bring home cookies and eat them all in one sitting. Over time that desire has waned by concentrating less on the cookies and more on the other foods I need to include.

    I also agree with this -- this has been by far what has helped me eat a good, calorie-appropriate diet without it feeling difficult.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    OP, how long have you been dieting?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    My sweet tooth is ridiculous you don't even know. I could eat an entire cheesecake if my stomach could take all that volume

    So what?

    What do you want?

    Cheesecake or weight loss?

    I'm just saying when I start to eat something sugary like those cookies its hard to stop at that moment. And also I did hit a plateau of weight loss somewhere around october, I hadnt lost a pound in like a month even though i was eatting 1200 calories everyday. I ate 2100 calories for a week just to see if it would fix that problem, but i found it difficult to get back on track. I have reduced my intake of cookies to 1-2 a work day these last 5 days. But its harder to ignore the cookies then it was when i was dietting and i dont know why.

    In general, I find it hard to stop too. So it's easier for me to just not start. Or, I can have one serving for dessert after dinner. If I've had a sufficient amount of protein and fiber, it's easier for me to moderate treats.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Orphia wrote: »

    Thanks for typing that out.

    I'm just assuming that the OP will soon get sick of the cookies at that rate of consumption, so it won't be a big deal in the scheme of things.

    My sweet tooth is ridiculous you don't even know. I could eat an entire cheesecake if my stomach could take all that volume

    I was not good at moderating my sweet tooth and I eventually went low carb, giving up all added sugars, to get control of it. It worked. My sugar cravings are completely gone. The down side of the diet is no cookies, the upside is that I don't crave them anymore. ;)

    It's not for everyone, but when a low carb diet worksfor someone, it works well.

    Best wishes.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    dkingdom1 wrote: »
    I hear you. I really do. I could've written that exact same post as you. Everytime I go to an event at school and there is a plate of cookies, I end up eating 8-9 of them! 2 weeks ago I had 8 and yesterday I had 9 (plus trail mix too). Monday I'm not even sure how many I had. I know how "exciting" it feels to have a plate of cookies in sight and to just gorge on it because nobody else really takes any. I know that it gets to the point where the Cookies are the highlight of the day, even when they shouldn't be. I know that, when you try to spend the last couple of days not going over on calories, that the Cookies are the only things on my mind. And I know that having just 1 or 2 of them isn't worth it if you are trying to keep a "budget", so you say forget it and have a ton. But then again I know that I shouldn't beat myself up for it, but then again, Iacknowledge that something *might* be wrong. I can't give much advice, but I want to say thank you for writing this thread. (:

    Moderating and have just one or two cookies is well worth it. That's what moderation is all about.

  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Orphia wrote: »

    Thanks for typing that out.

    I'm just assuming that the OP will soon get sick of the cookies at that rate of consumption, so it won't be a big deal in the scheme of things.

    My sweet tooth is ridiculous you don't even know. I could eat an entire cheesecake if my stomach could take all that volume

    I completely understand about the sweet tooth mine is ridiculous as well, I went cold turkey for about 2-3 weeks in the beginning of my journey. Going cold turkey wasn't easy for the most part I kept reminding myself of my goals and what I wanted to achieve. I also ate other things to fill the void like yogurt or fruit. Now I have gradually added in sweet treats on some days or even almost everyday some weeks. I do my best to fit it within my calorie goal.
  • reyeswanda151
    reyeswanda151 Posts: 9 Member
    OP, how long have you been dieting?

    I've been dietting for a little over 3 months.